Tutor reveals Ivy-admissions madness of rich penthouse parents


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Breh...you don't think legacy is a form of "affirmative action" for rich CACs? That's like telling poor people the reason they're poor is because they don't work hard enough.

"breh" you think legacy explains the low numbers of blacks in the ivy league and in college in general?

no it does not, anti academic attitude, low motivation, bad grades and bad test scores explains it

white liberals are lying to you, affirmative action is not the way to increase the number of blacks in the ivy league, the only real way to get more blacks into the ivy league and in top schools is for black kids to study harder and for black parents and the black community to start planning for it from very young

the main reason people, including black people, are poor is because pf lack of education, the only real way to increase income is through increased levels of education

black people need to stop letting white liberals with a white savior complex and hidden beliefs in black inferiority set the agenda and goals for black people
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Family Man

May 5, 2012
"breh" you think legacy explains the low numbers of blacks in the ivy league and in college in general?

no it does not, bad grades and bad test scores explains it

white liberals are lying to you, affirmative action is not the way to increase the number of blacks in the ivy league, the only real way to get more blacks into the ivy league and in top schools is for black kids to study harder and for black parents and the black community to start planning for it from very young

the main reason people, including black people, are poor is because pf lack of education, the only real way to increase income is through increased levels of education

black people need to stop letting white liberals with a white savior complex and hidden beliefs in black inferiority set the agenda and goals for black people
You're a stupid muthaphucka if you can't see that all of this shyt is tied to money and legacy. Dumb fukk.
I don't give a fukk about affirmative action either but the answer isn't to simply "study harder". Just like the answer to poverty isn't to "work harder". I've actually been around and worked around those monied CACs and their rotten ass spawns and they're some laziest and dumbest muthaphuckas you'll ever encountered. fukk outta here boy.
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Suicide King

May 13, 2012
You're a stupid muthaphucka if you can't see that all of this shyt is tied to money and legacy. Dumb fukk.
I don't give a fukk about affirmative action either but the answer isn't to simply "study harder". Just like the answer to poverty isn't to "work harder". I've actually been around and worked around those monied CACs and their rotten ass spawns and they're some laziest and dumbest muthaphuckas you'll ever encountered. fukk outta here.

Lazy, yes. Incompetent, yes. Dumb, no. Don't mistake the lack of common sense and talent to mean they are dumb. We live in the world of George W. Bushes.

The kids might be indifferent and spoiled, but they are STILL able to read, write, and do arithmetic at a college level by their freshman year of high school. By their junior year of high school they are taking college level courses when they are in those AP History or AP Physics or AP Chemistry classes.

We all agree the grooming the privileged gets at an early gives them a huge head start, compared to someone like me who couldn't do basic algebra in 11th grade. Also, socially a lot of those Ivy League students or Fortune 500 execs feel at home and do not feel out of place among their peers. Don't get it twisted, their peers are in high places and very influential.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
You're a stupid muthaphucka if you can't see that all of this shyt is tied to money and legacy. Dumb fukk.
I don't give a fukk about affirmative action either but the answer isn't to simply "study harder". Just like the answer to poverty isn't to "work harder". I've actually been around and worked around those monied CACs and their rotten ass spawns and they're some laziest and dumbest muthaphuckas you'll ever encountered. fukk outta here boy.

nay you're a dumb fuk, im not even defending legacy, i think it should be eliminated, but the answer to increasing the number of blacks in the ivy league and to decreasing poverty and crime in the black community is to study harder

what this story is about is explaining what rich people do to to increase test scores and grades and help with essays, but at the end of the day its test scores and grades that will get you in and if black people dont learn from what other people are doing black people will fall behimd

affirmative action or getting rid of legacy admissions is not going to increase the number of blacks by significant amounts only black kids getting better grades and better test scores and black parents and the black community focusing on academics more will do that, anybody that tells you otherwise is lying

Suicide King

May 13, 2012
Breh...you don't think legacy is a form of "affirmative action" for rich CACs? That's like telling poor people the reason they're poor is because they don't work hard enough.

