Was there any old civilization more advanced than Ancient Egypt??


RIP Kobe, the best
Apr 30, 2012
Vikings were not an advanced civilization they were skilled in sailing and bold fighters basically pirates that's it
And they have been pirates ever since, taking people as slaves and fukking up the environment. England pirated the world and established colonies to secure the bag. Big whoop, they sailed to Newfoundland. Some brehs sailed to Polynesia and created nations.

Lets not even get into the Viking/Nazi ties


Nov 15, 2017
Mayans didn't even have a wheel
Vikings couldn't equal up to the Egyptians. Couldn't even name a Viking besides Erik the Red and Leif Erikson
Isn't it true that 10% of the worlds population comes from Genghis Khan? Can't argue with that.

So much has been deleted by conquerors that we will never really know. I am perplexed by the region that produced the Abrahamic religions and Petra


Apr 24, 2017
That's a lie....

Vikings had a written language, a diverse religious belief system, they were skilled explorers, they had a democracy, capability to interact with other cultures, colonized areas and etc...

The Vikings were so advanced and good at what they did, that their people no longer had the need for Vikings.

They went out, discovered the world and brought it back home to advance their people...so they no longer had to leave...

That's some real leadership, nation building type shyt.

The Viking is more so a role and occupation.

Scandinavian/Nordic people had one of the most advanced ancient civilizations out there.

vikings were pretty much isis of the 9th and 10th centuries....only interaction they had with other cultures was through raping and pillaging........also they did not colonize anything, even the natives in Canada gave them that work when they came over here

they were one of the first groups to engage in chattel slavery though :mjpls:


Dec 16, 2015

vikings were pretty much isis of the 9th and 10th centuries....only interaction they had with other cultures was through raping and pillaging........also they did not colonize anything, even the natives in Canada gave them that work when they came over here

they were one of the first groups to engage in chattel slavery though :mjpls:

Iceland was founded by Vikings...

fukking Dublin Ireland was founded by Vikings...

Normandy was founded by Vikings...

Parts of Russia was founded by Vikings...

The image of Vikings as a bunch of raiders that didn't do shyt besides raping and killing was written by Christian losers that got their asses handed to them...

And like everybody that seems to be a loser in the grand scheme of things in history...they like to act like the other side was simply barbaric and mindless...and that's why they won.

No...winning history doesn't work that way.

If I spent centuries of losing to a bunch of a random motherfukkers showing up on boats and kicking my ass...I would say they were just evil barbaric motherfukkers too.

And chattel slavery was in existence long before Vikings...slavery was in existence before written human history. We are probably the only group of humans that think slavery is a terrible thing.

Chattel slavery is just another way of saying..."See slavery was bad...but this is a worst slavery...so everybody else ain't that bad...cause it's different..."

No being a slave is being a slave. Slaves were regularly brought and sold by different groups of people for thousands of years and it still goes on. Chattel slavery is the only slavery.


Nov 15, 2017
Let's put it this way....

If you have been defeated by the Assyrians, Persians, Nubians...

Ruled by Nubians, Greeks, Romans and Arabs...

And they even been a colony...then how advanced are you...like they were a colony...and most of their history is being defeated and ruled by someone else...

Like the original people of Egypt don't even live there no more...that's how advanced they are. Arabs live there now.

Like I said...the Ancient Egyptian "OMG How could they do this..." status

Is fueled by racism and a Eurocentric view of the world...where only White people actually did shyt and everybody was waiting around for White people to tell them how to do shyt...

So they stumble upon Egypt and is like..."We didn't have to tell these people how to build abuilding or dress a wound...look at how advanced they are..."

Ancient Egypt ain't all that...they are one of the biggest losers in the history of the world.

And the Viking founded like half of Europe...and then they chilled out...that's a win.

I even think there are West African kingdoms that were better than Ancient Egyt...
i think your confused. Superior weaponry/Warfare tactics =/= superior technology/infrastructure/culture


Dec 20, 2015
Depends how far back you go.

