US Sponsored “Color Revolution” Struggles in Hong Kong. UPDATE: US Target Xinjiang

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
@loyola llothta :hhh: you rocking with this breh

@The Amerikkkan Idol

how much you think the CIA paid him breh

So in order to be against the US/UK imperialists, I have to support police brutality now?:pachaha:

You neocons disgust me.

I can find people the US support (i.e. Saudi Arabia & Israel) doing worst shyt than this every day.

Do you support that?

act like China didn't invade Vietnam brehs

act like China isn't detaining over a million Uyghur muslims

act like China doesn't detain Marxists and other Communists within it's own country

:russ:nikka fukk America and China

you nikkas love suckin off foreign nation states that are clearly doing their own people wrong

:heh:I bet you one of them clowns that stanned Qadaffi's head ass when he was allowing Africans to be sold into slavery under his reign in Libya. While being the head of the African Union

:salute:the people of HK deserve and are willing to fight for their independence
Now, I know yo hoe ass is a disinformation agent now.

Libya under Qadafi was considered a middle class country by the UN, with universal healthcare and literacy.

Black Africans went to Libya to be safe from the slave markets.

That's why he used to always warn Europe/US, that if they took him out that "Europe would turn Black".

The migrant crisis in Europe is because those people are fleeing Africa instead of going to Libya.

Look at what happened the minute Qaddafi was overthrown

The "rebels" that we supported purposely sought out Black Africans to torture because they associated Black Africans with Qaddafi

And dumb nikka, aint nobody "suckin' off no state", but your ass sucking off the states that enslaved your ancestors for 100s of years.

All we're saying is that the US aint shyt and has no business being involved in China's business and if those people want "independence", then they shouldn't be involved, but we all know that this "independence" movement is astroturfed by the US/UK and wouldn't have happened without them.

Just like how they got rid of Lula Da Silva & Dilma Rouseff in Brazil who were leftists and helped replace them with their version of Trump who's a out and out racist and destroying the Amazon rainforest as we speak.

I figured you were a liberal c00n, but I didn't know you were naive enough to truly believe the US/UK ever gave a damn about independence for anybody

Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
:mjlol:itt's not about who does worse you fukking idiot

an injustice against humanity, is injustice period.

:russ:and at you suddenly thinking those auctions were happening just out of nowhere during a fukking armed conflict

Migrant Sales Under Gaddafi

While CNN was able to document a few clandestine “slave auctions” in post-Gaddafi Libya, while Gaddafi ruled-nighttime slave auctions were common. Two or three times a week, the manager of a Kufra camp conducted the sale of several dozen migrants. A 26-year-old Eritrean told HRW,

Every two or three days, the manager of Kufra camp took 25 or 30 persons at night and sold them to Libyan transporters so he could get money from us. Other people were just thrown in the desert. Sometimes they would take people in the desert and run over their legs with a car and just leave them. He sold me with a group of 25 or 30 people to a Libyan man who put us in a big house in Kufra and told us we needed to have our families send $200 to pay for our release from Kufra and to take us to Benghazi. (HRW, 2009, 72)

Even children were used as slaves. One unaccompanied child, Kofi, an orphan from Ghana, was 16 years old while in Libya for one year in 2007. Kofi spoke of being pressed into forced labor after being detained by the Libyan authorities: “The guard took me out to work on his house. I worked all the time every day for four months, but he never paid me. Then he gave me to an Egyptian woman. I worked on her farm for seven months. She also didn’t pay me, but she at least gave me food and clothes.” (HRW, 2009, 62)

Gaddafi’s Libya also regularly brought slaves back from its “adventures” in other African countries (Claiborne, 2011). Speaking of the Gaddafi-supported Arab supremacist terror campaigns in Sudan and Mauritania, Jeff Jacoby wrote in the Boston Globe, April 2, 1996, “Tens—maybe hundreds—of thousands of black Africans have been captured by government troops and freelance slavers and carried off into bondage. Often they are sold openly in ‘cattle markets,’ sometimes to domestic owners, sometimes to buyers from Chad, Libya and the Persian Gulf states.”3

