Bruh, I understand what your saying from a fighters point of view, but why were u praying on Volks downfall??? Honest question

Less said about Dern the better, she’s a wash, only reason she’s there is bc of the cheeks, but she’s a buttaface, MMA has plenty of those lol
post covid i have roughly kept track of how fighters do when they return less than 6 months after being knocked out, since pre covid the norm was 6 months, but it all changed starting at endeavor and spiking after fight island.
similar to fighters who miss weight by 3-5 pounds, these fighters don’t do well overall, and i knew this.
so, “prayed” as in hoped. i hoped alexander would take the fight, since i planned to bet topuria anyway, but knew a quick return would make for a safe wager. there is no praying/hoping somebody loses in this instance, there is no usefulness in that, he is in control of his fate/knows himself and signed the contract. so my hope didnt put him any more in danger than he did himself.
ironically, dern was knocked out more recently, was a short notice replacement, is a lesser fighter, still didnt get finished, and arguably should have won her fight.