Velveteen Dream Speaks


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
Former NXT North American Champion Velveteen Dream has made the claim that WWE wanted him to compete in a mask following serious allegations made against him.

speaking on the Dishing Drama podcast, Clark has made the audacious claim that WWE wanted him to compete under a mask, presumably to hide his identity:

“Just so you know, WWE definitely considered bringing me in with a mask and having me not speak.“

At the time of Velveteen Dream’s release, Dave Meltzer noted in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that his release was due to an incident that was reported to upper management by one of the ‘top stars’ in the company and had nothing to do with the 2020 allegations:

“We were told the firing didn’t have to do with those charges or anything that had been made public, but for a different incident that one of the top stars in the company alerted management to.”

i hate how people paint these stories like "wwe was going to make me____" when its clear that they simply approached them to get their opinion on an idea.

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
i hate how people paint these stories like "wwe was going to make me____" when its clear that they simply approached them to get their opinion on an idea.

Maybe in some cases and with guys higher up in status like your Romans, Brock’s and maybe Cenas’

But majority of everyone else…. Not so much, do what we tell you to do or else


Apr 10, 2015
i hate how people paint these stories like "wwe was going to make me____" when its clear that they simply approached them to get their opinion on an idea.

fr like you are under fire for this whole fiasco and shouldn't be working or fired ASAP, and they were considering to have you keep working under a mask. That is very gracious of them, but if they thought the allegations were warranted they made the right call to not do that and just release him.


Nov 26, 2014

Tryna Makit

High plains drifter
May 29, 2012
I don't know what breh did exactly but I heard it was some pedo shyt.....

I thought he was kinda weird and a lil TOO into his gay gimmick but also I thought he'd find somewhere to land given his talent but I guess not:yeshrug:

Tanahashi Coates

Apr 14, 2015
:why: You tootin in front of 12?

Former WWE NXT Superstar The Velveteen Dream (Patrick Clark) found himself in more legal trouble earlier this month, which appears to be connected to a drug case he caught last year, and it was WWE’s Ashante “Thee” Adonis of Hit Row who put up the money to bail him out of jail on multiple occasions.

As noted, it was revealed on Monday night that Dream was arrested on Friday, August 26 in Orlando, FL, and charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Out-Of-County Warrant. The Orange County, FL records website noted that Clark was still incarcerated and that he has one “hold” on him, which could mean Orange County is holding Clark while another county waits to come pick him up on the original Possession of Drug Paraphernalia charge. You can see Dream’s mugshot photo from Friday’s arrest at the end of this article.

In an update, a search of the Orange County (where Orlando is located) public records website shows that Friday’s arrest isn’t the only time Dream was charged with a crime this month. It appears Friday’s Out-Of-County Warrant arrest is tied to a significant drug case he caught last year, and now Dream could be facing some time in state prison.

Records show that Dream was also arrested on Saturday, August 20 by the Orlando Police Department. He was charged then with First Degree Battery, a misdemeanor, and First Degree Trespassing On Property After Warning, also a misdemeanor.

The docket shows that the official complaint was filed against Dream on Sunday, August 21. His victim requested confidentiality that same day via Marsy’s Law, also known as a Crime Victims Bill of Rights, which provides a specific set of clear, enforceable rights and protections for crime victims. Patrick was then bailed out of jail via cash bond on both charges on Monday, August 22, but was picked up on the Out-Of-County Warrant just days later on Friday, August 26. He filed a written plea of not guilty and waiver of arraignment, and a hearing was scheduled for Wednesday, September 28 at 1pm ET, but for some reason the hearing is currently listed as canceled. More on that below.

The bond paperwork notes that Tehuti Miles put up cash to bail Dream out of jail. This is the real name of WWE’s Adonis, who returned to the company several weeks back.

The bond paperwork lists Adonis’ Orlando address, while Clark’s address is listed as Temple Hills, Maryland, where he is from. Adonis, listed as the Depositor, posted $200 for Dream’s Trespassing charge, and $1,000 for his Battery charge. The bond was taken at 10:22am ET on that Monday morning, at the Orange County Jail in Orlando, where Dream was briefly incarcerated.

The cash bond is put up as security for Dream’s court appearance, which at the time was just listed for September 28. It is not clear why that September 28 court date is now listed as canceled, but Adonis basically signed to guarantee that Dream would show up for any and all court dates, and if he did, then Adonis would be returned the money, but if Dream failed to show up for court, then Adonis agreed to forfeit the cash bond.