It might give them an advantage over other "qualified" applicants. But, Harvard is not accepting a student with a 2.3 average. Grades and test scores will always be the biggest factor.

Things have a way of working themselves out because the good grades and good test scores comes through hard work. So I don't see how anyone can be cynical about this reality.


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
So they go to an elite college... Then what ?

Who fukking cares... It's 2013 get out and do your thing... Elite schools.. That's a 20th century relic b

Do you know how easy it is to get a job out of Yale, Havard, or Princeton? Not only are there deep networks set up but employers will trip over themselves trying to recruit you.

The dude with a 4.0 from Drexel is getting passed over by the Harvard grad 99% of the time dude


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
I'm a little envious, but other than that I have no problem with properly utilizing resources to prepare my child for the future. :manny: There are minorities who hire tutors all the time.

Studying hard is great, but not really the best method of getting into good schools. Rich kids have SAT, PSAT, and ACT test prep. Independently and sometimes in schools. Real obsessives will take it to a different level and pay for their children to basically have their applications written out like the parents in the OP. Good private schools have college counselling with real connections, sometimes funded by schools on the low. You can say 'study hard' all you want till your blue in the face, but college admissions is about putting numbers on the board and lying a lot.

This post is misleading. Certainly extra prep and tutoring can help a person score better on tests but 1) these things don't guarantee success as not everyone's score dramatically increases 2) one can do well on tests without them and many people do.

Generally schools judge sudents based on GPA, test scores and extracurricular activities. If a person studies really hard and does well, they'll get into a good school. I have a friend who goes to Columbia and the only thing he ever did was study hard. Legacies don't make up the majority of students going to Ivy League schools, though middle to rich class people do. This isn't to say that these people bought their way in though. Rich people are often cultured professionals (ie. bankers, doctors, lawyers, investors, etc) so it is no surprise their children do very well in school.
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"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
"breh" you think legacy explains the low numbers of blacks in the ivy league and in college in general?

no it does not, anti academic attitude, low motivation, bad grades and bad test scores explains it

white liberals are lying to you, affirmative action is not the way to increase the number of blacks in the ivy league, the only real way to get more blacks into the ivy league and in top schools is for black kids to study harder and for black parents and the black community to start planning for it from very young

the main reason people, including black people, are poor is because pf lack of education, the only real way to increase income is through increased levels of education

black people need to stop letting white liberals with a white savior complex and hidden beliefs in black inferiority set the agenda and goals for black people

I agree that that the anti academic attitude, low motivation, bad grades and bad test scores hold black people back, but it's not like we don't suffer from discrimination too. There can be both affirmative action for blacks and academic improvement from blacks. Liberals neither tell black people not to study nor believe we are inferior. They simply do what they think is best to help and that is something I appreciate.
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I'm a little envious, but other than that I have no problem with properly utilizing resources to prepare my child for the future. :manny: There are minorities who hire tutors all the time.

This post is misleading. Certainly extra prep and tutoring can help a person score better on tests but 1) these things don't guarantee success as not everyone's score dramatically increases 2) one can do well on tests without them and many people do.

Generally schools judge sudents based on GPA, test scores and extracurricular activities. Plenty of poor people get into top colleges with fewer extracurricular activities because they "study" really hard. I have a friend who goes to Columbia and the only thing he ever did was study hard. Legacies don't make up the majority of students going to Ivy League schools, though middle to rich class people do. This isn't to say that these people bought their way in though. Rich people are often cultured professionals (ie. bankers, doctors, lawyers, investors, etc) so it is no surprise their children do very well in school.


on top of there are plenty of black middle class people, those are the ones that really need to be pushed and have no real excuses and even poor people have some discretionary income that if used in a more efficient knowledgeable manner could help a lot

even if we cant afford to top level tutors, i think just the process and the thought of trying to get into ivy league is an academic turbo boost and puts you in the right mind frame to succeed academically regardless of where you end up
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Most of them do, and there are minorities who get into prestigious schools too. My cousin is attending Dartmouth and she's just a black girl.

