We owe Spike Lee a huge Apology


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
So he wasn't having an intelligent convo with you? Its clear that after he said his piece, you wasn't intelligent enough to have a comeback response so thats why you got angry. Intelligent people can see this from a mile away bruh...

As G's or "Men" we should be able to discuss things. You just said some bullshyt and thought you just made a point which you didn't. Because of this guys reply...

Thats why you didn't make a point. But what catches my eye is how you end your bullshyt rant by saying "STFU and lets move on" like if you wanted to throw some garbage into this "intelligent" conversation. Then you want us to shut up and leave it where you left it at?

W.E. :blessed:

No..I AM intelligent enough..its just that dude cant accept that we dont agree on EVERYTHING...so he picks out the shyt we dont agree on and keeps it going...instead of just letting the shyt go..everyone has their own mind and not everyone is ginna see shyt the same way as u...funny thing is I agree with what MOST of u guys have been saying...he just chooses to pick at the little shyt we dont agree on and keep it going...fukk outta here fam I dont have time for that...


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
So, because they have dolls of what? Inglorious b*stards had soldiers in it
Grindhouse I didn't see... Resevoir dogs action figures where guys in a suit. Kill Bill is a bunch of Asains dressed in black. Because of that, its now oK to have SLAVE DOLLS :dwillhuh:
And then you got c/s'd :mindblown:.

I know you struggle with reading comprehension so let me explain it slow style.

He was bringing up the dolls as if it was an extra level that QT was taking to further exploit slaves. If QT has action figures for damn near every movie he does then he in fact did not do anything extra to exploit the characters. He was just doing the same thing he does for his other movies. I never stated whether I thought the dolls were ok or not.

Me and my boys had the conversation about not being able to see out of those bags way back in the day when playing cops and robbers. To see someone else bring that up was funny to me. I don't care if it was in the context of the klan.

Sam Jackson ain't said shyt everyone here hasn't already laughed at when Uncle Ruckus said it. So where was the uproar about Uncle Ruckus? Comedic racism is funny on a cartoon but not funny on thbig screen?


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
I dont think he wouldve been catering to anyone if he had watched it before...now were past that point anyway. I meant it deflecting criticism in the way that by him saying he's not watching the movie it automatically gives ammo to the haters even if he does make a good point. Now u might say hed get hated on anyway which he probably would but I dont think it would be to this extent.

I'm not following you. Reading the script is just like seeing the movie.
Even more so because he can see all the details we wouldn't see
He'd also read things like maybe scenes that were deleted.

Did Spike just read the summary at the back of a book, or an entire script?
A better question would be did Spike Lee's haters read the script?
Because its apparent that ppl think the script doesn't tell you the story :rudy:
So the real issue is peoples ignorance in general

They ignorant to the point they don't comprehend what a script is.
So I wouldn't expect a person who can't comprehend properly what a script is, to even comprehend whats wrong with Django. Of course that statement isn't 100% true, but I think you get what I mean :hula:

EDIT: I had is instead of isn't.. my bad

2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
So, because they have dolls of what? Inglorious b*stards had soldiers in it
Grindhouse I didn't see... Resevoir dogs action figures where guys in a suit. Kill Bill is a bunch of Asains dressed in black. Because of that, its now oK to have SLAVE DOLLS :dwillhuh:

Django Unchained NECA Action Figure Photos - MovieWeb.com
So if you showed these action figures to someone that had zero knowledge of the film, you think they would think it has anything to do with slavery?
Plus Django was a free man, and
Broomhilda was a free woman by the end
Also note the "Ages 17 & up"

Luckily, it looks like Enterbay is still releasing their line
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0lnhK0FIxk"]Enterbay Django Unchained 1/6 Action Figure Teaser - YouTube[/ame]

This is like politicians going after violent video games because of someone commits mass murder

