UNCHARTED 4: A Thief’s End [The Await Is Over: King Drake sliding into our hearts]


Staff member
May 1, 2012
Wow people really wanted non-stop shooting for 15 hours. :scust:

I'm fine with them trying to find more of a balance with what you do in this game. My problem is, that the exploring and platforming is boring compared to the action. So when you soak up so much time doing "other" things, it's fine to voice a complaint. There is really nothing fun about looking for shyt in this game. It's not like the treasures/clues/journals mean anything. I could see if they created a system where you get to a location completely blind, and the clues from what you find help you find more stuff. Maybe if you had to do something specific on each level, and it sort of unlocked a blueprint, or map for other treasures...

That would be more interesting to me. If they actually had obstacles in place, and if there was actually strategy that you had to incorporate during platforming... that would be fun. I enjoyed the addition of the climbing pick that they introduced in this game. Where you actually had to chain a combination to make it up some ledges. But there wasn't enough of dynamic shyt like that in the platforming category. There was only 1 place where I recall there being obstacles in place that you had to time a jump as well (the big Clock Tower Chapter)... everything else was scripted events, where you fall and he always grabs the ledge :yawn:

Naughty Dog essentially, just scattered shyt all over the maps and there was no rhyme or reason to how to get them. Same boring formula they've always had. No innovation or creativity to it.


May 6, 2012

I'm fine with them trying to find more of a balance with what you do in this game. My problem is, that the exploring and platforming is boring compared to the action. So when you soak up so much time doing "other" things, it's fine to voice a complaint. There is really nothing fun about looking for shyt in this game. It's not like the treasures/clues/journals mean anything. I could see if they created a system where you get to a location completely blind, and the clues from what you find help you find more stuff.

That would be more interesting to me. If they actually had obstacles in place, and if there was actually strategy that you had to incorporate during platforming... that would be fun. I enjoyed the addition of the climbing pick that they introduced in this game. Where you actually had to chain a combination to make it up some ledges. But there wasn't enough of dynamic shyt like that in the platforming category. There was only 1 place where I recall there being obstacles in place that you had to time a jump as well (the big Clock Tower Chapter)... everything else was scripted events, where you fall and he always grabs the ledge :yawn:

Naughty Dog essentially, just scattered shyt all over the maps and there was no rhyme or reason to how to get them. Same boring formula they've always had. No innovation or creativity to it.

I'm thinking you rushed through the game or something because... this exact thing you're describing happened in a few chapters. For example, in Chapter 10 there were several locations that had things to find like there was a well where you used the jeep to reach a treasure by tying the wench to some pillars. Then there was an optional outpost with enemies and I think a treasure there. Then there were lots of optional conversation dialogues in areas that wasn't on the main path in the game. As for the journal, notes not meaning anything, again that was a issue of yourself not being interested. The various notes scattered about the game gave some background info to some of the things going on with the story but if you found that boring, then wasn't shyt to find was going to interest you anyway.

The exploration was rewarding but like you said, you found it boring which is your problem. Plus, you were off when you said the story made no sense in how didn't Drake know Sam was dead when he's a historian. :snoop: You weren't paying attention at all. He explained all that when he first opened the door after Sam was knocking on it. The game explains all that, you weren't paying attention.


Staff member
May 1, 2012
I'm thinking you rushed through teh game or something because... this exact thing you're describing happened in a few chapters. For example, in Chapter 10 there were several locations that had things to find like there was a well where you used the jeep to reach a treasure. Then there was an optional outpost with enemies and I think a treasure there. Then there were lots of optional conversation dialogues in areas that wasn't on the main path in the game. If you found those boring than that's your problem.

I had 66/109 Treasures my first play through, without any guides. I put in over 20 hours on my first play through including all cutscenes. I'd say the main reason I missed trophies was because I wasn't sure if 1 path led to the next checkpoint, and I wouldn't be able to go back... or if the other path lead to treasures. The only time I really got tired of looking for shyt is on that big island mission before the boat crash. I saw how massive that shyt was, and said, "You know what, I know there's probably a ton of treasures on here, but I just don't even feel like looking for this shyt".

And what's up with all the blank dead ends that don't lead to a fukking thing in this game? I literally searched all over this game for shyt, and I was met with scenery.

And you're dismissing my idea like it wouldn't be good for this game, since exploration was increased significantly in this game. You like wandering around not knowing if there's even anything there to begin with? You like not knowing if you'll be able to go back to an area if you go to far?