While Dream’s September 28 court date is currently listed as canceled, both of his bonds are still listed as active. It’s possible that a new court date is updated soon. Regarding the September 28 cancellation, that may be due to other charges that Dream caught in the State of Florida, which we’ll discuss below.

In digging around for more information on the Out-Of-County Warrant that led to Dream’s arrest this past Friday, I found a November 18, 2021 felony case he caught in Seminole County, Florida, which is north of Orange County. The report shows that Dream was arrested on Thursday, November 18, 2021, shortly after midnight, at Interstate 4 & Florida State Route 436 in Altamonte Springs, FL.

Officer Carlos Rivera of the Altamonte Springs Police Department testified that while conducting stationary surveillance at the Days Inn hotel at 150 S. Westmonte Drive, a well-known narcotics area of the city, he spotted a blue Dodge Challenger with temporary Florida tags driving around the hotel property with no lights on at around 11:38pm on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. Officer Rivera “observed the vehicle parking at random spots within the hotel property, staying stationary for approximately 15 minutes then proceed to move to another parking area of the hotel. The vehicle circled the hotel two more times as it began to travel north on Westmonte Dr. making a right as a traffic light to travel on east of SR 436.”

The officer then began to drive east on SR 436 while maintaining a visual of the Challenger, which still had no headlights on. Rivera called for PFC Belt to assist him with a traffic stop because his own was car stopped at a red traffic light. PFC Belt activated his lights and sirens to conduct a traffic top on the Challenger, on the SR 400 Westbound ramp. Rivera also pulled up and as Belt walked to the driver side of the Challenger, Rivera approached the passenger side.

Rivera then details in the arrest report about how he caught Dream with cocaine, writing, “Sitting inside I observed a black male later identified as Patrick Clark, who was speaking with PFC Belt. Clark provided his Maryland driver’s license and vehicle information to PFC Belt, who then walked back to his patrol vehicle. I remained on the passenger side door keeping a visual of Clark to maintain Officer Safety. While standing outside the passenger door I observed Clark pull a small clear baggie containing a white powdery substance out of his wallet. Clark proceeded to open the baggie placing the white powdery substance on the side of his left hand in a line pattern. Based on my training and experience I recognized the white powdery substance to be cocaine. At that time Clark began to sniff the white powdery substance up his nose. I began to wave PFC Belt over to the vehicle for assistance. I then began to tell Clark to drop the baggie and to place his hands in the air. During this time Clark was attempting to conceal the small clear baggie in between the driver seat and center console with white powdery substance spilling on the driver seat as well as his person. Clark then exited the vehicle and was placed in agency issued handcuffs for further investigation.”

Dream was then read his Miranda Rights by Officer Rivera, and he said he understood the rights, and was willing to speak with officers. Rivera wrote that Dream “said he was in fact inhaling an illegal substance which he identified as cocaine. I asked Clark if he was at the Days Inn purchasing illegal narcotics which he stated he was there to meet a friend. At no time did he purchase narcotics in the city of Altamonte Springs, he buys his cocaine from a friend in Orlando. At no time was Clark uncooperative during the investigation and he was respectful towards Officers on scene.”

Rivera then conducted a vehicle search and found the small baggie of cocaine he previously observed Clark in possession of, in between the driver seat and center console. A field test was run on the substance, and it tested positive for cocaine. Dream’s Challenger was then towed by Courtesy Towing.

Officer Rivera then charged Dream with Possession of Cocaine and Destroying Physical Evidence, both 3rd degree felonies. The cocaine ended up weighing 0.1 grams, with the bag, when it was weighed at the police station. Dream also received a traffic infraction for Driving with No Lights at Night – No Lamps or Illuminating Devices.

Rivera added, “Based on the above information I find probably cause to charge Clark with F.S.S 893.13 6a Possession of Cocaine when I observed Clark sitting in the driver seat snorting a white powdery substance which field tested positive for cocaine from a small plastic baggie, and F.S.S 918.13 1a Destroying Evidence when Clark attempted to ingest the cocaine in the plastic baggie as he believed Law Enforcement was no longer able to observe his actions. This was an attempt to deceive law enforcement. Clark was placed in agency issued handcuffs that were checked for proper fit and double locked. He was then transported to the Seminole County Jail for further processing. The cocaine was weighed on an agency calibrated scale showing bag weight of 0.1 grams. It was then dropped into evidence.”

