The bold is kinda what I got...
I mean, Michael always had his "family" there with him, but he didn't appreciate that they were a family.
Vito, got his "family" because he appreciated people who helped him like family.
Remember - he pretty much lost his whole family when he was 10, and was in a new country all by himself.
So he was loyal to everyone who fucced wit' him...Carmella, Abbandando, Clemenza, Tessio, Tommasino -
he was always lookin' out for his people.
Mike had a sense of family, but it was a general sense we all feel like "don't fucc wit' my family" - off GP.
Mike wasn't trippin' off Vito until niccas tried to kill him.
Mike wasn't really close with Sonny until then, either.
Mike played Connie off like she was bird (she kinda was, but you know).
Mike didn't give a chit about Fredo until he "took sides against the family".
as mentioned, he played Tom off on the reg.
He kept Kay locked up like property niccas best not fucc wit', and he didn't even realize she didn't wanna live like that.
I mean, even when you look at the scene when they're waiting for Vito at the end of 2...
even though he was there physically, it's like he wasn't even "there" in his mind.