I never mentioned anything about the stripper. Whatever he wants to do with his free time so be it, try again. My concerns were purely on the merit of the business plan.
Why would I send an email to something that on the outside DOESN'T look like it's fleshed out

That's like walking in an abandoned building to see if this business is still open. Umar went out there, said what his goal is, I looked at it and poked holes in it, so it doesn't look good to me. Why would I email him?
"Man that chick is ugly to me...I better talk to her to find out more"
Dr. Umar wants to open a school. He hasn't convinced me on his phony credentials, and lack of a business plan, that he should get my money to do so. If he's convinced you or someone else...more power to you.
In regards to "companies having detailed breakdowns before people invest"... YES, they do and should! I invested in Alibaba earlier this year because of numerous news reports that detailed their growth, their plan, their profitability, BEFORE they went public. If Dr. Umar can't come up with something better than he's put out there, he doesn't deserve my money.
But, you bring up a good point. Here is Umar deflecting someone trying to get answers about his accounting
Lady: "How do people know how much money you've raised?"
Umar: "Because I tell them"
I will actually write him an email bringing up these specific points and I'll see what he says.
edit: I just emailed him...let's see if I ever hear back:
Dr. Umar,
I come to you respectfully with questions about your plan to open a school. I am a young (29...not too young) black male who is intelligent, educated, and want to support the goals you are aiming to accomplish. I have, however, seen you address criticism and I honestly doubt you will respond to this email. I would love to open a dialogue with you or someone on your staff in regards to discrepancies I've noticed with your GoFundme account, your plans, why you haven't started with a smaller school, how you plan on allocating the money you will raise, your educational background etc. I plan on doing this in a positive way and am open to hearing your truth since it directly relates to young men who look and talk how I did when I was younger. If you are at all interested in opening this dialogue, I am more than happy to beginning things however you see fit in order to more understand your journey and plan.
"These dudes is politics, depositing checks,
They put in they pocket, all you get in return is a lot of lip,
And ya'll buy the shyt, caught up in the hype
cause the nygga wear a kufi, it don't mean that he bright"