In 1993, Augustine Lado, president of Pax Sudani, noted,

In 1990, Africa Watch concluded that there was evidence of kidnapping, hostage-taking and other monetary transactions involving human beings “on a sufficiently serious scale as to represent a resurgence of slavery.” And a declassified report from the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum released last May by Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) documents how Sudan government troops and armed Arab militias are involved in massacres, kidnapping and the transporting of African Sudanese to Libya.4

As we shall see, there can be no doubt that this required the support of the Libyan government. In March 1996, U.S. congressional hearings were held on “Slavery in Mauritania and Sudan” (U.S. House of Representatives, 1996), and while those two countries were the headliners, the subject of Libya kept popping up. For example, Augustine Lado told the hearing, “There has been very critical evidence that the people, our people, some of them were actually sold into slavery in Libya, Saudi Arabia, and other parts of the Arab world.”

Charles Jacobs, research director of the American Anti-Slavery Group, testified,

As a result of the war, Arab militias, armed by the government of Khartoum, raid African villages, shoot the men and enslave the women and children. These are either kept as individual booty by the militias, sold north, or, as a recently declassified U.S. State Department document contends, trucked into Gaddafi’s Libya.

Libya under Gaddafi – New Politics

:mjlol:call someone a liberal yet you literally defend a fukking dictator. clown

So in order to be against the US/UK imperialists, I have to support police brutality now?:pachaha:

You neocons disgust me.

I can find people the US support (i.e. Saudi Arabia & Israel) doing worst shyt than this every day.

Do you support that?

Now, I know yo hoe ass is a disinformation agent now.

Libya under Qadafi was considered a middle class country by the UN, with universal healthcare and literacy.

Black Africans went to Libya to be safe from the slave markets.

That's why he used to always warn Europe/US, that if they took him out that "Europe would turn Black".

The migrant crisis in Europe is because those people are fleeing Africa instead of going to Libya.

Look at what happened the minute Qaddafi was overthrown

The "rebels" that we supported purposely sought out Black Africans to torture because they associated Black Africans with Qaddafi

And dumb nikka, aint nobody "suckin' off no state", but your ass sucking off the states that enslaved your ancestors for 100s of years.

All we're saying is that the US aint shyt and has no business being involved in China's business and if those people want "independence", then they shouldn't be involved, but we all know that this "independence" movement is astroturfed by the US/UK and wouldn't have happened without them.

Just like how they got rid of Lula Da Silva & Dilma Rouseff in Brazil who were leftists and helped replace them with their version of Trump who's a out and out racist and destroying the Amazon rainforest as we speak.

I figured you were a liberal c00n, but I didn't know you were naive enough to truly believe the US/UK ever gave a damn about independence for anybody

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Progressives who aren't tankie PRC shills support people protesting against brutal authoritarian regime like China.

progressive to you agents not me. i been on my criticism on sanders and Aoc being full of shyt since day one. i have constantly talk about american foreign policy on funding "protest" before trump being elected unlike you

"progressive" dems and right wingers agree all the time on fuk'd up foreign policies, it's usually not a good thing. From isreal apartheid, war on drugs, Libya, Africom (west recolonizing africa), Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti etc

one of the biggest US policy is unfolding now. the aftermath of the US funding students protest in Brazil that led to the current Brazilian president Bolsonaro in power who's now burning the rainforest..... yeahhh so keep co-sign american and western policy on foreign nations

both Sanders and AOC agreed with Trump administration on Venezuela. so how can you agree to starve people to death for big business but be progressive at the sametime ...

Im in those Haiti, Venz, African, South American, Korea-Japan threads unlike your fake ass caring wanna be America super soldiers ass


Jan 5, 2017
"progressive" dems and right wingers agree all the time on fuk'd up foreign policies, it's usually not a good thing. From isreal apartheid, war on drugs, Libya, Africom (west recolonizing africa), Venezuela, Cuba, Haiti etc

You clearly know nothing about progressives and their stance on Isreal, war on drugs, Libya and Cuba...etc if you think they agree all the time with right wingers.

both Sanders and AOC agreed with Trump administration on Venezuela. so how can you agree to starve people to death for big business but be progressive at the sametime

Are you serious?!!

You either a troll or very ignorant person if you think Sanders and AOC agree with Trump and Republicans on Venezuela.

Republicans were going hard on Sanders,Ilhan and AOC because they disagreed with them on Venezuela.