
Jun 28, 2012
The U.S. is on its last leg. Like Rome, Greece, Egypt and countless other empires, the U.S. will eventually fall. It might be 10 years from now or 50, but it WILL fall as a world superpower. If COVID taught me anything, it’s that this shyt could collapse in the span of a week. If it doesn’t fall, there were be a big shift in our society, and it won’t be for the better.

We are in a steep decline. This mass unchecked migration will only accelerate it as unskilled and selfish people show up and suck everything dry. Did you see the video where the migrants were acting like rabid maniacs when volunteers were handing out free clothes? Dozens of grown ass entitled adults already dressed nice and with smartphones acting like that. Those are the types of people showing up.

We already have millions of people living in poverty, millions that are addicts, and hundreds of thousands that are homeless on the streets (with many people of the verge of being homeless). This will only add more.

I do think that this is a form of sabotage and warfare being played upon us. Especially in relation to the HUGE, unprecedented and record setting influx of Chinese, Indians and Russians showing up after Biden took office. This administration is either too incompetent to address it, or they’re complicit.

"Every Kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand." -Yeshua
Sep 15, 2015
One of the reasons I do not argue with you on the subject, is that you obviously have more in depth knowledge.
Your secret squirrel job.

What would be nice to admit though, is that many clandestine type stuff goes on in their countries.
Many times for business interests.

I try not to get into deep politics, the below the surface stuff.
For example there has NEVER existed in history a great society/culture who did not have slave labor, or close to it.

Even today Saudi Arabia needs those type of workers.
It has been the way of the world.

Lack of resources for the EOIR and a surge in asylum seekers are the chief causes for the backlog.

In 2009, the U.S. immigration court backlog stood at roughly 200,000 cases. Those with open immigration cases had to wait about 14.5 months for a decision on their legal status, according to TRAC data. Back then, an immigration judge typically presided over 69 hearings a week, according to TRAC.

But in the intervening years, the backlog has gotten steadily longer. One reason is an ever-increasing number of new immigration cases swamping the system, as both the Obama and Trump Administrations issued millions of deportation orders. The number of people claiming asylum has increased by nearly 2,000% between 2008 and 2018.

EOIR has not hired enough new immigration judges to keep pace with this increasing rate of new cases. In 2019, the median caseload for judges was 3,000 annually; some judges took on more than 4,000 cases per year. In Houston, one judge’s caseload exceeded 9,000.

But the problem cannot be solved by asking the existing immigration judges to work harder or faster, Long says. EOIR must hire more judges, expand administrative and IT support staff, and add more courtroom space. To address the immigration court backlog, EOIR will need “gigantically more resources,” she says.

The 99% claim is not accurate.

In the past 22 years, around 1.9 million asylum cases have been filed and about 40% are still pending. The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University estimates that wait times for hearings average about four and a half years.

Asylum has been granted in about 40% of the nearly 700,000 asylum cases that have been decided since 2000. Immigration judges in that time frame approved about 30% of the applications, or about 420,000 cases, filed by people in deportation proceedings after arriving at the border or after being apprehended within the U.S.

In fiscal year 2022, immigration judges decided 52,000 asylum cases; about 46% of people were granted asylum. The approval rate was closer to 39% for those who applied for asylum as a defense against deportation.

"I acknowledge that I misspoke. The number is closer to 30% or higher," Johnson told PolitiFact.

It’s important to note that just because people are not granted asylum does not mean they do not have a valid claim. Experts have previously told PolitiFact that cases can be denied because of procedural reasons, or because immigrants don’t have legal representation and aren’t able to effectively argue their case.

This mass unchecked migration will only accelerate it as unskilled and selfish people show up and suck everything dry

Imagine a person saying this while living in a country where a handful of billionaires hold more wealth than everybody else combined.

Uncouth Savage

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Lack of resources for the EOIR and a surge in asylum seekers are the chief causes for the backlog.

The 99% claim is not accurate.

Imagine a person saying this while living in a country where a handful of billionaires hold more wealth than everybody else combined.

