I gotta say, the pettiness with which Bischoff/Hogan had the Horsemen booked in 1997 is
While the NWO is running shyt and ALWAYS standing tall even when they lost, the Horsemen started and spent half the year arguing among themselves because they couldn't keep their women in check. Then, Double J, who lobbied for MONTHS to be let into the Horsemen, turns on the Horsemen, leaving them down to 3. Arn retires, and the next week is SAVAGELY parodied. Ric Flair spends MONTHS trying to get Mr. Perfect to join the Horsemen. He finally does, only to turn on them 2 weeks later, because it was a NWO SWERVE the whole time, of course. In doing so, he apparently murders Ric Flair by slamming his head with the cage door at War Games. The very next night, Mongo is the only Horseman left, and Nitro goes into OVERTIME to see him defend the Horsemen's honor against Hennig in the main event....which Curt wins 100% clean and takes the US Championship. Not to mention that Hennig stole one of Ric's robes and bequeathed it to Hogan, who would rip the sleeves off and walk around in it.
They did Ric SO dirty that it's actually commendable at how dedicated they were to trying to make him cry backstage.