The U.S. is on its last leg. Like Rome, Greece, Egypt and countless other empires, the U.S. will eventually fall. It might be 10 years from now or 50, but it WILL fall as a world superpower. If COVID taught me anything, it’s that this shyt could collapse in the span of a week. If it doesn’t fall, there were be a big shift in our society, and it won’t be for the better.
We are in a steep decline. This mass unchecked migration will only accelerate it as unskilled and selfish people show up and suck everything dry. Did you see the video where the migrants were acting like rabid maniacs when volunteers were handing out free clothes? Dozens of grown ass entitled adults already dressed nice and with smartphones acting like that. Those are the types of people showing up.
We already have millions of people living in poverty, millions that are addicts, and hundreds of thousands that are homeless on the streets (with many people of the verge of being homeless). This will only add more.
I do think that this is a form of sabotage and warfare being played upon us. Especially in relation to the HUGE, unprecedented and record setting influx of Chinese, Indians and Russians showing up after Biden took office. This administration is either too incompetent to address it, or they’re complicit.
"Every Kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand." -Yeshua