In my period of interest (Classical period in Greece to the end of the Flavian dynasty in Rome; spanning 510 BCE - 96 CE) Egypt was never outright number 1. It would go something like Achaemenid Persia clearly in front of the world, followed by Athens during the Classical period. Then during the Hellenistic period (323 - 30 BCE) it's a little harder to pick a clear standout, the various Greek successor states (Ptolemaic Egypt included) and the Mauryans in India all produced a lot of advancements in maths, philosophy, engineering, and astronomy. Around this time the Roman Republic grew immensely powerful, but power isn't a good measure of how advanced a society is, just how good it is at going to war.

After the transition from Republic to Principate, Rome took over the mantle since it absorbed most of the Greek world.

I can't speak with authority on times prior to my specialization, but from what I know the earliest human societies that developed into complex civilizations all tended to be around large river systems and basins; the Nile in Egypt, the Tigris and Euphrates in Mesopotamia, and the five rivers of Punjab.


Dec 16, 2015
Put it like this. I know what the Great Wall of China and Viking Sailboats are for. Nobody still really knows the purpose of the pyramids. Just because we find dead bodies in it doesn't mean that was its purpose. Its like seeing a body wash up in New York and saying that the sewage system was dedicated to getting rid of dead folks.

We don't really know their utility, and we still dont have the tech to recreate that wonder.

Let me ask a question, why do you find Egypt overrated? I know the white man gloss over Egypt like its Atlantis, but when you put its advancement against, say the Myceneans, you begin to see the difference. The Pyramids still stand while everything from Greece is a ruin or a myth. I question whether the Colossus of Rhodes was actually built -history hot take-

The pyramids are for burials, ceremony and decoration. We know this...

And we do have the ability to create the pyramids...the same way they did.

They used sleds, pulleys and water....and used the stars to align the pyramids....


People only act this way about Ancient Egypt because it is in Africa...and people think African descended people are dumber than everybody else...even other Black people....

So when the world finds the one thing that is comparable to any ancient European society...they go ape shyt...

Also people seem to think that human beings are smarter today (actually as a species we are dumber and getting dumber by the decade) so anything that took some basic math and engineering to make back in 200 BC, people act like it was magic.

Breh...we got people that think the pyramids are fukking nuclear reactors. Like they were doing nuclear fission. Some even think fukking aliens came taught them. That's how Eurocentric people are....

If your civilization is so advanced and you have all this technology but you lose almost every military conflict you get in and spent most of your existence as a colony or usurped...how advanced are you really?

Advanced societies have a capable military. Advanced societies have stable governments.They just don't spend their time reading and studying and looking at the stars and shyt....

Egypt never had an empire cause they were too busy getting their ass handed to them and having civil unrest because they were getting their asses handed to them. Then they'll have to fight back and get their nation back...and after that...they'll start building shyt. Then they'll get their ass handed to them...come back and start building shyt.

So they got gobbled up by every single group of people that decided to expand their influence...

It was a decadent society...none of this new agey shyt where they were just so spiritual and in-tune with the universe..nah they were a decadent society ruled by a series of people that spent a lot of time flaunting their wealth at the expense of everyone else and their nation.

If you seriously look at Ancient Egypt and their contemporaries...I am talking about Romans, Greeks, Nubians, Assyrians, Persians...the people that were around them and interacted with them...besides all the glitzy shyt that the Ancient Egyptians like pyramids...was Ancient Egypt really that advanced and far out like people think they are...

Were their system of government advanced...no...it was a theocracy

Was their legal system advanced...no...

Was their military advanced...not really

Ancient Egypt was just rich as fukk and they built fancy shyt...they were the ancient version of Dubai or Qatar.

The Assyrians were more advanced than Egyptians...


Dec 16, 2015
Put it like this. I know what the Great Wall of China and Viking Sailboats are for. Nobody still really knows the purpose of the pyramids. Just because we find dead bodies in it doesn't mean that was its purpose. Its like seeing a body wash up in New York and saying that the sewage system was dedicated to getting rid of dead folks.

We don't really know their utility, and we still dont have the tech to recreate that wonder.

