I don't see anything wrong with what she said. I can't fathom why people are angry.
Lets not forgetAnd how can I forget the Grandmother of all pop whore white culture
Meanwhile this bytch is fit to adopt black kids
You're talking about hip hop before it was completely corporately controlled. For the last 20 years hip hop has ultimately been used to perpetuate a hoe/slut culture. You literally have songs celebrating being in love with strippers and dudes telling their women that it's ok to be hoes. You got women in hiphop openly bragging about being sluts and all that. While slut-acceptance is something that has spread in all communities, I do think that the black community is the most accepting of slut-behavior. The white community doesn't accept or glorify slut behavior from white women to the extent that the black community does regarding black women.The made a whole how called sex and city glorifying white woman being sluts
slut shaming only exists in the white community, because they think being a slut isn't so bad, so when you start pointing out facts, they call it slut shamming
you say black people glorify sluts
but Hip Hop has always called hoes what they are and was criticized for disrespecting women IE slut shamming
in the black community a hoe is a hoe
You’re level headed and objective.I don't see anything wrong with what she said. I can't fathom why people are angry.
I was just about to mention her.Lets not forget![]()
Americas favorite hoe.
My bad...apparently some are taking what she said as slut shaming too.
Wait so hoes like Amber Rose can do slut walks damn near butt naked & be glorified because she's "embracing her sexuality" but virtuous women like Ayesha can't be proud of their modesty? fukk outta here
Sick and tired of these IG culture and "insert blank" shaming shyt. Just praying I hit the jackpot like Steph when I do marry.
Because they know she is right and it makes them look at their pitiful life. People hate to hear the truth. It makes them look at themselves