I agree that that the anti academic attitude, low motivation, bad grades and bad test scores hold black people back, but it's not like we don't suffer from discrimination too. There can be both affirmative action for blacks and academic improvement from blacks. Liberals neither tell black people not to study nor believe we are inferior. They simply do what they think is best to help and that is something I appreciate.

you can have AA or you cant, what i am saying is that it isnt the key to increasing the number of blacks

i think white liberals are very nice people, i appreciate nice people but just because somebody is nice and well meaning doesnt mean i would let them tell me what my priorities are or what the agenda should be, and i disagree with making AA some kinda of cornerstone of increasing the number of minorities

and just because people are nice and well meaning doesnt mean they cant have a feeling of superiority, see obama vs clinton for reference


"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013

on top of there are plenty of black middle class people, those are the ones that really need to be pushed and have no real excuses and even poor people have some discretionary income that if used in a more efficient knowledgeable manner could help a lot

While I think this is simplifies the situation a little bit, I agree with your sentiment.

even if we cant afford to top level tutors, i think just the process and the thought of trying to get into ivy league is an academic turbo boost and outs you in the right mind frame to succeed academically regardless of where you end up


What's an Ivy League education worth?
Use good economic sense when deciding on a school for your child or yourself

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  • What do Oracle's Larry Ellison, Microsoft's Bill Gates and Dell Computer's Michael Dell have in common? They are all college dropouts who are either ex-CEOs or current CEOs of major technology companies. Why is the number 11 important to the Ivy league education debate? Eleven is the percentage of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies who have Ivy league degrees.

    Does an Ivy League education result in a higher salary and more money over time? The answer to this question may depend on whom you ask.

    The research
    Most of the time we can rely on quantitative research to find the true answer. In this case, the research is inconclusive, at least for now. A 1999 study by Rand, Cornell and Brigham Young University indicated that Ivy League graduates earned as much as 39 percent more than those who went to second-tier schools, but Princeton professor and economist Alan Krueger and his fellow researcher Stacy Berg Dale released a study the same year with seemingly opposite findings. They found that when a student performed high enough to enter an Ivy League school, but instead went to a second-tier school, they earned just as much money as their Ivy League counterparts. This study was released again in 2007 with updated data and it came to the same conclusion as the original study. <--this research basically means you're right about the academic turbo boost and mindset preparing for the Ivy League gives a person even when they don't get in. :lupe:

    Also, data indicate that although students pay more for their Ivy League education, those schools invest substantially more into each student when compared to other schools. In fact, elite schools spend 7.75 times more on each student. That translates in to $92,000 per student at Ivy League schools versus only $12,000 at second-tier institutions.

    Pro Ivy League
    Since the data are inconclusive, let's look elsewhere. On one side of the debate are the people who believe that attending and graduating from an Ivy League school affords benefits that aren't easily gained from their second-tier school counterparts. Those with Ivy League schools on their resumes may get a second look, and if the person interviewing you happens to be a fellow Yale graduate, that would certainly give you some talking points according to Steve Menack, an Ivy League graduate and successful attorney after graduating from Columbia Law School. He goes on to say that potential clients definitely look at him differently because of his Ivy League education.

    According to another popular argument, there are also networking benefits. Those who attend Ivy League schools are constantly in the presence of fellow high-performing students who already have prestigious contacts in large companies and those contacts may open the door to jobs not available to those who attend other schools.<---:ehh:

    Anti Ivy League
    Jay Mathews, recruiter, Harvard graduate and author of the book "Harvard Schmarvard: Getting Beyond the Ivy League to the College That is Best for You" believes that Ivy League graduates do better than their second-tier counterparts, but like the one study indicated, it's not so much because of the school.


    According to the New York Times, in 2010 Harvard only accepted 6.92 percent of applicants, Princeton accepted 8.18 percent and Yale accepted only 7.5 percent. Only the best, most promising students are getting into Ivy League schools. These are students who would be successful wherever they went, and that may account for the Ivy League influence according to Mathews.