It’s interesting to note that Dream listed his employer as NXT Wrestling and his job as Performer when being booked for this arrest in November 2021. He had been gone from WWE since May 20, 2021. He was listed as Self Employed on bond paperwork.

Dream received a $5,000 cash bond for the Cocaine Possession charge and a $5,000 bond for the Destroying Evidence charge. Adonis was listed as the Depositor on these charges as well. It’s also interesting to note that Adonis and Dream listed their separate Maryland addresses on the related paperwork for these charges. The various bondsman mail notices sent to Adonis in Maryland were returned for several months because he no longer lived at the address. The address was finally updated in late April of this year, and Adonis received his payment back.

While Dream was booked shortly after midnight on Thursday, November 18, 2021, records show that he was bonded out around 4pm later that day.

Court records also indicate that Dream signed a Plea Agreement on April 21 of this year. It appears the 3rd degree felony Possession of Cocaine was pleaded down to 1st degree Misdemeanor Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, while the 3rd degree Felony Destroying Evidence is listed as No Action, and the No Lights at Night infraction was dismissed.

Records show that Dream pleaded No Contest to the Misdemeanor Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia on April 21. With that plea, he apparently agreed to the following: 12 months of probation, 25 hours of community service, a substance abuse evaluation with any recommended treatment, no use or possession of controlled substances unless validly prescribed with random testing at defendant’s expense, no return to the Days Inn hotel at 150 S. Westmonte Drive in Altamonte Springs, to pay the investigation cost of $177.45 to Altamonte Springs PD, to pay the cost of prosecution, to pay court costs.

Dream pleading down to the Misdemeanor Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia in Seminole County, FL may explain why he is currently being held in Orange County, FL on the Out-Of-County Warrant for Drug Paraphernalia. Court records note that the original case from November 2021 was re-opened on Thursday, August 25, the day before Dream was arrested in Orange County on the Out-Of-County Warrant, and five days after he was arrested in Orange County on charges of First Degree Battery, a misdemeanor, and First Degree Trespassing on Property After Warning, another misdemeanor. These Battery and Trespassing charges likely would have violated Dream’s original probation. It’s possible that Dream was picked up on the recent warrant because he violated the probation he received when pleading down to the November 2021 charges. If he’s found to be in violation of his probation, he could be headed to Florida State Prison.

Dream’s attorney on the Seminole County charges, Ken Eulo of the Smith & Eulo Law Firm, filed a Notice of Appearance, Written Plea of Not Guilty, Request for Discovery, and Request for Charging Document on Tuesday, August 23, which appears to be for the most recent charges Dream has been arrested on. Eulo also filed a Motion to Set Bail Bond on Friday, August 26 at around 4pm. Eulo is scheduled to appear before a judge on Tuesday, September 13 at 1:30pm in Seminole County for the hearing to see if Dream will receive a bond. Records also show that a motion was filed on Tuesday, August 23 but it was denied on August 26, and we can’t see those as they are marked confidential. Dream has Kortney Daly listed as the attorney hired to represent him on the most recent charges in Orange County, the ones from August 20, and she works at the same firm Ken works at.

You may remember how Dream was charged with 3rd degree Criminal Mischief, a felony, back in December 2019. A man in Orlando had surveillance footage of his 2015 Infiniti QX70 being broken into, and he identified Dream as the suspect. The license plate on the car that fled the scene reportedly matches the car that was registered to Dream, and he was identified in a police line-up. The damage was equal to $1,800, and a warrant was issued for Dream’s arrest. However, the warrant was recalled on February 11, 2020 and returned un-served on February 12. It was reported at the time that after an investigation, the case was not suitable for prosecution. It was never clear what led to the change in the case, but Dream narrowly avoided a felony case then. He wasn’t as lucky in November 2021, but he did avoid media picking up on the story until now. It will be interesting to see the outcome of the current legal situation he’s in.

As noted, Dream is still incarcerated at the Orange County Jail with one hold on him, which is likely the hold from Seminole County. There’s no word yet on when he might make it out of jail, but it looks like the earliest he may receive a bond is Tuesday, September 13 after the bond hearing in Seminole County, that is if a judge grants him a bond. If the hold in Orange County is for Seminole County, which it appears to be, then Dream could be transferred from the jail in Orlando, FL to the jail in Sanford, FL any time in the next week or two.

