Vince doesn't see money in D-Bry? - Meltzer making smarks push that panic button


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
Daniel Bryan wasn't no goddamn arena over. They were chanting that shyt on all kind of shows and sports events. shyt crossed over to TNA, ROH, Shimmer, game shows, late night shyt with Kimmel, etc. That shyt was huge and should of been pushed ahead of everything after WM 28. But they obsessed with lesser talent like Cena and Punk and it cost them...they did stop and go with Bryan and now he's got to get the blame for getting pushed for 4 weeks compared to guys who got pushed for 5 years in one strong capacity or another because of prejudice over his size and outworking lames week in and week out? fukk that. That's gay and's that Republican mindset with double talk as the main feature as usual.

Slow the fukk down already.

Being "arena over" is a GOOD thing, since only about 20% of the roster can be said to be merely "arena over." But that was all he had then, and it's all he has now. He doesn't move merch like Cena and Punk in any way and he doesn't move PPV numbers (well, nobody who isn't named Brock Lesnar or The Rock moves PPV numbers in actuality. Not even Cena). He should've been pushed harder (though certainly not over Cena and Punk. Approaching that level, maybe) a year ago, and I'm happy to see that he's in a tentatively good position now (as long as writing doesn't fukk it up, because Bryan sure won't), but let's not let markdom get in the way of the numbers.

Bryan and Orton drew a pitifully low overrun, and while Orton is ratings poison, Bryan needs to share the blame here. ESPECIALLY if you're going to shyt all over Punk for getting lower than average overruns for the first half of his reign (and that criticism of his reign is 1. Completely overblown, as the numbers for his segments started picking up a year ago and have consistently drawn some of the best numbers on RAW since, and 2. Hypocritical, for obvious reasons). Bryan needs to be given some leeway for many reasons, but numbers are numbers, and he drew a shytty one. Austin's first RAW main event draw one of the lowest numbers in history as well.

It's something to be mildly worried about, but nothing really worth ranting over. People need to take to him in main events. Give it some time (and good booking) and calm down.

I believe it

Vince shytted on Bryan during RAW, I'm surprised nobody is talking about it. there was an exchange between he and Vickie that went something like

"you know, some people believe Daniel Bryan is an embarrassment to the WWE"

"well what do you believe, Mr. McMahon?"

"I'll let you be the judge of that..."

If I'm remembering the report I read earlier today correctly, this was actually an instance of Vince making fun of himself for being so wrong about Bryan. I'll try to find the report if you'd like.


May 7, 2012
Daniel Bryan wasn't no goddamn arena over. They were chanting that shyt on all kind of shows and sports events. shyt crossed over to TNA, ROH, Shimmer, game shows, late night shyt with Kimmel, etc. That shyt was huge and should of been pushed ahead of everything after WM 28. But they obsessed with lesser talent like Cena and Punk and it cost them...they did stop and go with Bryan and now he's got to get the blame for getting pushed for 4 weeks compared to guys who got pushed for 5 years in one strong capacity or another because of prejudice over his size and outworking lames week in and week out? fukk that. That's gay and's that Republican mindset with double talk as the main feature as usual.

What are you taling about, little guy? What excuse? He's been CARRYING THE SHOW all fukking year..all last year. He just didn't get any preferential booking like your boy did. That's all I'm saying. It's obvious and common sense.

The rock is the one who tied wwes hand with his title shot :heh: and little guy ?? Come on your better than that :heh: if he's been carrying the show he should get the most ratings but he doesn't so :Cenashrug: that lesser talent punk is carrying the guy who's Carrying the guy who's carrying raw


May 1, 2012
Another Gold Medal
nikkas act like they enjoy the shyt less because it drew x amount of viewers shyt is :mindblown:

Who gives a fukk what the ratings are, the match was fukking great and so is D Bry. I said this during CM Gawd's reign and I will say it during Bryan's, as long as I am enjoying it and entertained I could give a fukk less.
May 7, 2012
I believe it

Vince shytted on Bryan during RAW, I'm surprised nobody is talking about it. there was an exchange between he and Vickie that went something like

"you know, some people believe Daniel Bryan is an embarrassment to the WWE"

"well what do you believe, Mr. McMahon?"

"I'll let you be the judge of that..."

I think the reality of it is guys like Daniel Bryan and CM Punk are not the type of guys Vince likes as the big stars. We all know this, it's been this way forever.