Full agreement. Process is extremely long and expensive for regular immigration. Folks can wait 10, 15, 20 years.
Concerning asylum, only blk caribbean people other than haitians who seek Asylum, are gay caribbean people.
And even then it is difficult.

Shadow King

Quiet N***a Loud Choppa
Oct 31, 2012
Hometown of Cherokee at Law
Right-wing and left-wing pols will make you believe it's a race thing.

It's always been a class issue, but refusal to look at things from a socialist POV makes everyone blind.
On this continent race and class go hand-in-hand though...

The Burger King

Fast Food Gangsta
Poster of the Year
Dec 20, 2013
East Whopper City
Why is this such a novel concept?! Is that not the simplest shyt in the world? We be problematizing shyt and debating ourselves into pretzels to avoid holding our major infrastructures accountable.
This isn’t done because like most “issues” here in the US, if we were to really focus on the core of the problem a lot of hypocrites would be exposed.

It’s like this with every major issue.

War on Drugs? Blame the low level black corner boys and focus on them, rather than the CACs really pushing weight and making money off of it (on both sides of the law).

Prostitution? Focus on the hookers and random Johns instead of the wealthy businessmen, politicians, etc. who patronize them.

Abortion? Ignore the wealthy who can afford to fly their wives and daughters out of the country for the procedures.

Working in the fast food industry and managing restaurants, I see exactly who is hiring these illegals and this is all just a big joke to me at this point. :mjlol:


Retired from TheColi
Nov 21, 2016
@Lazlowe Cravensworth

Lack of resources for the EOIR and a surge in asylum seekers are the chief causes for the backlog.

The 99% claim is not accurate.

Imagine a person saying this while living in a country where a handful of billionaires hold more wealth than everybody else combined.

Anyone with a brain and common sense would know that my “99%” figure was not literal. I guess I’d have been better off simply using the term “most” for the intellectually challenged, like yourself.

You know… it’s funny that you mention and join the discussion on asylum. How do you feel about Biden implementing a Trump-ish asylum ban that started yesterday? It’s eerily similar to the same Trump policies that were quite effective.


This policy automatically disqualifies a “migrant” for asylum if they did not apply AND were denied asylum in a country that they passed through on the way here. At the very least, they must apply for asylum in Mexico (the last country that they pass through before reaching U.S. soil) before they cross into the U.S. and claim asylum.

If they fail to claim asylum before illegally entering the U.S., they will be deported and banned from reentry for five years. If they cross again during that five year ban, they face prison time.

So… it essentially bars all asylum seekers from claiming asylum here in the U.S. at our southern border, except for the most extreme circumstances. Mexico virtually offers them all asylum anyway already, but they want to continue north.

I actually agree with it and applaud Biden for it, but it’s a little too late after he’s released millions of unvetted foreigners into our interior over the past three years. They let the far Leftists influence them and they bit off more than they could chew. Now, there’s a record number of border crossings and “gotaways” (those aliens that were detected crossing the border, but never caught). At least his disastrous administration has woken up and is finally addressing the issue.

The Far-Left Marxist ACLU will sue (as always), but the Biden administration will find a way around it if some activist judge bucks, just like Trump did. 2024 is approaching quick and this administration can’t have all of this negative press regarding the border, immigration, and homeless migrants all across our major metropolises. They’ve got to address it and slow down these crossings QUICK before the elections.

“Can’t have the moderates and independents voting for the other side over our immigration and border blunders! This open borders experiment was a failure. We’ve got to stop this shyt immediately! Democrat mayors are calling us out. El Paso declared a state of emergency. Even MSNBC is reporting on it now!”-:damn:

What’s your take on this @Alan Johnson ? I’m actually truly curious. If it was bad when Trump did it, is it bad now that Biden’s doing the exact same thing? Also, do you disagree with it, even though it’s proven to be extremely effective regarding illegal border crossings?
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Chairman Meow
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
If no one gives them a job they will stop coming. Your anger is misdirected.
Thats not true. They sleep 40 on a single curb living homeless in the cities of California already. San Francisco is packed with homeless illegals sleeping in tents etc