Wait hold up, Pac made HORRIBLE decisions


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
Maybe Pac should've had his cape on tight that night:francis:

But I will say the situation is a little more complicated based on the fact that they are the ones who introduced her to Pac.....Based on the way she was acting in the club the night before,it would be easy for Pac to think she was one of Haitian Jacks ho's and he sent her to do him a "favor".....Pac was known to get handjobs for his homeboys and used to get bytches to fukk Biggie too:pachaha:....Sounds like he assumed Haitian sent that.

So I could see how it would be akward telling Haitian Jack he gotta wait til you finished with HIS ho before he can have her back:dahell:....I might make this assumption too,just because what kinda weirdo nikkas barge into a room while you bout to fukk a bytch and start rubbing on her azz like its normal:patrice:.

This how yall doin it in New York:dahell:?


da fukk outta here with your bullshyt
some of u west coast nikkaz are so damn insecure its patheic

now explain this shyt which happen in cali with pac & a bunch of nikkaz from your bay area hood


this vid- is further evidenced that this young women ms jackson was problay telling the truth

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Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
:whoa:This is why dudes need to STAY AWAY from running trains on chicks. You put yourself in a dangerous position even if YOU don't do anything. You will be accused just by association.

Amen,even if nobody actually does any actual raping,the shame when one nikka runs his mouth will has caused many women to claim it was rape:snoop:....And a lot of people will believe her because they cant imagine the average female letting 5 nikkas smash her at the same time willingly:heh:....I know ho's like this exist but even I wouldn't fully believe she actually WANTED to have 5 nikkas dikks in her at one time:patrice:...I would be the nikka there fukkin it up asking questions

"You sure you not just doin this because you scared of what might happen if you say no,right:whoa:?"

I think trains just leave the opening for too many regrets that alotve these weak bytches cant handle,once they sittin at home in the room alone later:francis:

Frida Giezman

Apr 12, 2014
And if this was really a situation where he was scared to say something than I truly feel bad knowing that this is what kicked off the chain of events that culminated with his death

Even though like I said before he probably wasn't gonn last long regardless


All Star
Oct 24, 2013
Its always hilarious to read some these lames talking about who a street nikka and who isnt, nikka where your stripes? what work did any of you cornballs ever put in to question anyones credibility



Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012

da fukk outta here with your bullshyt
some of u west coast nikkaz are so damn insecure its patheic

now explain this shyt which happen in cali with pac & a bunch of nikkaz from your bay area hood

How you comparing this to what happened with Hatian Jack:dahell:?

Did you not notice how in Big Daddy Kanes story them bay area boys didn't just invite themselves in the room and start groping ol girl while Big Daddy Kane was knockin it down:sas1:

The only resemblance here is that Big Daddy Kane potentially could've ended up in the same situation Pac was in if the DU dudes had actually raped ol girl after BDK was done:heh:....He gave them good game about it potentially turning into a rape charge,but years later Pac showed him it could've ended in one for himself that night too:mjcry:.
May 11, 2012
I don't care who the girl supposedly came to the club with, the fact that Haitian is the one who introduced her to Pac is suspect to me.

The whole thing is shady as fukk.I think that's why so much of this case was kept in the dark.

Might reach some high places.Corruption in high places.

All we know is Pac was convicted of "Forcibly touching the buttocks", but you never get any details about what the other niccaz did.

I remember people talking about the "hip hop police" back in the 90's.

undercover FED/alphabet organizations sending lackeys to infiltrate rappers/crews and set em up on some bullshyt

Even so called "real street" niccaz who might turn "undercover" in return of a favorable plea bargain...or just to get the heat off their azz.

Pac wasn't your typical rapper.He had a different kind of background/pedigree.On top of that, he was defiant.

Knowing how these "COINTEL" minded muthafukkas work, he probably had an FBI file before he was born.

Afeni was definitely on their radar after the Panther 21 Trial.You find out a strong, militant/ brillliant black woman like that is having a son?Coming from that background? Oh yeah, we definitely have to keep a close eye on that situation.

If there ever was a such thing as the "hip hop police", I figure Pac would be a prime target.


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
How you comparing this to what happened with Hatian Jack:dahell:?

Did you not notice how in Big Daddy Kanes story them bay area boys didn't just invite themselves in the room and start groping ol girl while Big Daddy Kane was knockin it down:sas1:

The only resemblance here is that Big Daddy Kane potentially could've ended up in the same situation Pac was in if the DU dudes had actually raped ol girl after BDK was done:heh:....He gave them good game about it potentially turning into a rape charge,but years later Pac showed him it could've ended in one for himself that night too:mjcry:.