And on the other hand, you have HHH really getting more power in the company. He is an advocate for the wrestlers like Bryan/Punk. He sees how they connect with the fans and their marketability. Look at his talent acquisitions of Generico, Chris Hero (Kassius Ohno), Seth Rollins, Antonio Cesaro (CC), Pac (Adrian Neville), Dean Ambrose and Sami Callahan.

This whole McMahon vs. HHH storyline playing out on TV, it's very real. HHH is assuming more power you can see it through the roster. I bet Vince and HHH do butt heads over guys like Bryan


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
nikkas act like they enjoy the shyt less because it drew x amount of viewers shyt is :mindblown:

Who gives a fukk what the ratings are, the match was fukking great and so is D Bry. I said this during CM Gawd's reign and I will say it during Bryan's, as long as I am enjoying it and entertained I could give a fukk less.

True. But people who want to be hypocritical about ratings need to be corrected as well.

Regardless of what it drew, the match was pretty good and I want to see Bryan keep getting pushed. :yeshrug:


May 7, 2012
Slow the fukk down already.

Being "arena over" is a GOOD thing, since only about 20% of the roster can be said to be merely "arena over." But that was all he had then, and it's all he has now. He doesn't move merch like Cena and Punk in any way and he doesn't move PPV numbers (well, nobody who isn't named Brock Lesnar or The Rock moves PPV numbers in actuality. Not even Cena). He should've been pushed harder (though certainly not over Cena and Punk. Approaching that level, maybe) a year ago, and I'm happy to see that he's in a tentatively good position now (as long as writing doesn't fukk it up, because Bryan sure won't), but let's not let markdom get in the way of the numbers.

Bryan and Orton drew a pitifully low overrun, and while Orton is ratings poison, Bryan needs to share the blame here. ESPECIALLY if you're going to shyt all over Punk for getting lower than average overruns for the first half of his reign (and that criticism of his reign is 1. Completely overblown, as the numbers for his segments started picking up a year ago and have consistently drawn some of the best numbers on RAW since, and 2. Hypocritical, for obvious reasons). Bryan needs to be given some leeway for many reasons, but numbers are numbers, and he drew a shytty one. Austin's first RAW main event draw one of the lowest numbers in history as well.

It's something to be mildly worried about, but nothing really worth ranting over. People need to take to him in main events. Give it some time (and good booking) and calm down.

If I'm remembering the report I read earlier today correctly, this was actually an instance of Vince making fun of himself for being so wrong about Bryan. I'll try to find the report if you'd like.

And this is why people were complaining about the rock returning ...he didn't need the title shot and if it wasn't for the punk part of the feud he was literally rehashing the same exact Cena feud from the year before . Cena vs Bryan at mania >>>> once in a lifetime 2.... Punk vs Bryan at mania though :ohlawd: ...:ohlawd::ohlawd::gladbron: it's limited main event spots and when guys like rock are there it makes it even less ....honestly a well booked mania in NYC without the rock and Brock vs taker would of still done a million buys to me. :ld: it s great the rock increased the wwe bottom line but that doesn't help build stars
May 7, 2012
nikkas act like they enjoy the shyt less because it drew x amount of viewers shyt is :mindblown:

Who gives a fukk what the ratings are, the match was fukking great and so is D Bry. I said this during CM Gawd's reign and I will say it during Bryan's, as long as I am enjoying it and entertained I could give a fukk less.

Proving IWC fans are miserable fukking losers for the most part.

Worrying about Vince McMahon's wallet.

The majority of people were very happy with how Raw ended, but since the beancounters said not as many beans were in the bucket Monday, now they will criticize something they enjoyed.

Count them beans


May 7, 2012
nikkas act like they enjoy the shyt less because it drew x amount of viewers shyt is :mindblown:

Who gives a fukk what the ratings are, the match was fukking great and so is D Bry. I said this during CM Gawd's reign and I will say it during Bryan's, as long as I am enjoying it and entertained I could give a fukk less.
It's mostly certain posters cough @R=G cough I've yet to see anyone saying they want dbry to fail or hope he gets bad ratings.
True. But people who want to be hypocritical about ratings need to be corrected as well.

Regardless of what it drew, the match was pretty good and I want to see Bryan keep getting pushed. :yeshrug:

Me too :Cenashrug: the variety of feuds wwe can have right now :ahh: so sexy ...and when Ambrose/Barrett wins that mitb it'll be even better :ahh:
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Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Slow the fukk down already.

