US Sponsored “Color Revolution” Struggles in Hong Kong. UPDATE: US Target Xinjiang

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
NED Strikes Again: How Neocon Money is Funding Hong Kong Protests

Published on Sep 10, 2019
Before the Hong Kong protests erupted, NED President Gershman called China a “resurgent despotic regime tightening repression internally and expanding its power globally,” claiming that “democracy is under threat” and we must “come to its defense.”

Since 2014, the year of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Protests, the NED has (officially) poured over $29 million into the island city or the mainland in order to “identify new avenues for democracy and political reform.” That’s according to the NED’s website.

But as the organization has already formally identified the Chinese government as despotic and a threat to democracy, this means that the money is, de facto, supporting groups to undermine that government. And as MintPress has reported, much of the money went to the very groups that organized the latest protests.

Full Text //


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Hong Kong Protest Leader Hangs Out with White Helmets Boss

September 12. 2019

Joshua Wong
has recently been doing some flyin’ around and hobnobbing with the rich, famous and powerful. He went to Berlin and met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other ‘pro-democracy’ figures like Mayor of Kiev Vitaly Klitschko, who was for awhile himself a Western favorite when the US was actively involved in the color revolution in Ukraine. While there, Wong met with Raed Al Saleh, the head of the White Helmets. For those who don’t know, the White Helmets are a Western propaganda construct with close links to terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda and Jahbat Al Nusra (now known as Tahrir Al Sham). What would a supposedly organic grassroots movement leader in China have in common with a Syrian war organization? On the surface, nothing; under the surface, everything; they are both propaganda and destabilization tools of Western (US-UK) foreign meddling and interference.

A Brief Background: The White Helmets-Al Qaeda-Al Nusra Connection

The White Helmets paraded around like heroes pretending to be the saviors of the Syrian people during the earlier years of the Syrian War (which is still ongoing). Appropriately, they were the stars of a TV documentary which won Oscars. Oscars are awarded for acting – and that’s all it really was, acting. The White Helmets were founded in 2013 by James Le Mesurier, a British ex-mercenary and intelligence agent. True independent journalists such as Vanessa Beeley exposed how the White Helmets were a front for various groups of US-UK-Israeli funded rebel terrorists, who were fighting the legitimately elected president of Syria, Bashar Al Assad. In videos like this and this, Beeley walks through an abandoned White Helmets center in Sakhour, East Aleppo … right next door (20 meters) from the Al Nusra Front Aleppo headquarters. In fact, both centers had various entrances to each other and the only thing dividing them is a playground wall. Beeley noted:

“On the 30th April 2017 we visited the abandoned White Helmet centre in Sakhour, East Aleppo. This was the biggest, and most publicized White Helmet centre in East Aleppo. Paperwork left behind proves that various US, UK, EU countries were supplying the group … The White Helmets, as we know, are exclusively embedded in Nusra Front, ISIS & other extremist controlled areas … that contain maximum 20% of the Syrian population, many of whom are living under enforced starvation, deprivation, lack of medical care, imprisonment, torture, execution, rape … at the hands of the extremist factions that the White Helmets support and assist.”

Hong Kong Protest Leader Joshua Wong Also Met with Neocon Coup-Plotter Marco Rubio

If Joshua Wong is trying to paint himself as a leader of a grassroots movement, he’s doing the worst job possible. The evidence is overwhelming that he’s just another pawn of US foreign policy and regime change efforts, led by notorious NGOs like the NED (National Endowment for Democracy). This is the case even if a large segment of the Hong Kong protestors are grassroots activists and ordinary people. As mentioned in articles like Taunting the Dragon: Background to US-China Trade War & Hong Kong Protests, Wong was caught meeting with senior US official Julie Eadah from the USA’s Hong Kong consulate.

Not surprisingly, if you’re following the thread by now, he even met with devoted war hawk, neocon and Venezuelan coup-plotter Marco Rubio. I highlighted Rubio’s role in the US coup against Venezuela earlier this year in 2019. I also mentioned in the above-linked Taunting the Dragon article that Rubio had been drafting legislation to forge a split in China between Beijing and the Uyghur minority group. Why on Earth would Wong be associating with Rubio, unless it was precisely because he was getting tuition and instructions on how to split Hong Kong away from China, thus causing Beijing the maximum amount of difficulty as possible?

Hong Kong Protests: Begging for US Intervention and ‘Liberation’?

As “brutal and authoritarian” as the Chinese Government might be in relation to its own people, one has to wonder what the Hong Kong protestors are thinking when they are holding up signs asking President Trump to “liberate them”? Talk about jumping out of the fire and into the frying pan. What do they want – the US to attack China and annex Hong Kong? Do they somehow think that Beijing will fold under pressure from the US-China Trade War and just let the US intervene in Hong Kong without consequences? According to RT, here’s what happened at recent protest rally on September 8th 2019:

“Hong Kong protesters rallied in their thousands and clashed with police in fresh unrest. They even called on Washington to “liberate” them from Chinese rule, suggesting some may now view the US as their patron. Thousands of demonstrators marched to the US Consulate in Hong Kong on Sunday, in what they said was an appeal to President Donald Trump to intervene in the weeks-long political turmoil. Videos of the rally show protesters waving American flags as they sing the US national anthem and play ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ through the speakers on their phones.”

US interference has reached the point of such blatancy that the color revolution protestors are actually waving US flags and playing the Star Spangled Banner! Holy cow! Guess it moved on from a weeks ago when they holding up the union jack, the flag of their former colonial rulers, the UK. RT also reported on Hong Kong Protest leader Jimmy Lai and on another Hong Kong Protest leader Martin Lee, more supposedly grassroots’ leaders who just happen to be meeting with Zionist neocon, ex-CIA head and current Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo:

“One of the men at the center of the protest movement is a Hong Kong tyc00n, Jimmy Lai, whose company owns one of the most-read local papers, a tabloid called the Apple Daily. Another one is politician and barrister, Martin Lee, the founding chairman of the local Democratic Party. Both men visited Washington at the height of the protests to meet with some high-ranking US officials including State Secretary Mike Pompeo.

