Propagandists in here hard at work.
Propagandists in here hard at work.
itt's not about who does worse you fukking idiot
an injustice against humanity, is injustice period.
and at you suddenly thinking those auctions were happening just out of nowhere during a fukking armed conflict
Libya under Gaddafi – New Politics
call someone a liberal yet you literally defend a fukking dictator. clown
You clearly know nothing about progressives and their stance on Isreal, war on drugs, Libya and Cuba...etc if you think they agree all the time with right wingers.
Are you serious?!!
You either a troll or very ignorant person if you think Sanders and AOC agree with Trump and Republicans on Venezuela.
Republicans were going hard on Sanders,Ilhan and AOC because they disagreed with them on Venezuela.
AOC Lines Up with Pelosi, Bolton and Trump in Support of Coup Attempt in Venezuela
Post on: May 6, 2019
Nathaniel Flakin
The coup attempt in Venezuela, orchestrated by Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton, has been condemned by socialists around the world. “Democratic socialist” congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, however, is siding with Republican and Democratic Parties in support of U.S. imperialism.
“I defer to caucus leadership on how we navigate this.” That was how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, U.S. Representative for New York’s 14th congressional district, responded to a question by the National Review about how she views the US-orchestrated coup attempt in Venezuela.
The only substantive comment AOC gave was: “Violence is horrible.”
The Democratic caucus leadership around House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has offered unlimited support for the self-proclaimed “interim president” Juan Guaidó. Pelosi is not, as she claims, interested in the suffering of the Venezuelan people – if she were, she would call for an immediate end to the murderous sanctions. Pelosi is supporting the attempts by Donald Trump, his National Security Advisor John Bolton, and his special representative for Venezuela Elliot Abrams to install a puppet government in Venezuela.
The Democratic and Republican Parties are united in their support of reactionary coups in Latin America. Reagan’s party supported the contras, right-wing death squads, in Nicaragua in the 1980s, whileBarack Obama and Hillary Clinton supported the coup in Honduras in 2009.
On April 30, as a coup attempt was underway, Pelosi tweeted her support for “peaceful protests.” Bolton has explained very openly that this coup was planned in detail in Washington.
Two months ago, AOC was already calling for “democracy” in Venezuela, whileBernie Sanders was demanding that Maduro “allow humanitarian aid into the country.” Both of these Democratic Party politicians, who consider themselves democratic socialists, were providing a left cover for the Trump administration’s narrative in favor of a coup. These coups in Latin America are always in the interests of U.S. billionaires – the very people AOC and Sanders claim to be fighting in the name of the people. This kind of state department socialism, which supports U.S. imperialism abroad while claiming to fight for the interests of working people at home, not only betrays the most basic principles of internationalism – it doesn’t even deliver the crumbs that it promises for U.S. workers.
As Friedrich Engels said: A people which oppresses another cannot emancipate itself.
AOC is a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, an organization that has given her consistent and enthusiastic support. The DSA has rightly condemned the coup attempt. So is AOC in any way accountable to the DSA?
Many in the DSA cite AOC’s electionas an example of how socialists can use the Democratic Party as a “ballot line” in order to get into office. But her ongoing support for U.S. imperialism in Venezuela shows that politicians like AOC are just as likely to be used by the Democrats, whose agenda of regime change in service of US capital is not much different than that of the Republicans.
Socialism is by its very nature internationalist and anti-imperialist, and ultimately demands a rejection of all parties of capital. Thus anyone who claims to be a socialist should and must condemn the coup attempt in Venezuela, without giving any support to the capitalist and anti-worker regime of Maduro.
Dummy, it is about who's worst.
The Libyan people would take Qaddafi back today if it meant they'd go back to being a middle class country.
All this "injustice" bullshyt is just what neocons use to excuse fukking with other people's countries.
Just like they're doing in Haiti, Cuba, Venezuela, and everywhere else.
No, actually it's YOU who are wrong.
Even the progressive wing of the Democratic party has been willing to join the "moderates" when it's convenient.
Sanders, AOC, and Omar have been willing to shill for the neocons in small doses, to keep Pelosi and them off their backs.
They have either stayed silent on Venezuela or have dipped their toes in the waters of regime change.
Now, none of them have come out like the mainstream dems full blast, but you have to watch them.
like I thought, you don't know anything about what's happened in Hong Kong or Haiti. You're just repeating what you read on Washington Post and New York Times.holy shyt
no nikka
when a country or government infringes on the well being, the livelihood and the right to self-determination it's a problem
that goes for any and every nation, and you'd be a damn fool to tell people whether it be in Hong Kong or Haiti
that them standing up to any oppressive regime is "CIA backed" or what ever non-sense you so called "anti-imperialists"
claim to be about
and why are you naming off Bernie, AOC and Omar? I didn't and don't plan on voting for them.
like I thought, you don't know anything about what's happened in Hong Kong or Haiti. You're just repeating what you read on Washington Post and New York Times.