    He goes on to say that although education matters, how a person relates to customers, employees and others in the supply chain is more important than his or her school of choice. Performance is far more important than education.

    Staggering cost difference
    In 2011, the cost to attend Harvard was approximately $40,000 per year. Without taking in to account any tuition increases over four years, an undergraduate will pay $160,000 for his or her Ivy League education. Contrast that with a state school like Ohio State University where the tuition is a mere $9,711 for Ohio residents or $24,759 for out-of-state residents. This means that an Ohio resident attending The Ohio State University will pay $38,844 for a four year degree. These numbers do not include room and board, student loan interest and other associated costs.<--:yeshrug: Ivy League school for poor people is almost free I think. You get a bunch of aid up till about 150k parent salary.

    Not all jobs are equal
    It might be true that some careers pay more for top-tier graduates, but for some careers it may not pay off. Take the education field, for example. Most public school educators operate under a union negotiated contract where the rate of pay is tied to experience and the highest degree earned. The person with five years of experience with a master's degree is offered the same salary as the same person who earned his or her degree at an Ivy League school. Hiring managers have very little latitude on the salary offered. If you're a teacher or in another industry where salaries are non-negotiable, how long will it take to earn the $120,000 extra that you paid to go to Harvard?<--:ohhh:

    The bottom line
    Regardless of your opinion of the Ivy League debate, don't forget to use good economic sense when deciding on a school for your child or yourself. If you can't afford a luxury car, there's no shame in purchasing an economy car. They will both get you where you need to go. Don't think because a school is more expensive you will get that money back with a higher salary and if you do how long will it take to recoup the cost?


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"We are the Fury"
Mar 21, 2013
you can have AA or you cant, what i am saying is that it isnt the key to increasing the number of blacks

Sure it is. AA really does increase the number of blacks and improves life outcomes. Some even argue the black middle class is built on AA.

i think white liberals are very nice people, i appreciate nice people but just because somebody is nice and well meaning doesnt mean i would let them tell me what my priorities are or what the agenda should be, and i disagree with making AA some kinda of cornerstone of increasing the number of minorities

Whites get their own type of AA. A white man is more likely to hire another white person before a black, even a Mexican or an Asian before a black. That's just how it goes. There are plenty of black people in corporations that won't ever get promoted to positions they deserve. Every year hundreds of blacks who graduate from law schools and go nowhere, whilst whites from similar and even lower-ranked schools make partner and fire the same blacks.

and just because people are nice and well meaning doesnt mean they cant have a feeling of superiority, see obama vs clinton for reference

Even so, I'd rather have a person who means to help me and my kind than another who doesn't care or wishes to do us will. I may think myself better than a person who doesn't know calculus, but I'm sure that person appreciates me more if I try to teach them than if I just ignore and deride them, casting them as unwavering stupid and hopeless.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Sure it is. AA really does increase the number of blacks and improves life outcomes. Some even argue the black middle class is built on AA.

sure AA increases the number slightly, i would not argue that it built the middle class

Whites get their own type of AA. A white man is more likely to hire another white person before a black, even a Mexican or an Asian before a black. That's just how it goes. There are plenty of black people in corporations that won't ever get promoted to positions they deserve. Every year hundreds of blacks who graduate from law schools and go nowhere, whilst whites from similar and even lower-ranked schools make partner and fire the same blacks.

well first that is in corporate america which is different than academics

and also all that you are describing is happening with AA in full effect, which should make you ask, aside from helping a few black people and a bunch of non black people and white women, how effective and efficient is AA

i would say it is neither effective nor efficient and on top it lowers the goals and agenda for black people, because our goal is not to get a few people in, our goal should be to dominate areas and also to build our own

Even so, I'd rather have a person who means to help me and my kind than another who doesn't care or wishes to do us will. I may think myself better than a person who doesn't know calculus, but I'm sure that person appreciates me more if I try to teach them than if I just ignore and deride them, casting them as unwavering stupid and hopeless.

like i said, i appreciate everybody but i dont let "everybody" set my goals and tell my what my agenda should be