Being "arena over" is a GOOD thing, since only about 20% of the roster can be said to be merely "arena over." But that was all he had then, and it's all he has now. He doesn't move merch like Cena and Punk in any way and he doesn't move PPV numbers (well, nobody who isn't named Brock Lesnar or The Rock moves PPV numbers in actuality. Not even Cena). He should've been pushed harder (though certainly not over Cena and Punk. Approaching that level, maybe) a year ago, and I'm happy to see that he's in a tentatively good position now (as long as writing doesn't fukk it up, because Bryan sure won't), but let's not let markdom get in the way of the numbers.

Slow the fukk down? Nygga, I'm the one who has been correcting you since the day you got here and you're giving out advice? That was all he had then? That was all Punk had for years and they kept pushing and putting him in your face. So what? I don't recall you being so light on the mentions of that during any pre-2011 come up for that little guy. And he had to go outside the box to even get that far and that didn't do ANY sort of numbers..merch sales? Who gives a fukk if you aren't selling out houseshows and getting those PPV numbers up to justify your push.

Bryan was outselling Punk and Cena for months last year..WTF are you talking? LOL.

WTF has John Cena done that has counted? If not for those Rock matches, that bi polar ass bytch would be behind Undertaker during Mania season for the last two years. He owes his endorsements, his way of life, and all of this shyt he's doing today to the Rock. He's not legit and that's why fans still boo his ass like he's a world plague. Punk can't moving shyt in record numbers..if he was a legit draw on any level, they wouldn't be killing themselves doing all of those extra International tours to make up for the losses they generate on the non Rock PPVs of the year.

Bryan and Orton drew a pitifully low overrun, and while Orton is ratings poison, Bryan needs to share the blame here. ESPECIALLY if you're going to shyt all over Punk for getting lower than average overruns for the first half of his reign (and that criticism of his reign is 1. Completely overblown, as the numbers for his segments started picking up a year ago and have consistently drawn some of the best numbers on RAW since, and 2. Hypocritical, for obvious reasons). Bryan needs to be given some leeway for many reasons, but numbers are numbers, and he drew a shytty one. Austin's first RAW main event draw one of the lowest numbers in history as well.

So what if Bryan draws low after getting half pushed all year? Lol. He wasn't pushed as the be and end all like Sheamus, Cena, and Punk were for over two years. 4 weeks? This nygga is complaining about 4 weeks. HAHAHAHA.
It's something to be mildly worried about, but nothing really worth ranting over. People need to take to him in main events. Give it some time (and good booking) and calm down.

Steve Austin had to deal with the gay overtones that was left over from a Michaels run. Once he got the belt and stunned Vince, everything flipped.

If I'm remembering the report I read earlier today correctly, this was actually an instance of Vince making fun of himself for being so wrong about Bryan. I'll try to find the report if you'd like.

I already read that report...I probably dropped it in the news thread since I don't read those troll threads you and your kind participate in.


May 7, 2012
Slow the fukk down? Nygga, I'm the one who has been correcting you since the day you got here and you're giving out advice? That was all he had then? That was all Punk had for years and they kept pushing and putting him in your face. So what? I don't recall you being so light on the mentions of that during any pre-2011 come up for that little guy. And he had to go outside the box to even get that far and that didn't do ANY sort of numbers..merch sales? Who gives a fukk if you aren't selling out houseshows and getting those PPV numbers up to justify your push.

Bryan was outselling Punk and Cena for months last year..WTF are you talking? LOL.

WTF has John Cena done that has counted? If not for those Rock matches, that bi polar ass bytch would be behind Undertaker during Mania season for the last two years. He owes his endorsements, his way of life, and all of this shyt he's doing today to the Rock. He's not legit and that's why fans still boo his ass like he's a world plague. Punk can't moving shyt in record numbers..if he was a legit draw on any level, they wouldn't be killing themselves doing all of those extra International tours to make up for the losses they generate on the non Rock PPVs of the year.

So what if Bryan draws low after getting half pushed all year? Lol. He wasn't pushed as the be and end all like Sheamus, Cena, and Punk were for over two years. 4 weeks? This nygga is complaining about 4 weeks. HAHAHAHA.
It's something to be mildly worried about, but nothing really worth ranting over. People need to take to him in main events. Give it some time (and good booking) and calm down.

Steve Austin had to deal with the gay overtones that was left over from a Michaels run. Once he got the belt and stunned Vince, everything flipped.

