my god you are frothing at the mouth typing this crap up, story was about DBry not the Rock and what he did, stick to the topic, D Bry should be pushed this summer, if he fails then the experiment is over, if he works with Cena, Rock, HBKGOAT or whoever, he will have a great match, if the fans don't support him at least he had a shot.
Frothing at the mouth from a two minute write up? I don't think so. Who are you, the Missing link poster telling to "stick to the topic" when you ONLY appear in topics where I carry the fukking conversation? LOL. WTF

Your consensus for pushing Bryan is a naive and childlike one at that. Cena got pushed nonstop all of 2003 and 2004. Cripple H was rejected for months and they pushed him all the way to WM 2000...where he had one of the worst reactions in wrestling history. Get the fukk outta here with that bullshyt analysis and get real...politics saved certain idiots from looking like no names. Bryan is the best and should be treated like the best.