And as a former senior adviser in the Trump and Bush administrations Christian Whiton, who met both Lai and Lee in Hong Kong this summer, put it “causing this crisis for the Chinese government … is good in the national interests of the US.””

Final Thoughts

The Hong Kong protests are now in their 15th week and show no sings of slowing down. With the US gradually moving its focus away from Russia as enemy #1 and onto China as the new enemy #1, you can expect to see more Sinophobia (and less Russophobia). You can expect to see more foreign meddling and interference, more deals with and ‘aid’ to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, the Uyghurs, the Dalai Lama (Tibetans) and any other minority group which could cause friction with the ruling Chinese Communist Party. This is the 21st century, and all of these economic and meddling shenanigans are part of the 21st century new hybrid warfare.

Hong Kong Protest Leader Hangs Out with White Helmets Boss - Global Research

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Color Revolution Comes To Hong Kong

Published on Sep 11, 2019

The Hong Kong protests represent a major challenge not only to the authorities of Hong Kong itself, but also to Beijing, due to both their protracted nature and a high level of organization resembling the Kiev Maidan of 2013/14. The Hong Kong rioters have gone so far as to produce and disseminate a veritable urban warfare manual describing in detail the division of labor between the close-combat fighters, ranged-weapon fighters, as well as various support roles. Their “Plan A” appears to be, as cynical as this may sound, to provoke bloodshed by inducing local law enforcement to use firearms against the rioters. Thus far this has not come to pass. On the one hand, Hong Kong police has displayed considerable self-restraint, and their rules of engagement seem to favor withdrawal and disengagement when faced with superior numbers of rioters. On the other hand, irrespective of the will of the riot planners, the actual rioters have, again thus far, displayed healthy self-preservation instincts. In the few cases where firearms were brandished by Hong Kong police, usually in cases of police officers finding themselves surrounded by the raging mob, the sight of weapons proved enough to compel the rioters to withdraw. That by itself, however, will not solve the problem of riots because there also seems to be a “Plan B.” Whereas, for example, the Kiev Maidan was largely confined to the Maidan Square itself, the geography of Hong Kong riots is much more extensive and unpredictable. Hong Kong rioters have not shrunk from attacking strategic infrastructure, including the now-infamous occupation of the Hong-Kong International Airport that caused massive air traffic disruptions. Likewise the violent riots in popular malls and tourist destinations all over the Hong Kong area have had the effect of depressing tourism and even prompting fears of a capital flight. While so far there are no indications of a lasting effect on the enclave’s economy, this is due to the still-lingering perception the unrest is a temporary phenomenon. Should it continue with present intensity, or, worse, escalate in terms of numbers of participants and methods used, there will be severe negative effects. For these reasons, China’s authorities cannot hope to win through a war of attrition, or expect that an escalation of violence will somehow cure this problem. There are genuine underlying problems in Hong Kong which have made themselves visible through these demonstrations.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
‘4th of July parade’ in Hong Kong? Why? Who? (Full episode)

Published on Sep 9, 2019

The protesters in Hong Kong are bent on pitting Washington against Beijing. They even staged a demonstration where they marched to the US consulate while waving American flags and calling on President Trump to “liberate” the island. Rick Sanchez discusses the latest developments in the ongoing protests and violent clashes. Then RT America’s Michele Greenstein reports from Hong Kong. Former director for the Office of Government, Public, and Family Affairs at the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) joins Rick Sanchez to share his insights on the investigation into Boeing and its doomed 737 Max8 project. We discuss thawing relations between Ukraine and Russia with Professor Jeremy Kuzmarov.


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

11 September 2019
The Hong Kong Extradition Treaty No One Talks About

Here is a crucial fact which has escaped the notice, or been suppressed, in all of the media coverage and discussions regarding the current round of Hong Kong mass demonstrations.

Hong Kong currently has no extradition agreement with mainland China, and the proposal to create one was the initial trigger for the mass demonstrations. But Hong Kong has had an extradition agreement with the U.S. since December 20 1996! [adopted less than seven months prior to the Handover, or Return of Hong Kong to China, on 1 July 1997].

The proposed extradition treaty with the mainland was considered as a threat to the human rights of Hong kong people. But the U.S. extradition agreement, which is a “proven” threat to the human rights of Hong Kong people, has been passed over in silence.

When the courageous whistleblower Edward Snowden arrived in Hong Kong in 2013 with vital information related to Hong Kong peoples’ human rights, the U.S.-Hong Kong extradition agreement was immediately invoked by the U.S. in an attempt to ‘shut him up’.

What he provided to Hong Kong were documents from the U.S. National security agency showing its massive illegal pilfering of Hong Kong peoples online activities, including the covert “physical” intersection of the undersea cable which brings internet traffic into Hong Kong.
The U.S. governments immediate response was to invoke the extradition treaty and demand that Edward Snowden be returned to the U.S. to stand trial for having disclosed this massive assault on the privacy rights of Hong Kong people. Only because he was spirited quickly out of Hong Kong and onto an international air flight did he avoid the brutal treatment he would have received at the hands of U.S. authorities for exposing their crimes against Hong Kong.

It should be noted that the U.S. regime has never apologized for this gross infringement on the rights of Hong Kong people; nor to my knowledge has it even stated that it would not do so again. Yet the extradition treaty which was used against the man who awakened Hong Kong to the threat has “never” been questioned.

The Hong Kong Extradition Treaty No One Talks About - Global Research