Crayola Coyote
It all goes back to God. The whites that stole, massacred and enslaved to build this country were successful using the power of Satan under the guise of Christianity. Black people followed their example and look where it got them. Filthy communities, incarcerated men, honorless societies. You think the Afghans and Iraqis who kicked Americas ass have more resources than African americans? Of course not. What they have is a noble cause they are fighting for and a brotherhood of death before dishonor. Black people worship money by and large and want to live like the white man, when I just explained to you they got their seat at the table serving Satan. And being that Satanist have no honor amongst them there is a heiarchy, rich whites who inherited blood money comfortably at the top and poor blacks willing to kill, exploit and poison their own people scraping for table scraps at the bottom.
The yin to the white mans yang. In other words most black people never stopped being slaves.
That is also true. Whites are the devil.