WB possibly eying Black Actors for Lex Luthor


Jul 7, 2012
If they wanted to make use of a black villain so bad, then they should have went with black manta or black adam. He's basically black batman with a villain origin story. Changing lex luthor into a black man doesn't sit well with me for a few reasons. One being the hero is still white, there's no way getting around that. If this were black superman vs black luthor, I'd be ok with it. As talented an actor as denzel washington is, he shouldn't have to play the bad guy to get the nod. I love training day and I like the wire, but don't you think it's a little bit odd that so many white fan boys are open to the thought of a black villain but a black or hispanic flash freaks them the fukk out? That shyt is messed up when you think about. I remember when a bunch of white fanboys were upset that topher grace was cast as venom in the spiderman movie awhile back. They swore venom was a nikka. They complained he was too "white" for the role, no kidding. This is what they think of us.

White boys only giving us villain and supporting roles. Hell, Sam Jack's Nick Fury played second fiddle to the all white avengers. Outside of assembling the team, what did he do really? Nikka was Ma'Ti status.
That to me is a sideways the way they view black folks. Someone in the comments section articulated this point well.

It wouldn't make sense to put Black Adam or Black Manta in Superman vs. Batman considering neither Shazam nor Aquaman will be in it.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Yeah, how can anyone say this dude doesn't look black? :heh:

I thought he was middle eastern,he didn't t really sound black:patrice:....but I did wonder a few times:heh:

And fuk outta here with these ol token characters for diversity sake. Denzel as Lex woulda been great cuz that's Denzel:myman:....but if you just get some random black guy who aint GREAT,even ima be thinkin "Lex Luthor aint black in the other movies:usure:"...if all things are equal acting wise,just get a white dude....but Denzel as Lex though:ohlawd:


Jul 16, 2013
denzel as lex would be amazing...he' s got everything to bring the character to life...and if they go with the lex as president angle, oh my damn...

hope this turns out to be true, cause i got excited as hell when they rumored they were thinking about making him Harvey dent/2 face...I would've loved that, but after I saw what they did with Harvey in the dark knight, i'm glad they didn't choose him...would've been a waste of his skills...


Jul 17, 2012
Like I said earlier in this thread, It's not just the fact that the Lex Luthor looked like a light-skinned brother in the DCAU/Timmverse, his voice actor (Clancy Brown) made him sound like a professional, corporate black man. (Click on the link to compare Lex Luthor voice actors: http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/voice-compare/Superman/Lex-Luthor/) If you looks at the end credits, his voice actor also had a black name (Clancy Brown). So, a lot folks would just assume the Lex Luthor was black.
wtf is a lightskin brother? is this new age talk for a half cac?


Jul 17, 2012

Looks Black to me
drag that pic into photoshop, and click the skin, the colour photoshop brings up is PINK

how can a black man have pink skin? smh
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Gonna preface this post and say : This is likely bullshyt.

Having said that...it does bring up some interesting discussions.

I would love to see a black person with Luthors typical mannerisms.

A black as the smartest person in the entire DC UNIVERSE....and c00ns wanna cry about "source material"?

This is why we lose....

You'll never see Jews complaining about the Wonder Woman casting...but niccas are more loyal to dorky comic books than their own fukking race.

These types of arguments are extremely short-sighted. Y'all must have an extremely strong aversion to nuance and subtlety to feel this way.

You have to think a little deeper than "Villain = Bad Representation"...this shyt is so deep and twisted and complicated that that simply doesn't cut it.

Andy & Amos are nice. Blindside is nice. Slaves, servants, and "the help" are nice. These characterizations tend to have a *negative* impact on us however.

Blacks can be interesting. I think I'm interesting. I know other interesting black people....but our media representation is commonly just BORING and PREDICTABLE. Good or bad...we are just fukking mannequins in popular media. A people with no personality, culture, wit, charm, intelligence, sex appeal, or anything else that other groups get constantly portrayed as.