:snoop: why u alwayz on this east / west shyt

u basically attempted to shyt on ny nikkaz for how we so-called get down
u avoiding your hood nikkaz behavior of a bunch of nikkaz wilding out jumping up n down on bedz with no shirts & meat hanging out

nah... besides them being the most popular nikka in the room its no resemblances
BDK & pac situation was completely different
pac smashed prior & called her to smash again her not knowing he was gonna be accompanied by an entourage



All Star
Mar 18, 2014
So I'm watching this Tupac documentary on forbezdvd.com the other day and they're interviewing that dude Kevin Powell and he's talking about the "rape" case

And he said something that I don't think I ever knew before and kind of made me look at Pac a little different

I always thought this chick accused Pac of rape because he fukked her and kicked her out of his hotel room or something

What really happened was Tupac passed the chick off to his homeboys and THEY raped her

As far as I'm concerned if you do some shyt like that you're just as culpable as the dudes that actually raped her

Like how stupid can you be?

This in addition to reaching for his gun while being robbed at gunpoint and participating in a gang assault in a Vegas casino of all places tells me that even if he didn't get shot in Vegas that night he was probably gonna end up back in jail or be killed at some point down the line

As intelligent as Pac was he made some terrible decisions and he wasn't gonna last long regardless of going to death row records

You know who made some horrible decisions,Op?
Charlie Parker,Miles, Rick James,Ike Turner, John Coltrane,Mingus,Bobby Womack,Al Green,Sly Stone,Marvin,Jimi,James Brown,MJ

But while we can look back and say "Wow, that's stupid" We can't properly judge,OP. Their lives were going 1000 miles an hour and they were iCONS for their era. Add drugs,depression & madness into the equation & then we are blindsided. :yeshrug:

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
:snoop: why u alwayz on this east / west shyt

u basically attempted to shyt on ny nikkaz for how we so-called get down
u avoiding your hood nikkaz behavior of a bunch of nikkaz wilding out jumping up n down on bedz with no shirts & meat hanging out

nah... besides them being the most popular nikka in the room its no resemblances
BDK & pac situation was completely different
pac smashed prior & called her to smash again her not knowing he was gonna be accompanied by an entourage

The main difference is I was really just joking,you on the other hand seem serious:leon:

But if you want to get serious,young men jumping up and down on a bed,dikk falling could be considered hyphy behavior:obama:....Whereas nikkas walking in your room while you mid foreplay,uninvited btw,grabbing azz with the :shaq: face is considered creepy behavior all over the globe:mjlol:

The only difference is ol girl in the BDK situation didn't get raped,if she did you could easily say BDK put himself in a bad situation...Matter of fact BDK invited himself into a bad situation after warning them how a gang of nikkas and an uncomfortable chick could lead to a rape charge,u could argue its even more stupid then what Pac did....If ol girl would've got raped you sure she would've blamed random DU roadies?or might she have blamed Big Daddy Kane?She could've easily assumed Kane smashed and told them it was a green light if they came in and raped her.

Them being the most famous nikka in the room is a pretty important similarity:childplease:

His conscience could be more clean than Pacs,but that doesn't make the situation he put himself in that much less potentially bad.

Big Boss

Sep 26, 2012
Pac wasn't convicted of rape

I'm not even sure if he was charged with rape

But he was convicted of some sort of sexual crime for the role he played in the incident

No one seems to know what happened to the other two dudes

I think pac spoke on it in against all odds though

sounds like a set up:jbhmm:


Aug 17, 2014
her shyt sounds believable to me
Ayanna Jackson' Story

I am the young woman that was sexually assaulted by Tupac Shakur and his thugs. I've read Kevin Powell's interview with Tupac ["Ready to Live," April], in which I was misrepresented. Up until this point I have only told my story under oath in court; nobody has heard my story, only his side, which is much different than what Tupac stated is the true story.