We noted last week how Dream revealed his new look and is currently campaigning for a WWE return. You can click here for those photos and details on his social media campaign. Dream has not been active on social media since last week’s post that revealed his new look. You can also find details on issues Dream dealt with while with WWE, and his release at the aforementioned link.

Dream originally participated on season 6 of WWE Tough Enough in 2015, and was signed to a WWE developmental deal in October of that year, then made his NXT in-ring debut in February 2016. Amid controversy, he was released on May 20, 2021 after months of inactivity with his last match coming as a loss to Adam Cole on the December 23, 2020 edition of NXT. Dream left the company as a former one-time NXT North American Champion.

Rollie Forbes

Aug 10, 2017
:why: You tootin in front of 12?

Former WWE NXT Superstar The Velveteen Dream (Patrick Clark) found himself in more legal trouble earlier this month, which appears to be connected to a drug case he caught last year, and it was WWE’s Ashante “Thee” Adonis of Hit Row who put up the money to bail him out of jail on multiple occasions.

As noted, it was revealed on Monday night that Dream was arrested on Friday, August 26 in Orlando, FL, and charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – Out-Of-County Warrant. The Orange County, FL records website noted that Clark was still incarcerated and that he has one “hold” on him, which could mean Orange County is holding Clark while another county waits to come pick him up on the original Possession of Drug Paraphernalia charge. You can see Dream’s mugshot photo from Friday’s arrest at the end of this article.

In an update, a search of the Orange County (where Orlando is located) public records website shows that Friday’s arrest isn’t the only time Dream was charged with a crime this month. It appears Friday’s Out-Of-County Warrant arrest is tied to a significant drug case he caught last year, and now Dream could be facing some time in state prison.

Records show that Dream was also arrested on Saturday, August 20 by the Orlando Police Department. He was charged then with First Degree Battery, a misdemeanor, and First Degree Trespassing On Property After Warning, also a misdemeanor.

The docket shows that the official complaint was filed against Dream on Sunday, August 21. His victim requested confidentiality that same day via Marsy’s Law, also known as a Crime Victims Bill of Rights, which provides a specific set of clear, enforceable rights and protections for crime victims. Patrick was then bailed out of jail via cash bond on both charges on Monday, August 22, but was picked up on the Out-Of-County Warrant just days later on Friday, August 26. He filed a written plea of not guilty and waiver of arraignment, and a hearing was scheduled for Wednesday, September 28 at 1pm ET, but for some reason the hearing is currently listed as canceled. More on that below.

The bond paperwork notes that Tehuti Miles put up cash to bail Dream out of jail. This is the real name of WWE’s Adonis, who returned to the company several weeks back.

The bond paperwork lists Adonis’ Orlando address, while Clark’s address is listed as Temple Hills, Maryland, where he is from. Adonis, listed as the Depositor, posted $200 for Dream’s Trespassing charge, and $1,000 for his Battery charge. The bond was taken at 10:22am ET on that Monday morning, at the Orange County Jail in Orlando, where Dream was briefly incarcerated.

The cash bond is put up as security for Dream’s court appearance, which at the time was just listed for September 28. It is not clear why that September 28 court date is now listed as canceled, but Adonis basically signed to guarantee that Dream would show up for any and all court dates, and if he did, then Adonis would be returned the money, but if Dream failed to show up for court, then Adonis agreed to forfeit the cash bond.

While Dream’s September 28 court date is currently listed as canceled, both of his bonds are still listed as active. It’s possible that a new court date is updated soon. Regarding the September 28 cancellation, that may be due to other charges that Dream caught in the State of Florida, which we’ll discuss below.

In digging around for more information on the Out-Of-County Warrant that led to Dream’s arrest this past Friday, I found a November 18, 2021 felony case he caught in Seminole County, Florida, which is north of Orange County. The report shows that Dream was arrested on Thursday, November 18, 2021, shortly after midnight, at Interstate 4 & Florida State Route 436 in Altamonte Springs, FL.

