Why does everyone have to turn heel? Seriously people today want every damn wrestler to be a heel because ya'll think every heel is a badass, MJF is a heel and he's been garbage on the mic for a while now. Sasha is complete dogshyt on the mic, but her character and wrestling skills are top level. People swear Britt is great on the mic but she's just confident, her promos are actually trash as well and she can't wrestle for shyt.
Because it’s natural character progression in pro wrestling and has been for years
Whether it’s The Rock and Austin completely reinventing themselves after being smiley faced flops, HBK turning into a complete dikk of a human after being some tassel wearing goofball, or even something as recent as Seth Rollins having a career resurgence after fans turned on his babyface run, or Becky developing that edge after floundering as a goofy Irish bytch for a few years..
It’s not as complicated as ya’ll make it. A lot of guys are simply more comfortable playing heels. it comes more natural and is often closer to who they actually are than the smiley faced baby bullshyt. Once they find that comfort zone, it’s typically easier to transfer that edge over into a babyface run, and it’s smooth sailing from there
Fans hated Roman Reigns for years, now they’re DYING to cheer the guy. When he finally makes that turn, he’s gonna be mega over. It took going heel to get him there.
Bianca will be fine either way because she’s over and that’s really all that matters, I just think her work could benefit from crossing over to the dark side for a little while.