A friend of mine took me to Nell's, where he introduced me to [the men VIBE identified as] Nigel and Trevor, who later introduced me to their friend Tupac. When I first met Tupac, he kissed me on my cheek and made small talk with me. After a while, I excused myself and started to walk to the dance floor. When I felt someone slide their hands into the back pocket of my jeans, I turned around, assuming it was my friend, but was shocked when I discovered it was Tupac. We danced for a while, and he touched my face and his body brushed mine. Due to the small dance floor and the large number of people, we were shoved into a dark corner. Tupac pulled up his shirt, took my hand, traced it down his chest, and sat it on top of his erect penis. He then kissed me and pushed my head down on his penis, and in a brief three-second encounter, my lips touched the head of his penis. This happened so suddenly that once I realized what he was trying to do, I swiftly brought my head up. I must reiterate that I did not suck his penis on the dance floor. He pulled his shirt back down and asked me what I was doing later. I told him that I was going home because I had to go to work that day. Then, as people started surrounding him again, he grabbed my arm and said, "Let's get out of here, I'm tired of people stressing me." We exited Nell's, got into a white BMW, pulled up at the Parker Meridien, and went to his suite. We conversed, and he rolled up some blunts. We started kissing, and then we had oral and vaginal sexual intercourse several times.

He called my house a couple nights later and gave me his SkyPager number and told me he wanted to see me tomorrow. That evening after work, I paged him, and his road manager called me back and informed me that Pac really wanted to see me but he had a show to do in Jersey, so I should call a car service and take it to the Meridien and he would pay for the cab. Once I got to the hotel, I met Charles Fuller for the first time; he paid for the cab and led me upstairs. Inside the suite, Tupac, Nigel, and Trevor were seated in the living room, smoking weed and drinking Absolut. Tupac told me to come in and pointed to the arm of the sofa near him, and I sat down. After about 20 minutes, Tupac took my hand and led me into a bedroom in the suite. He fell onto the bed and asked me to give him a massage. So I massaged his back, he turned around, and I started massaging his chest.

Just as we began kissing, the door opened and I heard people entering. As I started to turn to see who it was, Tupac grabbed my head and told me, "Don't move." I looked down at him and he said, "Don't worry, baby, these are my brothers and they ain't going to hurt you. We do everything together." I started to shake my head, "No, no, Pac, I came here to be with you. I came here to see you. I don't want to do this." I started to rise up off the bed but he brutally slammed my head down. My lips and face came crashing down hard onto his penis, he squeezed the back of my neck, and I started to gag. Tupac and Nigel held me down while Trevor forced his penis into my mouth. I felt hands tearing my shoes off, ripping my stockings and panties off. I couldn't move; I felt paralyzed, trapped, and I started to black out. They leered at my body. "This bytch got a fat ass, she's fine." While they laughed and joked to one another, Nigel, Trevor, and Fuller held me in the room, trying to calm me down. They would not allow me to leave.

Finally, I got to the elevators, which had a panel of mirrors. Once I caught sight of myself, I sank down on the floor and started to cry. They came out, picked me up, and brought me back into the suite. Tupac was lying on the couch. In my mind I'm thinking, "This motherfukker just raped me, and he's lying up here like a king acting as if nothing happened." So I began crying hysterically and shouting, "How could you do this to me? I came here to see you. I can't believe you did this to me." Tupac replied, "I don't have time for this shyt. Get this bytch out of here."

The aforementioned is the true story. It was not a setup, and I never knew any of the thugs he was hanging with. Tupac knows exactly what he did to me. I admit I did not make the wisest decisions, but I did not deserve to be gang-raped.
This contradicts the official court story. So did she lie to the court or is she lying now?:martin:


Jan 13, 2013
You can always tell who has life experience with threads like these. Cats act like they have no clue of what it's like being an alpha in a crew and dealing with females. Not saying Pac was the Alpha, because he wasn't. But because it was his room, He had the stardom and stature, and the most to lose it was a bad decision on his part. That's what the system saw him as.

When I was young doing my thing with my homies. Every one had to have some morals. No ninja I ran with was gonna rape a chick in my presence. No one was about to coerce some hoes to do the whole crew. If it was a crew thing. The chicks had a crew too. If not, Whoever did they thing just later shared how good or wack it was.

I ain't have half the shyt Pac had. But my name and conscious kept me out of shyt like that.

For you fakkits still to dumb to grasp what happened. Call you an escort just pay for you to hit. Then tell your boys to hit too but not pay that extra fee... You just caught a sexual assault charge dumbass. Even females be catching those charges. Fucc with hoes if you want. You ain't got to save them, But you damn sure better know how to manage that situation.
May 11, 2012
:snoop: why u alwayz on this east / west shyt

u basically attempted to shyt on ny nikkaz for how we so-called get down
u avoiding your hood nikkaz behavior of a bunch of nikkaz wilding out jumping up n down on bedz with no shirts & meat hanging out

nah... besides them being the most popular nikka in the room its no resemblances
BDK & pac situation was completely different
pac smashed prior & called her to smash again her not knowing he was gonna be accompanied by an entourage

From what I've read, Pac didn't call her back that 2nd time.Jacque Agnant did that