If you knew you wouldn't compare Haiti protests to Hong Kong protest. Unlike you, we weren't comparing who's protesting, were comparing the right-wing funding from the US government going to different cables of operations
The US government and US based organization is co-signing and funding the right-wing government and police force in that's committing genocide to they own people. The same US government and US based organizations also funded the Hong Kong protest, meeting with john Bolton and Pompeo. Anybody who know about the destruction of Latin America back in the days know John Bolton was a big part of that, common sense will tell you to never side with him. samething with the US based funding with the brazil protest afew years ago, now they got Bolsonaro in power, you probably were co-signing them as well.
It's funny you was using the same people I quote on Twitter just a few months ago to prove your point on Latin America and other places, now your calling(agreeing to ) them fake news or not trustworthy.... hilarious. months and months you were trying to make a point about how Hillary Clinton help destroyed Latin America but only when ADOS posters brought the issue of illegal immigration problem in the community. i would've call you a phony a fraud but you seem more like those bot troll from those bot farming. you double talk. you switch talking points. You cant stand on what you believe because you keep changing it like Napoleon. its always cycle of inconsistency with you
do you even understand color revolution ?
Like all you do smilies and LOL. you cant even back you points with solid information.
holy shyt
no nikka
when a country or government infringes on the well being, the livelihood and the right to self-determination it's a problem
that goes for any and every nation, and you'd be a damn fool to tell people whether it be in Hong Kong or Haiti
that them standing up to any oppressive regime is "CIA backed" or what ever non-sense you so called "anti-imperialists"
claim to be about
and why are you naming off Bernie, AOC and Omar? I didn't and don't plan on voting for them.
Hong Kong’s anti-government protestors proudly showed their true colors on Sunday, as they marched with the blue, red and white flag of the United States asking for U.S. President Donald Trump to “liberate” the city.
"The U.S. will not 'free' Hong Kong, but will only destabilize China, including Hong Kong, to hit hard their perceived competitor," Vice-chairman of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong Chan Yung told Global Times.
Heading towards the U.S. Consulate the government-sanctioned demonstration gathered hundreds of protesters waving U.S. flags as they sang the U.S. national anthem played through the speakers on their phones.
The objective was to call for politicians in the North American nation to support their cause and meddle in internal affairs, despite this being a violation of national sovereignty and international law.
An associate professor at Beihang University in Beijing and an expert on Hong Kong studies, Tian Feilong, believes the appeal by Hong Kong protesters is evidence that they collude with external forces to jeopardize Hong Kong's international status and fundamental interests.
Following the steps of other “opposition” voices in countries like Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Ukraine, the western-backed Hongkongers demand U.S. intervention through unilateral measures that target national interests, in this case, the passing of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act.
The proposed legislation is an amendment to the Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992. Firstly introduced in 2016 by Republican Senator Marco Rubio and Democratic Senator Ben Cardin, the bill is now experiencing bipartisan support in Congress as it was reintroduced in June by members of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China.
If passed it would require an annual review of the 1992 special treatment, include the trade and business privileges Hong Kong enjoys separate from China, and allow asset freezes and denial of entry into the U.S. for Chinese officials.
Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang said on Friday that China “deplores and firmly opposes” U.S. senators' attempted move to push the law as interfering in China's internal affairs.
Although a clear interference in China's domestic affairs, which in turn violates international law and international relations principles, professor Tian agrees that it is very likely that the U.S. Congress will pass the bill.
"After the trade issue, the next card the U.S. will play is the Hong Kong and Taiwan affairs," he added.
As of Saturday, Hong Kong’s government has strongly condemned the vandalistic acts of radical western-backed protesters, as more actions to affect the city’s infrastructure and normalization of activities continue despite attempts by the government to appease the current situation.
On Sept. 4 Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam laid out her plans to end the western-backed protests, including the formal withdrawal of the controversial extradition bill, which sparked the protests 14-weeks ago.
The move has been celebrated in Chinese public media as a sign of conciliation and peace, the Global Times stated. Although, extremist sections within the protest movement have rejected the measures.
The below is attributable to Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus:
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo met with Hong Kong businessman and publisher Jimmy Lai today in Washington, DC. They discussed developments related to amendments to Hong Kong’s Fugitive Offenders Ordinance and the status of Hong Kong’s autonomy under the “One Country, Two Systems” framework.