Luke Cage

Coffee Lover
Jul 18, 2012
funny thing about this whole debate is it is basically a bunch of white people trying to tell black people what they should or should not be offended by.as if we don't have a right to offended unless we have a white persons permission. if you know something offends somebody and you do it anyway you are intentionally being offensive whether you agree with it or not.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
No..it got changed cause the store wouldn't take it that way...and put pressure on def jam...but he still released THE ****** TAPE...and guess what?..black people complained about Nas' title...such as Al Sharpton and the like...were they CORRECT in their assumptions?..difference with a movie script from reading lyrics is u can take from lyrics what it is if u have good comprehension skills..it basically means what it means..movie script is different..which is why great actors passed on GREAT roles and regretted it cause of the script...such as Will Smith as Neo from the Matrix...Al Pacino passed on straight classics...such as Han Solo in STAR WARS...etc...theres revisions..everything..it takes WAY more to get the gist of a movie than to just read the script unless its complete and utter trash...
I hear you, but you still wrong. First off, Spike is a director. Not an actor so he should be able to get more out of reading a script than an actor.
An actor can be illiterate :yeshrug: Acting bruh, they not known to be super intelligent (not all) so it would vary on how much a person would get from reading a script. But since a script is the entire movie in word for with LINES. Yeah, I certain he know more about Django than people who actually seen it because he read it. Not the other way around :ufdup:
And because an actor passes on a movie role they regretted later is irrelevant because of the points I just made...
I know you struggle with reading comprehension so let me explain it slow style.
Well I appreciate that homey :troll:
He was bringing up the dolls as if it was an extra level that QT was taking to further exploit slaves. If QT has action figures for damn near every movie he does then he in fact did not do anything extra to exploit the characters. He was just doing the same thing he does for his other movies.
I hear ya, but if I could slow it down even slower? His other movies wasn't about controversial topics. With the logic your using (its slow logic) because he made an action figure for other movies, then its alright to make a slavery movie and make slavery dolls. Like, how the fukk do you know about QT movie action figures :stopitslime:
I'm pretty sure you can find an action figure for any movie that did well in the boxoffice :stopitslime:
Thats really your "excuse" :wow:
Me and my boys had the conversation about not being able to see out of those bags way back in the day when playing cops and robbers. To see someone else bring that up was funny to me. I don't care if it was in the context of the klan.
You act like anybody in this entire thread was referring to that scene :dwillhuh:
Whats up with this Strawman Prophecies bullshyt goin on in this thread???
Sam Jackson ain't said shyt everyone here hasn't already laughed at when Uncle Ruckus said it. So where was the uproar about Uncle Ruckus? Comedic racism is funny on a cartoon but not funny on thbig screen?
Yeah, there's things you can get away with on a cartoon you could NEVER get away with in movies/etc. Is that news to you?
Also, The Boondocks is a show that attempts to raise people awareness about issues just like what the fukk we talkin about right now dummy
I think you are just too slow to catch the actual message :snoop:
That Martin Luther King Episode? You'd be the reason why he went to Canada (Tru Story)

This might help you see what I'm getting at a lil bit, but probably not
Simply Cheris. . .: Django Unchained or The live version of Catcher Freeman

And QT had issues with Roots? :leon: That shyt was aired on Regular TV back in like the early 80's, what did he expect
W.E. :blessed:


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
Django Unchained NECA Action Figure Photos - MovieWeb.com

So if you showed these action figures to someone that had zero knowledge of the film, you think they would think it has anything to do with slavery?
Plus Django was a free man, and
Broomhilda was a free woman by the end
Also note the "Ages 17 & up"

Luckily, it looks like Enterbay is still releasing their line
Django Unchained (2012) Toys, Action Figures, and Collectibles
Enterbay Django Unchained 1/6 Action Figure Teaser - YouTube

This is like politicians going after violent video games because of someone commits mass murder
Bruh, you said "Slave Dolls" Not "Just Django"
But with that said, The entire premise of because Django is now black, he'll be a slave.. yeah, that'll be awesome. Then he can free the slaves, give it to the white man that calls him nikka. And we'll do it like over the top see. It'll be awesome!!!


2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012
Bruh, you said "Slave Dolls" Not "Just Django"
But with that said, The entire premise of because Django is now black, he'll be a slave.. yeah, that'll be awesome. Then he can free the slaves, give it to the white man that calls him nikka. And we'll do it like over the top see. It'll be awesome!!!



None of them look like slaves or are presented as slaves. Also these are Collectible action figures; nearly every popular action and horror film gets a set.