*Cues scripted event*
"shyt, I still wanted to go and look for stuff in that one area I peeped before I got here"
*New Checkpoint starts, you can't go back*


Talk about annoying


May 6, 2012

I had 66/109 Treasures my first play through, without any guides. I put in over 20 hours on my first play through including all cutscenes. I'd say the main reason I missed trophies was because I wasn't sure if 1 path led to the next checkpoint, and I wouldn't be able to go back... or if the other path lead to treasures.
Ok. Sounds like a non elite gamer problem if you not sure of where u going :sas2:

The only time I really got tired of looking for shyt is on that big island mission before the boat crash. I saw how massive that shyt was, and said, "You know what, I know there's probably a ton of treasures on here, but I just don't even feel like looking for this shyt".
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I looked all around because I just enjoyed driving the boat and jumping in and out into the water. I searched a lot and saw some notes and other things that triggered little convos about Sam etc.

And what's up with all the blank dead ends that don't lead to a fukking thing in this game? I literally searched all over this game for shyt, and I was met with scenery.
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OH come on now. Plenty of other games did that. Your favorite game ever is literally a big ass empty space with many dead ends having absolutely nothing there to do that's "gamey". To you, the scenery wasn't rewarding or anything, to others just moving around and viewing that was enough. The added lore from finding notes, triggering optional conversations, sight seeing etc. Heck, I find that odd as detailed as this game is, the dead ends are usually met with "Damn they went through all this just for this room?

I understand your problem though clearly. You apparently wasn't feeling the story from the jump so even if you searched to find lore, notes and optional convo's, it wouldn't matter because to you they're "boring".

Contrast that with TLOU for example where the exploration ties in with the story since you're in a post apocalyptic world with scarce supplies and shyt. So you NEED to find shyt like health packs, ammo, supplies and stuff to craft and upgrade your weapons/abilities and shyt. So UC4 not having "gameplay" oriented exploration may not have satisfied you because you don't even care about the story in the first place. I think that's correct right?:yeshrug: You'll probably love ROTR since that game is like a hub world with a TON of shyt to find that increases points, have maps and checkpoints, and all other "gamey" stuff so you'll probably find exploring rewarding. You can even learn languages from reading a rock.

And you're dismissing my idea like it wouldn't be good for this game, since exploration was increased significantly in this game. You like wandering around not knowing if there's even anything there to begin with? You like not knowing if you'll be able to go back to an area if you go to far?
What are you talking about?? Lol What you're saying is EXACTLY how it is. You get to a new location, you don't know what's there so you just look around to see if stuff is there. if shyt isn't, so be it. Sometimes you find clues and those clues are usually story related hence why a cutscene or something else happens. You sound like you want a objective list with things to find/complete to be rewarded. Do you play RPG games?? They do the same thing where there's lots of empty space just.. there.

I'm playing Uncharted, a linear game. I know eventually I won't be able to go back to the area I started in. How can you expect to backtrack to older locations?? This isn't an open world game. The locations that trigger a scene are usually so obvious as either the character you with is telling you to go and or there's a button prompt, a big obvious clue(A door that's shut where everything else is quiet etc.) How this is a problem to you is beyond me. I always somehow knew which way would trigger something. if you've been playing ND games, the "goal" is obvious and you can intuitively tell where to go. I rarely am surprised at "when" something happens but more so "what' happens.

*Cues scripted event*
"shyt, I still wanted to go and look for stuff in that one area I peeped before I got here"
*New Checkpoint starts, you can't go back*


Talk about annoying

Examples. Because it sound like :duck: to me. The "scripted" events are usually placed somewhere where it's obvious something might happen.

If you see a big ass jump ahead with no obvious way to go back, why would you expect to be able to go back? The "checkpoints" are placed is such a way that you can tell something is going to happen when you go there. Sounds like you complaining about something you don't even "get". Sounds like dare I say... a casual problem :sas1:

In Chapter 4 for example, the whole house is explorable. Elena calls you to go get the food. It's obvious once you grab the plates, go to the couch and press triangle, there would be something happening.

Saying that "Oh shyt I wanted to checkout the bedroom" when you had that much freedom before is just silly as you had plenty of times to do that. Then again you said the story and stuff was stupid to you so exploration wouldn't have mattered unless there was a specific reason to do so for gameplay effecting purposes.

I guess your enjoyment of this game was Uncharted :troll:
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Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven

Act like the story was the only problem with MGSV brehs.

This was my face throughout MGSV the majority of the time

with the occasional :jbhmm:

A range of



Literally had the

once throughout the game.

