I just watch it. I enjoyed it for the most part. I wish Ja had dipped more in his street/ album cut bag in the 1st half to match Fat Joes energy. Like how you play Between me and you after Deep Cover

. I woulda loved to have heard Dial M for Murder, 6 Feet underground and Maybe Race against time. We all know Ja got hits but people dont give props to how good his other stuff is.
The 2nd half coulda been more about hits and Ja just got wayyy too many to beat on stage. On top of that he still sounds great live. Thats really why he won this and why he woulda washed 50 too. If they were just playing songs it might go to 50. But when you add the performance part too it just different. 50 made the right call to duck him. Be stupid to give Ja a W on him this late in the game.
The deep cover with Remy was flames. Def my fav performance of the event.