Officer Carlos Rivera of the Altamonte Springs Police Department testified that while conducting stationary surveillance at the Days Inn hotel at 150 S. Westmonte Drive, a well-known narcotics area of the city, he spotted a blue Dodge Challenger with temporary Florida tags driving around the hotel property with no lights on at around 11:38pm on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. Officer Rivera “observed the vehicle parking at random spots within the hotel property, staying stationary for approximately 15 minutes then proceed to move to another parking area of the hotel. The vehicle circled the hotel two more times as it began to travel north on Westmonte Dr. making a right as a traffic light to travel on east of SR 436.”

The officer then began to drive east on SR 436 while maintaining a visual of the Challenger, which still had no headlights on. Rivera called for PFC Belt to assist him with a traffic stop because his own was car stopped at a red traffic light. PFC Belt activated his lights and sirens to conduct a traffic top on the Challenger, on the SR 400 Westbound ramp. Rivera also pulled up and as Belt walked to the driver side of the Challenger, Rivera approached the passenger side.

Rivera then details in the arrest report about how he caught Dream with cocaine, writing, “Sitting inside I observed a black male later identified as Patrick Clark, who was speaking with PFC Belt. Clark provided his Maryland driver’s license and vehicle information to PFC Belt, who then walked back to his patrol vehicle. I remained on the passenger side door keeping a visual of Clark to maintain Officer Safety. While standing outside the passenger door I observed Clark pull a small clear baggie containing a white powdery substance out of his wallet. Clark proceeded to open the baggie placing the white powdery substance on the side of his left hand in a line pattern. Based on my training and experience I recognized the white powdery substance to be cocaine. At that time Clark began to sniff the white powdery substance up his nose. I began to wave PFC Belt over to the vehicle for assistance. I then began to tell Clark to drop the baggie and to place his hands in the air. During this time Clark was attempting to conceal the small clear baggie in between the driver seat and center console with white powdery substance spilling on the driver seat as well as his person. Clark then exited the vehicle and was placed in agency issued handcuffs for further investigation.”

Dream was then read his Miranda Rights by Officer Rivera, and he said he understood the rights, and was willing to speak with officers. Rivera wrote that Dream “said he was in fact inhaling an illegal substance which he identified as cocaine. I asked Clark if he was at the Days Inn purchasing illegal narcotics which he stated he was there to meet a friend. At no time did he purchase narcotics in the city of Altamonte Springs, he buys his cocaine from a friend in Orlando. At no time was Clark uncooperative during the investigation and he was respectful towards Officers on scene.”

Rivera then conducted a vehicle search and found the small baggie of cocaine he previously observed Clark in possession of, in between the driver seat and center console. A field test was run on the substance, and it tested positive for cocaine. Dream’s Challenger was then towed by Courtesy Towing.

Officer Rivera then charged Dream with Possession of Cocaine and Destroying Physical Evidence, both 3rd degree felonies. The cocaine ended up weighing 0.1 grams, with the bag, when it was weighed at the police station. Dream also received a traffic infraction for Driving with No Lights at Night – No Lamps or Illuminating Devices.

Rivera added, “Based on the above information I find probably cause to charge Clark with F.S.S 893.13 6a Possession of Cocaine when I observed Clark sitting in the driver seat snorting a white powdery substance which field tested positive for cocaine from a small plastic baggie, and F.S.S 918.13 1a Destroying Evidence when Clark attempted to ingest the cocaine in the plastic baggie as he believed Law Enforcement was no longer able to observe his actions. This was an attempt to deceive law enforcement. Clark was placed in agency issued handcuffs that were checked for proper fit and double locked. He was then transported to the Seminole County Jail for further processing. The cocaine was weighed on an agency calibrated scale showing bag weight of 0.1 grams. It was then dropped into evidence.”

It’s interesting to note that Dream listed his employer as NXT Wrestling and his job as Performer when being booked for this arrest in November 2021. He had been gone from WWE since May 20, 2021. He was listed as Self Employed on bond paperwork.

Dream received a $5,000 cash bond for the Cocaine Possession charge and a $5,000 bond for the Destroying Evidence charge. Adonis was listed as the Depositor on these charges as well. It’s also interesting to note that Adonis and Dream listed their separate Maryland addresses on the related paperwork for these charges. The various bondsman mail notices sent to Adonis in Maryland were returned for several months because he no longer lived at the address. The address was finally updated in late April of this year, and Adonis received his payment back.

While Dream was booked shortly after midnight on Thursday, November 18, 2021, records show that he was bonded out around 4pm later that day.