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States

None of them look like slaves or are presented as slaves. Also these are Collectible action figures; nearly every popular action and horror film gets a set.

I didn't see them. I heard you say they had slave dolls and I thought you was talking about the slaves in the movie. Django was a freeman in the movie :hula:
Thats what I was replying too. Do I think the Django doll is offensive?
Not off of just looking at it with no knowledge of what the movie was about like you said.

But I do know what the movie is about, and I agree with Spike. Spike is right
So the doll isn't something I would want out there.
I guess earlier you was saying as long as your ignorant then its alright to sell them? :manny:

The part in bold is you regurgitating what I already said...
I'm pretty sure you can find an action figure for any movie that did well in the boxoffice :stopitslime:
Thats really your "excuse" :wow:
Na mean :comeon:


May 1, 2012
:comeon: :smugbiden: :russ: Shouldn't have wasted my time to start.
You're right white boy. You're too stupid to try and challenge me, stop wasting your time.

Ummm they have action figures for Inglorious b*stards, Grindhouse, Reservoir Dogs, and Kill Bill too. If this was the only one of his movies to have action figures then you would have a point.
Had I said that Django is the only movie to have action figures associated with it then your dumbass would have a point.
son..at this point..u need to get the fukk over urself...real talk...I didnt throw Spike under the bus in defense of shyt...I say what I been saying about Spike for a WHILE now..cause he's been on some funny shyt for a WHILE now..BEFORE this movie came about...wtf is he above criticism?...fukk outta here...im not even gonna try to have an intelligent conversation wit u...im done...
I haven't seen any evidence that you're intelligent enough to have such a conversation. From what I've seen you're unintelligent and disingenuous. You have shyt on Spike Lee in this thread while defending QT and Django. You have even dapped other posters who have thrown Spike under the bus in an effort to dismiss what he's said about this movie. This conversation is about Spike Lee's comments regarding Django, not any of that other stuff that you're whining about. You obviously can't put your bias against Spike Lee to the side and think objectively here. That's a sign of a lack of intelligence. You have an agenda when it comes to Spike, that's why you chose to run in here and trash him before you even understood what he actually said. You're still exposing yourself. No, Spike Lee isn't above criticism. The point is that his comments/position on Django do not warrant the disrespect that he has received in wake. Your opinion that "Spike has been on some funny shyt for awhile" is irrelevant here.

No..I AM intelligent enough..its just that dude cant accept that we dont agree on EVERYTHING...so he picks out the shyt we dont agree on and keeps it going...instead of just letting the shyt go..everyone has their own mind and not everyone is ginna see shyt the same way as u...funny thing is I agree with what MOST of u guys have been saying...he just chooses to pick at the little shyt we dont agree on and keep it going...fukk outta here fam I dont have time for that...
You lying about ahitting on Spike to defend QT, and you denying that Django exploits slavery are major points of contention. Like I said, I don't respect someone who's not honest enough to admit that the movie exploits slavery. I see you as a fool.

I know you struggle with reading comprehension so let me explain it slow style.

He was bringing up the dolls as if it was an extra level that QT was taking to further exploit slaves. If QT has action figures for damn near every movie he does then he in fact did not do anything extra to exploit the characters. He was just doing the same thing he does for his other movies. I never stated whether I thought the dolls were ok or not.
I wasn't making any comparisons, I was speaking about Django and Django only. The movie Django exploits slavery and the slave dolls that they attempted to market with the film was the icing on the cake. The dolls made the fact that they were exploiting slavery undeniable. Whether his other films had action figures associated with them is irrelevant to me and the point that I'm making. Yes, QT usually exploits his movies for all that they are worth and it's no differet with his new blaxploitation slavery movie. And? Again, this isn't a comparison. Just because I point out that Django exploits slavery doesn't mean that I'm denying that other movies are exploitative as well. This is about Django, not other movies. Stop setting up smoke screens to try and cloud the issue.


May 23, 2012
You're right white boy. You're too stupid to try and challenge me, stop wasting your time.

