Man of Steel and Suicide Squad also did well in theaters with a similar or worse critical reception to ASM2. Financially, Justice League is the first bomb in this universe. (Despite what fans who think all these movies should make 2bil each would tell you.)Aside from SM3, none of those flicks were wack. Plus they probably did well in theaters.
Audience reception-wise, the Amazing series clearly didn't accomplish what the studio wanted since they chose to deep six it for Homecoming and the deal with Marvel.
And let's take it off superheroes. How'd that reboot of RoboCop go? The Mummy? Total Recall? The Blade Runner sequel? Reboots are far from sure things. WB would be doing a redo on what has been a mostly profitable venture.
Might. No studio should bet the millions they spent on these things on a maybe.But they might learn from their mistakes and actually try to do something solid.
And like I've said before, it's more likely that if the current crop of superhero movies don't work out, WB will just put the DC characters back on ice than try again making a bunch of blockbusters audiences (according to their numbers) don't want to see.