Just finished. Thought last boss was ok. A little disappointed with how it was implemented. I liked the ending tho. I think we can infer where the franchise can go from here.
You can tell this game lives in tlou shadow tho. I think they let the success of that game affect this one too much. I'm all for story driven games but this is uncharted. The equivalent of a summer block buster. I(personally) don't really need all that bruh. The characters and their plight just don't grab me like tlou. Especially after what happens in chapter 15. But, I respect their decision to not try to up the ante with the action and think it was prolly for the best, in the long run(even if I didn't care for it in some parts of this game, looking at you, chapter 16).
Game was at its best (IMO)when they put you in open environments and let you handle business and the chase sequences. The game puts you in awkward positions some times and enemies are relentless (on hard) but it really allows for you to try new ways to approach each encounter. This really leads to a feeling of satisfaction when you finally get past it.
Chapter 11 was the highlight for me, action wise. Along with lead up to the end, sans boss fight. Platforming was cool. Was pretty much on autopilot during those sequences.
This game made me more excited for tlou2, more than anything really. Great game and is on the best games, over all, that I have played this gen. It is truly a sum of its parts with more of a lean on story telling than previous entries.