I already read that report...I probably dropped it in the news thread since I don't read those troll threads you and your kind participate in.

:why: your actually making want to see Bryan flop


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
And this is why people were complaining about the rock returning ...he didn't need the title shot and if it wasn't for the punk part of the feud he was literally rehashing the same exact Cena feud from the year before . Cena vs Bryan at mania >>>> once in a lifetime 2.... Punk vs Bryan at mania though :ohlawd: ...:ohlawd::ohlawd::gladbron: it's limited main event spots and when guys like rock are there it makes it even less ....honestly a well booked mania in NYC without the rock and Brock vs taker would of still done a million buys to me. :ld: it s great the rock increased the wwe bottom line but that doesn't help build stars

Without the Rock, no one would of gave a fukk about no WM because the only reason those tickets sold like that in the FIRST place was because Rock was guaranteed to be there. So that' s a bunch of bullshyt. Rock doesn't need the title shot. Doesn't need the WWE. Vince needed all of that and tha'ts why he chose him over he kept choosing Cena over Punk the year before in all of those main events where Cena kept headlining in goofy matches with Johnny L and such.

Lesnar vs Taker wouldn't have done no million buys. Everyone saw that back in 2002 and 2003. Taker is no cross over star no matter how many standing ovations fans try to give him in this day and age with no other stars around still going. Lesnar was never a strong wrestling draw. He drew with Rock and did decent on Smackdown. His stuff with Cripple H were met with silence and cat calls in like 3 different matches. Get real.

Francis White

i been away to long, my feeling died.
May 11, 2012
New York, New York
You think Mania season is a bigger draw than a guy who has brought in nearly a billion dollars in his projects this year? HAHAHAHA. The WWE is a fukking joke. Before Rock came back, they weren't doing numbers. They were like bums on the street needing the Mayweathers and Trump types to bring in what CM Punk and John Cena could not bring in..causal viewers. Everything the Rock has touched has made money since he came back. You can't say the same thing for the WWE. He's already at what? 40 million this year..that's more than the whole McMahon family combined.

This internet jargon trying to discredit him doesn't have legs. It never did. You can bring up the Chicago pop for Punk all you want but all he did was 117k increases after a Lesnar angle started up? They're the "true MVPs" of the business and they can't even get a fukking 200k gain across the board? WTF kind of buffoonary is this? LMAO! It's 1995 level. The Rock shyt is selling...WM 29 got bashed but the shyt is selling, isn't it? The video game deal is all the McMahons can talk about this week and 2k made it CRYSTAL clear that they wanted Rock on that cover above any lame they got on that fukking roster. 40 year old Rock..think about that and get your game up instead of lying and acting like Brooks online. 3.0s before was on before Mania season? Nah..that shyt was on Punk's shoulders and it was 2.5s and 2.6s. Wack shyt like that. Punk as champion=2.5. Rock as champion=3.7*filed and ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD*
:merchant: my god you are frothing at the mouth typing this crap up, story was about DBry not the Rock and what he did, stick to the topic, D Bry should be pushed this summer, if he fails then the experiment is over, if he works with Cena, Rock, HBKGOAT or whoever, he will have a great match, if the fans don't support him at least he had a shot.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
:why: your actually making want to see Bryan flop

I can't make you do a damn thing. You're a grown man but when you gotta lie and try to rag on the Rock to try to make it seem like lesser talent was gonna do big business and break records without his name involved, it's the biggest pile of bullshyt I've ever read at this place. Silly. The WWE was a fukking disaster zone without the Rock. Idiots were complaining about Miz title reigns and another easy Cena victory before Rock came back and added buzz to a dead industry. Everyone took advantage of it..from Punk needing to whine that June on a ramp about "Dwayne" to Indy stars getting more spotlight to Jericho MAGICALLY wanting to come back again to be apart of the "People's Wrestlemaina" to Cripple H needed a HIAC stipulation to make another match with Taker look special. It's all not possible without one.

Daniel Bryan was mistreated from day one. Brought in as a rookie and he was fired over a camera angle. Got himself back over despite someone using his gimmick and was depushed in a tag team after getting heavily over last year. He's not "Kliq'd" up..because if he was, he would be looking like Sheamus week in and week out. But no..he's here because of fan demand and being better than everyone else. You liked the Punk/Taker match at Mania? Cool. Just imagine if Bryan had the same amount of time with Ziggler or would of been left in the dust.