Court records also indicate that Dream signed a Plea Agreement on April 21 of this year. It appears the 3rd degree felony Possession of Cocaine was pleaded down to 1st degree Misdemeanor Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, while the 3rd degree Felony Destroying Evidence is listed as No Action, and the No Lights at Night infraction was dismissed.

Records show that Dream pleaded No Contest to the Misdemeanor Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia on April 21. With that plea, he apparently agreed to the following: 12 months of probation, 25 hours of community service, a substance abuse evaluation with any recommended treatment, no use or possession of controlled substances unless validly prescribed with random testing at defendant’s expense, no return to the Days Inn hotel at 150 S. Westmonte Drive in Altamonte Springs, to pay the investigation cost of $177.45 to Altamonte Springs PD, to pay the cost of prosecution, to pay court costs.

Dream pleading down to the Misdemeanor Use or Possession of Drug Paraphernalia in Seminole County, FL may explain why he is currently being held in Orange County, FL on the Out-Of-County Warrant for Drug Paraphernalia. Court records note that the original case from November 2021 was re-opened on Thursday, August 25, the day before Dream was arrested in Orange County on the Out-Of-County Warrant, and five days after he was arrested in Orange County on charges of First Degree Battery, a misdemeanor, and First Degree Trespassing on Property After Warning, another misdemeanor. These Battery and Trespassing charges likely would have violated Dream’s original probation. It’s possible that Dream was picked up on the recent warrant because he violated the probation he received when pleading down to the November 2021 charges. If he’s found to be in violation of his probation, he could be headed to Florida State Prison.

Dream’s attorney on the Seminole County charges, Ken Eulo of the Smith & Eulo Law Firm, filed a Notice of Appearance, Written Plea of Not Guilty, Request for Discovery, and Request for Charging Document on Tuesday, August 23, which appears to be for the most recent charges Dream has been arrested on. Eulo also filed a Motion to Set Bail Bond on Friday, August 26 at around 4pm. Eulo is scheduled to appear before a judge on Tuesday, September 13 at 1:30pm in Seminole County for the hearing to see if Dream will receive a bond. Records also show that a motion was filed on Tuesday, August 23 but it was denied on August 26, and we can’t see those as they are marked confidential. Dream has Kortney Daly listed as the attorney hired to represent him on the most recent charges in Orange County, the ones from August 20, and she works at the same firm Ken works at.

You may remember how Dream was charged with 3rd degree Criminal Mischief, a felony, back in December 2019. A man in Orlando had surveillance footage of his 2015 Infiniti QX70 being broken into, and he identified Dream as the suspect. The license plate on the car that fled the scene reportedly matches the car that was registered to Dream, and he was identified in a police line-up. The damage was equal to $1,800, and a warrant was issued for Dream’s arrest. However, the warrant was recalled on February 11, 2020 and returned un-served on February 12. It was reported at the time that after an investigation, the case was not suitable for prosecution. It was never clear what led to the change in the case, but Dream narrowly avoided a felony case then. He wasn’t as lucky in November 2021, but he did avoid media picking up on the story until now. It will be interesting to see the outcome of the current legal situation he’s in.

As noted, Dream is still incarcerated at the Orange County Jail with one hold on him, which is likely the hold from Seminole County. There’s no word yet on when he might make it out of jail, but it looks like the earliest he may receive a bond is Tuesday, September 13 after the bond hearing in Seminole County, that is if a judge grants him a bond. If the hold in Orange County is for Seminole County, which it appears to be, then Dream could be transferred from the jail in Orlando, FL to the jail in Sanford, FL any time in the next week or two.

We noted last week how Dream revealed his new look and is currently campaigning for a WWE return. You can click here for those photos and details on his social media campaign. Dream has not been active on social media since last week’s post that revealed his new look. You can also find details on issues Dream dealt with while with WWE, and his release at the aforementioned link.

Dream originally participated on season 6 of WWE Tough Enough in 2015, and was signed to a WWE developmental deal in October of that year, then made his NXT in-ring debut in February 2016. Amid controversy, he was released on May 20, 2021 after months of inactivity with his last match coming as a loss to Adam Cole on the December 23, 2020 edition of NXT. Dream left the company as a former one-time NXT North American Champion.
I thought you were exaggerating, but breh really did that. :francis: