You're a brave man for sticking up for Krillin (scusthov)
I can respect that but how do you do defend him for his simping and almost causing the world to end. Oh and naming his daughter after his gold digging girlfriend.
As much as I can't condone his simping there, we gotta be real, EVERYBODY was eli porter status in the Cell saga.
- Tien not helping when Piccolo fought Cell in his first form? They could have thrown him in the bushes right there
- Android 17 trying to act hard around Cell and getting absorbed
- Vegeta letting Cell transform because he wanted to show up Goku
- Trunks' daddy issues preventing him from stopping Vegeta
- Gohan not throwing Cell in the bushes when he had the chance as a SSJ2 (which got Goku and Trunks murked)
- Goku taking 20 years to say his goodbyes when he could have teleported in, grabbed King Kai, and got out (and smh @ this dude giving Cell senzu beans trying to keep things "fair" when he's trying to blow up the planet)
- Bulma not telling 16 she removed the bomb from his body
The Cell saga was cool and all, but way too much of that story relied on all the characters making dumb decisions. Almost all the other dudes were

as badly as Krillin was, but we're still acting like he wasn't giving Goku and Master Roshi that work in Dragonball?
Like he wasn't a straight goon in the Saiyan saga?
See him rocking his Kame clothing line on other planets
Still going blow for blow with the ginyu force even though he KNEW he was outmatched, and clowning on Frieza after cutting his tail off
In his smooth criminal suit ounging with the ladies in his red lambo
Still had the guts to sacrifice himself against Buu, even though he knew he couldn't fight him?
(smh @ flabby and sick Yamcha running away with the women and kids)
Sure, he eventually fell off, but didn't everyone besides Goku wind up jobbing or in the bushes by the end of the series? Dude was all heart