LoL, I said in my first post in this thread that I'm a Puerto Rican. You make blanket statements without evidence to support it, you clearly lack the education to be worth talking to. Run along kiddo...I ain't bothering with you any more. :takedat:


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
You're right white boy. You're too stupid to try and challenge me, stop wasting your time.

Had I said that Django is the only movie to have action figures associated with it then your dumbass would have a point.I haven't seen any evidence that you're intelligent enough to have such a conversation. From what I've seen you're unintelligent and disingenuous. You have shyt on Spike Lee in this thread while defending QT and Django. You have even dapped other posters who have thrown Spike under the bus in an effort to dismiss what he's said about this movie. This conversation is about Spike Lee's comments regarding Django, not any of that other stuff that you're whining about. You obviously can't put your bias against Spike Lee to the side and think objectively here. That's a sign of a lack of intelligence. You have an agenda when it comes to Spike, that's why you chose to run in here and trash him before you even understood what he actually said. You're still exposing yourself. No, Spike Lee isn't above criticism. The point is that his comments/position on Django do not warrant the disrespect that he has received in wake. Your opinion that "Spike has been on some funny shyt for awhile" is irrelevant here.

You lying about ahitting on Spike to defend QT, and you denying that Django exploits slavery are major points of contention. Like I said, I don't respect someone who's not honest enough to admit that the movie exploits slavery. I see you as a fool.

I wasn't making any comparisons, I was speaking about Django and Django only. The movie Django exploits slavery and the slave dolls that they attempted to market with the film was the icing on the cake. The dolls made the fact that they were exploiting slavery undeniable. Whether his other films had action figures associated with them is irrelevant to me and the point that I'm making. Yes, QT usually exploits his movies for all that they are worth it's no differet wrh his new blaxploitation slavery movie. And? Again, this isn't a comparison. Just because I point out that Django exploits slavery doesn't mean that I'm denying that other movies are exploitative as well. This is about Django, not other movies. Stop setting up smoke screens to try and cloud the issue.
Ok...I dont care what u see me as my nikka I dont live for ur approval..I know what I am and what I represent..


Drinks Blood from a Boot
May 1, 2012
I live in the United States
LoL, I said in my first post in this thread that I'm a Puerto Rican. You make blanket statements without evidence to support it, you clearly lack the education to be worth talking to. Run along kiddo...I ain't bothering with you any more. :takedat:

White/Puertorican. His point is your not black, and that is clear by your replies
It would be like me speaking on Puertorican issues whatever they may be
I was writing a script called Dwetback, and it was gonna have some Goya in it

Thats all I got :yeshrug:

And even tho I say your not black, even if you was you probably wouldn't know about it too much.
Most spanish ppl I know, they act like a Dark ass spanish person isn't of african decent.
Puerto Ricans get along well with Negro's for a very good reason...

African immigration to Puerto Rico - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


May 1, 2012
LoL, I said in my first post in this thread that I'm a Puerto Rican. You make blanket statements without evidence to support it, you clearly lack the education to be worth talking to. Run along kiddo...I ain't bothering with you any more. :takedat:
So what you're Puerto Rican? That's not a race dumbass, you're probably a white rican. That's what most of you claim to be anyway. Don't ever accuse anyone else of lacking intelligence. This is what happens when a dummy tries to get cute.

#Spliz it's called tough love homie. If you're black then we are brothers regardless but I can't sugarcoat the truth for you. You need to wake up and stop lying to yourself.


May 16, 2012
I'm not following you. Reading the script is just like seeing the movie.
Even more so because he can see all the details we wouldn't see
He'd also read things like maybe scenes that were deleted.

Did Spike just read the summary at the back of a book, or an entire script?
A better question would be did Spike Lee's haters read the script?
Because its apparent that ppl think the script doesn't tell you the story :rudy:
So the real issue is peoples ignorance in general

They ignorant to the point they don't comprehend what a script is.
So I wouldn't expect a person who can't comprehend properly what a script is, to even comprehend whats wrong with Django. Of course that statement isn't 100% true, but I think you get what I mean :hula:

EDIT: I had is instead of isn't.. my bad

I wasnt aware he read the script...if he did thats good enough for me :yeshrug: But I don't think the common perception is that he read the script but more that he just saw trailers/summary.