Let me ask a question, why do you find Egypt overrated? I know the white man gloss over Egypt like its Atlantis, but when you put its advancement against, say the Myceneans, you begin to see the difference. The Pyramids still stand while everything from Greece is a ruin or a myth. I question whether the Colossus of Rhodes was actually built -history hot take-

The pyramids are for burials, ceremony and decoration. We know this...

And we do have the ability to create the pyramids...the same way they did.

They used sleds, pulleys and water....and used the stars to align the pyramids....

How Were the Egyptian Pyramids Built?

People only act this way about Ancient Egypt because it is in Africa...and people think African descended people are dumber than everybody else...even other Black people....

So when the world finds the one thing that is comparable to any ancient European society...they go ape shyt...

Also people seem to think that human beings are smarter today (actually as a species we are dumber and getting dumber by the decade) so anything that took some basic math and engineering to make back in 200 BC, people act like it was magic.

Breh...we got people that think the pyramids are fukking nuclear reactors. Like they were doing nuclear fission. Some even think fukking aliens came taught them. That's how Eurocentric people are....

If your civilization is so advanced and you have all this technology but you lose almost every military conflict you get in and spent most of your existence as a colony or usurped...how advanced are you really?

Advanced societies have a capable military. Advanced societies have stable governments.They just don't spend their time reading and studying and looking at the stars and shyt....

Egypt never had an empire cause they were too busy getting their ass handed to them and having civil unrest because they were getting their asses handed to them. Then they'll have to fight back and get their nation back...and after that...they'll start building shyt. Then they'll get their ass handed to them...come back and start building shyt.

So they got gobbled up by every single group of people that decided to expand their influence...

It was a decadent society...none of this new agey shyt where they were just so spiritual and in-tune with the universe..nah they were a decadent society ruled by a series of people that spent a lot of time flaunting their wealth at the expense of everyone else and their nation.

If you seriously look at Ancient Egypt and their contemporaries...I am talking about Romans, Greeks, Nubians, Assyrians, Persians...the people that were around them and interacted with them...besides all the glitzy shyt that the Ancient Egyptians like pyramids...was Ancient Egypt really that advanced and far out like people think they are...

Were their system of government advanced...no...it was a theocracy...the most backward form of government

Was their legal system advanced...no...

Was their military advanced...not really...their enemies had a more advanced military..

Was their economy advanced...no...it didn't even extend beyond their region

Ancient Egypt was just rich as fukk and they made fancy shyt...they were the ancient version of Dubai and has the same appeal as Japan today for people.

The Assyrians were more advanced than Egyptians...


Mar 24, 2014
There's some evidence that claims that the pyramids of Egypt were not built by the ancient Egyptians but inherited from a much older ancient African race. Lemuria perhaps.
I love studying this type of stuff.

They are believed to be at least 10,500 years old. Apparently the great pyramid has no inscriptions. Sphinx is far far older.


Dec 16, 2015
i think your confused. Superior weaponry/Warfare tactics =/= superior technology/infrastructure/culture

Human beings are conquerors...we create cultural products to conquer other people...that's like the main point of culture...

You think the USA spends trillions of dollars on military and entertainment for kicks...

Hollywood is one of the biggest unintentional military arm of the USA....

You think the USA lets all these Chinese and Indians come here to study for the sake of multiculturalism sake...

You think the USA developed a highway system just so people can drive their cars...

Superior weaponry and warfare tactics is part of culture...

I mean like...there's a reason why Japan went from the type of people to invade your country and rape the women and impale them through the vagina to making cartoons and emojis and sushi. They got fukked up and have to exert their power in another way.

Egypt neighbors and contemporaries spent time learning how to fight and military tactics so they can conquer and expand their influence. Egypt spent their time making sure the tombs of their rulers looked pretty and now Arabs show them off to tourists.

How advanced are you really when you couldn't provide safety and security for your people and you spent your existence glorifying yourself because you thought you were a god and you had to out do the last motherfukker who built his fukking city of pyramids?

Egyptians could stack sand on top of each other but couldn't make a sanitation sewer system for their people but the damn royal dead could have a bathtub...
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