what are the chances hayward gets traded for a stud 4?
what are the chances hayward gets traded for a stud 4?
This is it Fellas. No Love tonight and I expect Lebron to play a fukk ton of minutes and take 40 shots. I want to see him tired by the middle of the 2nd quarter. Make him work on offense and defense. Make him chase guys around picks. I wonder if Brad plays Semi tonight just to add another body to try and tire out Lebron defensively. Bad thing is when Semi's on the floor we are playing 4 against 5 on offense. I expect those commercial breaks to be a little longer today to give Lebron more rest.ESPN is Lebron TV and they might lose their minds if they can't talk about him 24/7 for the next month.
Who are you?
So seriously?
Imma need a few days after this.
So many players played SO DAMN BAD that I can’t even grasp it.
Terry went 0-10 from 3????
This is an inexcusable loss in my mind.
Love this team, hate this game. We should be in the finals and we shouldn’t give them a pass on that loss.