This is like expecting a toddler to learn how to build a house overnight.
You can't be THAT untalented in storywriting and direction and expect to all of a sudden make the flip you all want him to make.
At some point, he's got to deliver on what everyone thinks hes holding back on.
I think he will but only time will tell....and as a matter of fact black folks in general need to get the hate out their hearts and try to start having some faith in our own.
Also when i said brand i wasn't really referring to his personal brand but more of what i think he could represent. Not just as a black director but as a black movie mogul with his own successful fully independent movie studio and then able to employ other black writers, directors, etc...who may be more talented than him to give them a shot they would otherwise never get. I guess i see a bigger picture than most but in the meantime he's doing damn good for himself.
The quality of his movies is a subjective criticism but his films make money so financially, business-wise he's doing the damn thang and that is to be commended.