I remember after Denzel's turn in Training Day, there were some blacks (That I typically had respect for no less) angry that he "had to play a villain to win an oscar". I'm like, really? Do people not understand a complete, nuanced, intelligent, clever, charismatic individual when they see one? Y'all would rather have a bubbly, comedic, Chris Tucker Rush Hour type of cop over Alonzo?

The main issue with black villain representation in the media isn't that they are always diabolical or that they are always plotting...it's that they are not even villains..their "criminals". There is a difference. If y'all think that casting Lex Luthor as black, is the same as say.....the random niccas in a Law & Order police line-up, I don't know what to tell ya....:manny:

Training Day/American Gangster/Nino Brown (this ones close, but I still like it because Wesley brought so much to the character) type of characterizations don't "hurt" us. The same way that Italians aren't heart by movies like Casino or Goodfellas.

Hell if anything..I'd like to see that black ultra-villain/super devious shyt more...I *want* a Black Dr. Doom....I *want* a Black Magneto....I *want* a Black Littlefinger.

Y'all make it seem like...instead of trying to take over the world/maximize his power/grow an empire...that they are gonna have Denzel up in their scheming on how to pimp hoes and slang crack on a street corner. Like they are gonna have Idris planning smash and grabs. C'mon now.

The reason why your post is mostly bullshyt is because there is absolutely ZERO reason for WB to go out of their way to make Lex Luther black in a misguided attempt at "diversity" when there's a perfectly good Black HERO with the right qualities of Honor, Bravery, Intelligence, and wit to be an excellent three dimensional portrayal of a black character. And that character is John Stewart the Green Lantern, who is already established. There is no reason to force a black villian to show intelligence and ambition when there's already a black HERO who can fill that requirement. Lex Luther as black is a terrible idea, just like Johnny Storm as black is a terrible idea. Putting established Cac characters in black face at the expense of actual BLACK characters with established identities and stories is dumb as fukk


Jul 16, 2013
Denzel don't play second fiddle to no one, atleast thats what he told the Fast/Furious dudes. And now someone is expecting him to play 3rd or 4th behind Supes, Bats & WW:usure: I don't see him taking this if its offered...

he wouldn't be second fiddle to them though, like he would be in the FF franchise....we're talking about lex luthor, the main sup villian....he is to sup what joker is to bats, and no one considers joker to be second fiddle....even with batman in this, lex and sup would be the top billers....WW doesn't count cause she is gonna just have a guest appearance at most...same for flash (if he shows up)...in the FF series, he'd be behind vin, paul walker (rip), rock (if he in this one)....even if he is the main bad guy...no one has cared about the bad guys in FF after the first one....they might care in FF7 cause I think transporter is replacing the rock as far as star appeal cause I don't think the rock gonna be in this one like that...

Optimus Prime

May 2, 2012
NC A&T SU, Hornets, Panthers, North Carolina
he wouldn't be second fiddle to them though, like he would be in the FF franchise....we're talking about lex luthor, the main sup villian....he is to sup what joker is to bats, and no one considers joker to be second fiddle....even with batman in this, lex and sup would be the top billers....WW doesn't count cause she is gonna just have a guest appearance at most...same for flash (if he shows up)...in the FF series, he'd be behind vin, paul walker (rip), rock (if he in this one)....even if he is the main bad guy...no one has cared about the bad guys in FF after the first one....they might care in FF7 cause I think transporter is replacing the rock as far as star appeal cause I don't think the rock gonna be in this one like that...
How in a movie titled "BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN" is Lex going to get top billing:what:
I don't think Lex is going to be wearing that super suit of his this early in the franchise. Pretty sure that no one will know Lex is a bad guy by the end of the movie except for Bats/Supes. I see Lex doing press conferences/tv shows bashing Supes in the background while the main plot is going on between Bat/Supes. Lex will probably be connected somehow to whoever is confronting them at the end but i see Lex not getting connected to any of it officially, pretty much like the cartoons. Based on MOS, theres going to be alot of action and I don't see how Lex would be involved in any of it...