Dum Shiny
Daniel Bryan wasn't no goddamn arena over. They were chanting that shyt on all kind of shows and sports events. shyt crossed over to TNA, ROH, Shimmer, game shows, late night shyt with Kimmel, etc. That shyt was huge and should of been pushed ahead of everything after WM 28. But they obsessed with lesser talent like Cena and Punk and it cost them...they did stop and go with Bryan and now he's got to get the blame for getting pushed for 4 weeks compared to guys who got pushed for 5 years in one strong capacity or another because of prejudice over his size and outworking lames week in and week out? fukk that. That's gay and's that Republican mindset with double talk as the main feature as usual.
Slow the fukk down already.
Being "arena over" is a GOOD thing, since only about 20% of the roster can be said to be merely "arena over." But that was all he had then, and it's all he has now. He doesn't move merch like Cena and Punk in any way and he doesn't move PPV numbers (well, nobody who isn't named Brock Lesnar or The Rock moves PPV numbers in actuality. Not even Cena). He should've been pushed harder (though certainly not over Cena and Punk. Approaching that level, maybe) a year ago, and I'm happy to see that he's in a tentatively good position now (as long as writing doesn't fukk it up, because Bryan sure won't), but let's not let markdom get in the way of the numbers.
Bryan and Orton drew a pitifully low overrun, and while Orton is ratings poison, Bryan needs to share the blame here. ESPECIALLY if you're going to shyt all over Punk for getting lower than average overruns for the first half of his reign (and that criticism of his reign is 1. Completely overblown, as the numbers for his segments started picking up a year ago and have consistently drawn some of the best numbers on RAW since, and 2. Hypocritical, for obvious reasons). Bryan needs to be given some leeway for many reasons, but numbers are numbers, and he drew a shytty one. Austin's first RAW main event draw one of the lowest numbers in history as well.
It's something to be mildly worried about, but nothing really worth ranting over. People need to take to him in main events. Give it some time (and good booking) and calm down.
I believe it
Vince shytted on Bryan during RAW, I'm surprised nobody is talking about it. there was an exchange between he and Vickie that went something like
"you know, some people believe Daniel Bryan is an embarrassment to the WWE"
"well what do you believe, Mr. McMahon?"
"I'll let you be the judge of that..."
If I'm remembering the report I read earlier today correctly, this was actually an instance of Vince making fun of himself for being so wrong about Bryan. I'll try to find the report if you'd like.