UC4 10/10

MGSV 7.7/10

"...You're next rhyme should be on a Sisqo beat"


Staff member
May 1, 2012
OH come on now. Plenty of other games did that. Your favorite game ever is literally a big ass empty space with many dead ends having absolutely nothing there to do that's "gamey". To you, the scenery wasn't rewarding or anything, to others just moving around and viewing that was enough. The added lore from finding notes, triggering optional conversations, sight seeing etc. Heck, I find that odd as detailed as this game is, the dead ends are usually met with "Damn they went through all this just for this room?

I understand your problem though clearly. You apparently wasn't feeling the story from the jump so even if you searched to find lore, notes and optional convo's, it wouldn't matter because to you they're "boring".
MGSV has a map, and items highlighted on it. The enemies also give up locations on the map to where shyt is, you also have an intel team that tells where shyt is. Yeah, it's a massive map, but you know what is located where. Opposed to Uncharted where you just out there. And on top of that, it's not like what you find actually impacts anything beside progress for trophies.


be back in a bit

All Star
Aug 8, 2014

I'm fine with them trying to find more of a balance with what you do in this game. My problem is, that the exploring and platforming is boring compared to the action. So when you soak up so much time doing "other" things, it's fine to voice a complaint. There is really nothing fun about looking for shyt in this game. It's not like the treasures/clues/journals mean anything. I could see if they created a system where you get to a location completely blind, and the clues from what you find help you find more stuff. Maybe if you had to do something specific on each level, and it sort of unlocked a blueprint, or map for other treasures...

That would be more interesting to me. If they actually had obstacles in place, and if there was actually strategy that you had to incorporate during platforming... that would be fun. I enjoyed the addition of the climbing pick that they introduced in this game. Where you actually had to chain a combination to make it up some ledges. But there wasn't enough of dynamic shyt like that in the platforming category. There was only 1 place where I recall there being obstacles in place that you had to time a jump as well (the big Clock Tower Chapter)... everything else was scripted events, where you fall and he always grabs the ledge :yawn:

Naughty Dog essentially, just scattered shyt all over the maps and there was no rhyme or reason to how to get them. Same boring formula they've always had. No innovation or creativity to it.
Your opinions are on point. I think the difference is people who like Uncharted games enjoy traversing and sightseeing in this game because it feels like youre on an expedition/adventure. We're not looking to be challenged necessarily. Its more about enjoying the scenery and characters. Like I loved the Libertaria section where you're just exploring the now abandoned buildings and shyt. Even if its not a challenge, its still engaging for me.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
MGSV has a map, and items highlighted on it. The enemies also give up locations on the map to where shyt is, you also have an intel team that tells where shyt is. Yeah, it's a massive map, but you know what is located where. Opposed to Uncharted where you just out there. And on top of that, it's not like what you find actually impacts anything beside progress for trophies.

Is there a way to limit fanboi's responses to 1 gif and 150 characters per post?


May 6, 2012
MGSV has a map, and items highlighted on it. The enemies also give up locations on the map to where shyt is, you also have an intel team that tells where shyt is.

So for UC4 to have had "good" exploration in your view, it needs a digital map with items highlighted on it? You don't see the leap in logic here?

You use a IDROID in MGSV.

Telling me there's an intel team telling you where shyt shows me the issue with your argument. LOL @ enemies telling you where shyt is. Enemies in MGSV are people who set up shop and have confidential things scattered about. You're infiltrating places that you shouldn't be in.

In UC4, enemies are usually there because one person or so is having them guard a place and your goal is to get past them or stop them from getting somewhere. The "intel" is your brains and logic in UC4. Every encounter in UC4 are enemies racing to get somewhere you are because you and the antagonists are trying to find a lost treasure using clues and stuff from history.

There's a big difference here as one game has enemies that KNOW what the hell you're looking for and they have it right there whereas in UC4, enemies are just scouting an area while their head is checking things out.

Using artifacts, clues and information from history is what they're looking for. Did you even pay attention to ANYTHING going on in the game? You keep bringing up these weird ass complaints about shyt and then I'm sitting here like "Son, it's obvious why shyt is like that."

You wanted MGSV things in here. There's really nothing else to argue here.

So you expect drake to have Google maps loaded up on his phone with random treasure locations and Chloe/Sully hitting him up like "Hey kid check out that spot I sent you on your phone, there's bound to be goodies there."?

Yeah, it's a massive map, but you know what is located where.
Breh, stop being disingenuous. You know what I mean. OUTSIDE the bases, there's LOTS of dead spots where there's nothing there but busy work and collect-a-thon shyt which ties into the "gameplay" stuff which ultimately is just a grindfest. You wanted micro management and other "gamey" stuff for the exploration bits.

