We are clear that Eldridge Cleaver was a bedbuck,rapist of black women and a republican right?


"Yall Nig*as"
Nov 5, 2015
Cleaver used to be a real nikka

then he got old and became a conservative republican/christian/house nikka

Sad but it seems the older most black folks get the more house nikkary they become.

Happens pretty often, only a few real ones stay real in their old age

Shout out to elders Imari Baraka, Louis Farrakhan, Mutulu Shakur and Omali Yeshytela


the elastic

livin' outside of the matrix
Mar 11, 2022
the bay/norcal
An interesting excerpt from Sopranos Autopsy

The crack addicts need to be rousted from the property before Tony can send his guys in to salvage the copper pipes along with anything else that would maximize his profits. Zellman is unwilling to pull any strings to do it, so he passes the buck to Maurice, suggesting that Maurice utilize some of the gang-bangers that his organization provides support to. Maurice hates the idea of using force to clear out the properties: “Nobody said anything about violence. We renounced it, remember? When Eldridge went into the codpiece business.”

It’s almost a throwaway reference (and I haven’t seen any Sopranos commentary that has investigated the allusion) but it greatly deepens our understanding of the episode. Maurice is referring to the “Cleaver Sleeve” codpiece pants that Eldridge Cleaver designed in the 1970s.


Cleaver’s pants exaggerate the idea of black virility and strength. As a leader of the Black Panthers in the 1960s, Eldridge Cleaver was committed to empowering African-Americans, very often in ways that mainstream America found very threatening. In his book Soul on Ice, Cleaver confesses his own disturbing method of empowering himself as a young man: he was a serial rapist. First he raped black women “for practice,” and then he raped white women. He writes:

Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man’s law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his woman—and this point, I believe, was the most satisfying to me because I was very resentful over the historical fact of how the white man has used the black woman. I felt I was getting revenge.

Cleaver’s lifestory is a strange and surprising one. He was an angry and violent young man, who rose to power by articulating the anger and dissatisfaction that many others also felt. He contributed an important viewpoint to the civil rights movement. In the ensuing years, he bounced around different countries, different religions, different ideologies, even supporting Ronald Reagan for President (who would begin the process of turning the War on Drugs into the new Jim Crow). By the time he made his Cleaver Sleeve pants, he was no longer a significant contributor to the American dialogue on race. While the pants may have been an attempt to exalt black power and virility, they are in reality little more than a gauche, ridiculous joke.

Not wanting Tony to take $7000 out of his cut of the profits, Maurice sends his gangbangers in. Angelo (the black man who had earlier threatened Tony on the street) pulls out his gun to protect his family as gunfire erupts around them. The young bangers get control of Angelo’s gun, and fire a bullet which ricochets into his crotch, dropping him to the floor in agony:

Watching too much TV Sopranos Autopsy

Like the bullet, the actions of greedy men ricochet in unforeseen ways. In a vicious irony, Maurice had earlier made a reference to pants which glorified the black penis, but his decision to send the gangbangers in have now destroyed a black penis: Angelo takes a bullet to the cock. To add to the cruel irony, Dr. Ira Fried, who acted as the mob’s front in the first stage of the fraud, is a urologist. (We saw his commercial for penile enhancement back in episode 3.13.) The urologist is part of a scam that has not enhanced this young man’s virility but has instead wrecked it. Like millions of African-American men, Angelo is driven to his knees by the selfishness of others, both black and white. The 1960s hope of racial justice and equality has been crushed by greed and lingering racism. The American ideal of a democracy made vibrant by unique, enfranchised individuals each engaged within his thriving community is nothing more than a utopian fantasy.
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Roland Coltrane

Aug 17, 2014
Rape was frowned upon...

Cleaver wanted to rape White women get at White men and the system...his value of White women was due to the lack of value in himself and his hatred of being a descendant of a save.

Cleaver raped Black women because he didn't see any value in them at the time cause he didn't see any value of himself...and they were readily available.

So him raping White women was a political act...it was supposed to make him free.

I mean...he was "reformed" by the end of the book. He didn't think like that forever...

Man's a psychopath....

Anybody that can go from serial rapist, to political revolutionary, to fashion designer to Republican gotta be fukking crazy...

I'm reviewing David F. Walker's graphic novel for a class, it's an outstanding book, but I just got to the part where Eldridge Cleaver is introduced. I remember reading Soul On Ice as a teen and being :dahell:
:gucci: at this dude.

I understand people are more than their worst deed but cotdamn, this nikka was on demon time :what:

Ras Kass named an album after this cat :francis:

and while I don't generally believe in going back in time and cancelling people(well depending on the individual) this dude's shyt is so egregious it baffles me how he actually came to have such a prominent position like Minister of Information

this isn't some ESPN bytch like Rachel Nichols, Sarah Spain, or Malika Andrews shytting on Kobe. Cleaver was certified :demonic:

then again, cacs engaging in savage caccery throughout history is often ignored in narratives about them and that's been the status quo since the beginning of time :yeshrug:

but how do I write this book review without leaving a door open for it and the impact and history of the BPP itself become hijacked because of this fukknikka :snoop:

that's a rhetorical question and me literally asking for help brehs. if any of y'all know how to pull this off let me know.


Jan 26, 2017
he was never a real nikka, he was a grade a sucka/c00n

real nikkas dont rape dozens of black women as "practice"

real nikkas dont write this

"There is no love left between a black man and a black woman. Take me for instance. I love white women and hate black women. It’s just in me so deep that I don’t even try to get it out of me anymore. I’d jump over ten ****** bytches just to get to one white woman. Ain’t no such thing as an ugly white woman… and just to touch her long, soft, silky hair. There’s softness about a white woman, something delicate and soft inside of her. But a ****** bytch seems to be full of steel, granite-hard and resisting…I mean I can’t analyze it, but I know that the White man made the Black woman the symbol of slavery and the White woman the symbol of freedom. Everytime I’m embracing a Black woman, I’m embracing slavery, and when I put my arms around a White woman, well I’m hugging freedom"

How did this dude ever become revered in the black power movement?