I agree that Rory should've did more. But the biggest reason why he looked bad was because Wonderboy neutralized his game.
Rory still handily beats most of the division. Who beats him?
Maybe you right and it was Wonderboy who neutralized him...But I am doubtful, because there were times when Rory was in good positions and he didn't throw anything...
I think Rory was broken by Lawler, but I am not sure...Let us see what happens in his next fight...The Rory fight made me fall back on the Wonderboy bandwagon...
I think he is a point fighter with opportunistic killer instinct...I don't see him being a dominant champ...A tough grinder who can put him against the cage and grapple will beat him...I don't think he has covered that hole...He avoids close range exchanges, and he tends to prefer striking from the outside...