Also you're contradicting yourself now, you just said you want a system where you go somewhere without any knowledge of the area and to find clues to find shyt but then when I say you do find stuff that adds to the lore and background of the characters, you bring up random shyt like digital maps, Intel Teams, and irrelevant shyt as being a solution.

Opposed to Uncharted where you just out there. And on top of that, it's not like what you find actually impacts anything beside progress for trophies.
Of course you just "out there." You on an adventure. You're comparing dudes using a paper map and not knowing what's going to be there exactly with a secret, highly organized group with tons of people with intel, soldiers and people scouting the area? You don't see the oddity of your logic??

You keep saying "it's not like finding anything impacts anything..." which shows me your mentality when playing this game. You want everything to have an impact on the game directly.

The things that "impact" the player experience are journal notes, optional convo's, journal clues and just overall sight seeing.

When you understand the goal of the exploration of a game like Uncharted involving a few dudes who's often times alone, you can see why bringing up MGSV, a game which has people dealing with top level organizations, a huge group of people on a team and sophisticated technology is a false equivalent. It's not even remotely on the same level and advocating for one game to be like another is what you're doing here when you keep saying that's not what you're doing.

:umad: Just admit you don't even understand the game you're playing and your stan goggles blind you from seeing the huge, glaring differences between the games.
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May 6, 2012
Your opinions are on point. I think the difference is people who like Uncharted games enjoy traversing and sightseeing in this game because it feels like youre on an expedition/adventure. We're not looking to be challenged necessarily. Its more about enjoying the scenery and characters. Like I loved the Libertaria section where you're just exploring the now abandoned buildings and shyt. Even if its not a challenge, its still engaging for me.
Dudes need to just be real and say they just prefer one game over another and keep it moving. All this other shyt they talking about sounds quite frankly dumb and doesn't gel with what the game's aiming to do at all.

You're supposed to see the game through Drake's Eyes. Exploration is for sight seeing and adrenaline. Different players will have different expectations of rewards. I explored in here because I thought places looked cool. These guys explored because they wanted to find a box that gave them 5 pills that upgrades their melee combo.
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Grand Conde

Feb 11, 2013
Only on the Coli are people complaining about the lack of action. Go play the MP, it's non stop killing.

Better yet, go play CoD.


A Thick Sauce N*gga
Apr 30, 2012
I preferred the exploring and platforming over the action. I didn't like the waves of enemies they would hit you with. I prefer if you let me scout the area then I can carry out my plan of attack methodically. In this I'd take out half the enemies only for more to show up from an area that left me exposed and now I'm in a firefight I didn't ask for. If it's an ambush level, ok I understand that, but this shyt happened routinely.

IMO the combat in TLOU is much better than Uncharted 4. I wish we had bricks in this game. Matter of fact I think I'm gonna start up another TLOU play through tomorrow.

Also the platforming and puzzles were better in Uncharted 2, I never played 3 so I can't compare it to that game. They relied too much on the slide and grappling hook here as well.

And wassup with the ending. Why didn't they go get that treasure? They own a deep see recovery company, know where millions of bucks in treasure is sunk, and they didn't go get that shyt?

Oh and Nadine Ross got that shoulder acne. Chicks with shoulder acne got that fire.


May 6, 2012
I preferred the exploring and platforming over the action. I didn't like the waves of enemies they would hit you with. I prefer if you let me scout the area then I can carry out my plan of attack methodically. In this I'd take out half the enemies only for more to show up from an area that left me exposed and now I'm in a firefight I didn't ask for. If it's an ambush level, ok I understand that, but this shyt happened routinely.

IMO the combat in TLOU is much better than Uncharted 4. I wish we had bricks in this game. Matter of fact I think I'm gonna start up another TLOU play through tomorrow.

Also the platforming and puzzles were better in Uncharted 2, I never played 3 so I can't compare it to that game. They relied too much on the slide and grappling hook here as well.

And wassup with the ending. Why didn't they go get that treasure? They own a deep see recovery company, know where millions of bucks in treasure is sunk, and they didn't go get that shyt?

Oh and Nadine Ross got that shoulder acne. Chicks with shoulder acne got that fire.

They can get it legally if they want. They didn't say all bets were off. I expect the DLC to have something to do with Sam and Sully.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
The Jeep in this game is so much better than the one in MGSVTPP.
I can RAM it against anything as many times as I want and it doesn't take any damage. I can drive it off of any hill and it never flips. And the gas tank in the back bounces around. So life like. My wife came in on some "Are you watching a 4KUHD version of Jurassic park? I don't remember the movie looking so good".
Nah baby, this Uncharted. Bask in its greatness.