thats how you get the baddest hoes, by dogging out hoes in general
HARD ON HOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HARD ON HOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My bro told me something I'll never forget....treat a bytch like dirt, she'll stick to u like mud
Best advice I've ever gotten
Like no matter what u put her through do to her etc... she still wants to chill with u fukk u etc
Ended up getting engaged to a girl i treated like this
I told her i didnt wanna be in a relationship but wanted to be fukk buddies only. Meanwhile i drop her every time a new chick comes along and she gets pissed but starts texting me again weeks later every time. This goes on for a few years until ive smashed probably 90% of the bbws in my area Then one thing leads to another and im about to get married in a few months
Some girls will just wait shyt out no matter how bad you treat them. Its wild.