Vince Staples: "90s Music overrated"


Staff member
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Californ-i-a by way of BK
Just because something great and classic doesn't mean it's Isn't overrated Also.

When u have 13 year olds who shyt on all music past 1999 cause it's the in thing, when they never even lived threw the roc a fella and g unit era or heard the albums from that era Than yes it is overrated. Wit that being said that is my favorite era in music. Doesn't mean it's not overrated homie
I have no problem with someone knowledgeable on a subject saying it's overrated or underrated or whatever. My issue is that he doesn't know anything about the 90s to call it overrated. He has no frame of reference.


Aug 22, 2015
That's not the point you dumb fukk.

The point is he doesn't know anything about 90s music to call it overrated. His reference to the 90s is Biggie and Pac. Literally that's all he knows about it. That's like me only knowing Cyndi Lauper and calling the 80s wacks. The fukk? It's ignorant.

The point is that I don't think you actually watched the interview or took some time to reflect on Vince's comments, particularly about Bow Wow and how they might relate to his opinions on the 90s. That's his point right there; Bow Wow is what was comin out of speakers when he was a kid, so he'll forever have memories drawn to that. Take that and apply it to his comments on the 90s. He doesn't have any memories or nostalgia attached to that. He never said 90s music was whack, and all the examples he used to degrade 90s music were fufu boy bands, none of your golden cow rappers, you silly dipshyt. He never said 90s rap is tired or unrelatable now. He said 90s music gets a lot of credit and he doesn't know why, then said that he thinks the staples of that era (Pac, Biggie) hold up that decade more than the actual quality of ALL music during that time. Not just rap. Is that a super outlandish statement..?

Illmatic came out when I was 3; one of my favorite albums of all time. To this day I believe The Blueprint is the greatest hip-hop album of all time, and I was 10. But I can still think critically and reasonably when somebody expresses a different opinion. Why aren't you smart enough to do that? Just curious.

Don Jesus

All Star
Apr 20, 2015
Vince Staples is annoying. Always trying so hard to be different

Always got some other rappers name in his mouth instead of focusing on promoting his own shyt. His two disc album was here one day and then gone the next. Too busy shaming folks who don't like Gucci Mane at his concerts instead of being an artist

The 90s was the golden age of hip hop bro. There's no debating that, I don't give a fukk what was the first rap song you listen to

These new nikkas always trying to discredit the 90s to look different. First Tyler now this nikka


All Star
May 1, 2012
Something I noticed about a lot rap fans in their mid 20s or so--they don't have the same curiousity about black culture before their time the way we did in the 80s and 90s. Which is fine, but don't talk about the shyt if you're not gonna do your homework on it. Dude just sounds dumb as shyt, and older guys that know better will cosign it out of fear of sounding bitter.

Don Jesus

All Star
Apr 20, 2015
When talking about 90s rap, if Biggie and Pac are your go-tos, you're either white or a real casual hip hop fan or a revisionist history baby. What about Snoop? Wu-Tang? Roots? Busta Rhymes? Tribe? Cube? LL? Pharcyde? Pun? Mase?

nikkas who didn't listen to hip hop until 2003 like this nikka always show their age when they act like Biggie and Pac were the only ones with huge stardom in 90s hip hop. Once upon a time Snoop was the biggest rapper ever. Even bigger than Pac. Busta Rhymes was everywhere at one point.

Vince Staples is a moron. Smart dumb nikka always in the news about his dark horse opinions but never about his actual music. Over opinionated new nikkas that don't know how to keep certain shyt to themselves


Jun 17, 2012
The point is that I don't think you actually watched the interview or took some time to reflect on Vince's comments, particularly about Bow Wow and how they might relate to his opinions on the 90s. That's his point right there; Bow Wow is what was comin out of speakers when he was a kid, so he'll forever have memories drawn to that. Take that and apply it to his comments on the 90s. He doesn't have any memories or nostalgia attached to that. He never said 90s music was whack, and all the examples he used to degrade 90s music were fufu boy bands, none of your golden cow rappers, you silly dipshyt. He never said 90s rap is tired or unrelatable now. He said 90s music gets a lot of credit and he doesn't know why, then said that he thinks the staples of that era (Pac, Biggie) hold up that decade more than the actual quality of ALL music during that time. Not just rap. Is that a super outlandish statement..?

Illmatic came out when I was 3; one of my favorite albums of all time. To this day I believe The Blueprint is the greatest hip-hop album of all time, and I was 10. But I can still think critically and reasonably when somebody expresses a different opinion. Why aren't you smart enough to do that? Just curious.

Does he have any memories or nostalgia attached to the Rollingstones because he championed them? How can you say you don't know why the 90's get a lot of credit and then prop the Rollingstones and they pre-date the 90's? He's also citing Jay Z, who debuted and was huge in the 90's (late 90's, but still 90's). So yes, saying "I don't know why the 90's gets a lot of credit" and then championing the Rollingstones is outlandish especially if age, nostalgia, and memories are the basis for doing so.


The StarchBishop™️
Sep 4, 2012
The point is that I don't think you actually watched the interview or took some time to reflect on Vince's comments, particularly about Bow Wow and how they might relate to his opinions on the 90s. That's his point right there; Bow Wow is what was comin out of speakers when he was a kid, so he'll forever have memories drawn to that. Take that and apply it to his comments on the 90s. He doesn't have any memories or nostalgia attached to that. He never said 90s music was whack, and all the examples he used to degrade 90s music were fufu boy bands, none of your golden cow rappers, you silly dipshyt. He never said 90s rap is tired or unrelatable now. He said 90s music gets a lot of credit and he doesn't know why, then said that he thinks the staples of that era (Pac, Biggie) hold up that decade more than the actual quality of ALL music during that time. Not just rap. Is that a super outlandish statement..?

Illmatic came out when I was 3; one of my favorite albums of all time. To this day I believe The Blueprint is the greatest hip-hop album of all time, and I was 10. But I can still think critically and reasonably when somebody expresses a different opinion. Why aren't you smart enough to do that? Just curious.

So how do you reconcile his thoughts on The Rolling Stones with this?