I googled it and the filter removes leadDoes that shyt actually remove heavy metals though?
I googled it and the filter removes leadDoes that shyt actually remove heavy metals though?
I googled it and the filter removes lead
the average bottled water has a shakey ph level
you basically got to buy that essentia water to get close to a 9 to 9.5
I've been drinking led my hole life
Smarter than everyone i now
nestle been on some genocidal shyt.
Outrage started in the 1970s, when Nestle was accused of getting third world mothers hooked on formula, which is less healthy and more expensive than breast milk.
Every Parent Should Know The Scandalous History Of Infant Formula
Something gotta be up man no way would a for-profit company sabotage their own product intentionally just to "kill some black people".
Essentia is about a 9 in testing which is really healthy. Try Diamond Creek....9 as well.
Native Americans weren't consumers of a for-profit corporation.
Ergo, killing Native Americans wouldn't have negatively affected the (nonexistent) corporation's earnings, also known as "the bottom line".
Not to mention the reputational risk involved.
I can't believe I'm actually having to explain this.