Agreed. It's like failing a class and telling your parents "But other people failed too." It's a cheap/poor excuse. There are many things that Black men could do better but those things don't revolve around sex so...It never fails
The "bu bu but what about white people" argument
This is about what WE AS BLACK MEN need to do. Forget about white ppl for a minute.
Great thread OP. Hope it doesnt get banished to the root
Go to school. Read fukkin books and become passionate about a trade that contributes to nation buildiing.
So in other words the people you feel are holding you back are the ones you are holding responsible for your progressDiscipline ain't gonna do nothing in the long run. Unless we have power to represent ourselves as such then the ones with power are always gonna throw out to the world that we ain't shyt.
There is to much shyt to learn for bruhs to not be dabbling in simething. Collectively it can have an effect if we all professionals at something.Creating value >>>>> trading time for pennies
Profits >>>>>>>> Wages
Go to school. Read fukkin books and become passionate about a trade that contributes to nation buildiing.
All of this is nice, most of this is true, but others have the exact same vices we have. There's never going to be a situation where the majority of any racial group is disciplined... the numbers just don't bear it out.... it's only the truly elite of the group being disciplined that make the difference.Through history majority of the ways Blacks have been conquered were via a group who lacked discipline.
Keep in mind Im not referring to jim crow and stuff that happened after blacks were conquered.
Even till this day you have cats who brag about being God and the Original man, yet have the most trivial vices.
Dudes will argue about black feminist being a cancer not realizing that as a man if you have discipline then you do not allow those types to procreate because you would leave them be to die out. Half these women get preggo by dusty dudes thus creating their warped mentalities and sterotypes on how they assume all black men are.
If there was discipline amongst black men as a whole chances are we would never have had all of the agents in our organizations in the past so the only way they could have destroyed the groups would be to literally go to war with them.
If there was discipline one could argue the crack era and suchwould have not popped up as people wouldnt have touched the dope.
Now keep in mind this weak mentality to not be discipline was programmed into blacks, but when will we say enough is enough and break this mold?
We clown young brothers for not being sexually active as teenagers for christ sakes, as sleeping with a bunch of chicks is what makes you a man and not being productive.
Black men when will we say enough is enough?
So in other words the people you feel are holding you back are the ones you are holding responsible for your progress
Congradulations on embarking on a life of failure
No - I know what you do.
If you were all about "what WE need to do" you might still be working at the youth center, but you ain't...
what is this?
They also have nations behind them. Black Americans were cut off from their heritage CENTURIES ago. If there was a shared cultural and national identity and we had the backing of one country or a few countries or whatever shyt would be a LOT differently.what blacks need is a code of conduct,
look how Asian groups and Arab groups act
they work together and stick together