TSC is War


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
Hey booker man, my first instinct was to take these belts and throw 'em from a bridge, but I've had a change of heart. If there's one thing I am, even above being a bitter, bitter man, it's a competitor. I took these belts because I knew, with the amount of screw jobs and fukkery going on, there was no way either of those teams could be considered legitimate tag team champs. But still, due to my competitive nature, I'm more than willing to put MY titles on the line against any team, from TSC, TSCCM, whatever, but for me to do that I of course need a partner.

So what do you say KG.
I'm sure @firemanBk @Kostibros and @TrueEpic08 @3Rivers
are all quite eager to get a shot at what they see as rightfully theirs.

All you have to do is agree to a partner...ANY partner...of my choosing, or I could just go with my original plan and head to the nearest bridge.
It's up to you :patrice:

Mr KG: I'll tell you what, Push Man. I've been thinking. TSC Champions Series is being...canned. Why? Because I have a grander plan then to copy off of a defunct PPV from that company up north. :mjpls: We'll be having a little bit of....Wrasslin :shaq:

TSC: Out For Blood

There will be a 3-way Tag match between @firemanBk & @Kostibros , @TrueEpic08 & @3Rivers and @The Push Man and a partner of your choosing. Show and prove , tough guy. :hmm:


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
Hey booker man, my first instinct was to take these belts and throw 'em from a bridge, but I've had a change of heart. If there's one thing I am, even above being a bitter, bitter man, it's a competitor. I took these belts because I knew, with the amount of screw jobs and fukkery going on, there was no way either of those teams could be considered legitimate tag team champs. But still, due to my competitive nature, I'm more than willing to put MY titles on the line against any team, from TSC, TSCCM, whatever, but for me to do that I of course need a partner.

So what do you say KG.
I'm sure @firemanBk @Kostibros and @TrueEpic08 @3Rivers
are all quite eager to get a shot at what they see as rightfully theirs.

All you have to do is agree to a partner...ANY partner...of my choosing, or I could just go with my original plan and head to the nearest bridge.
It's up to you :patrice:

*laughs* Your belts...everyone wants to talk about owning this or that nowadays. @firemanBk wants to talk about this European Championship being his, and now you come out of the woodwork talking about YOUR Tag Team Titles.

Newsflash, imbeciles: The only man in this match who OWNS a belt is me and, just in case you've forgotten, as you and fireman have demonstrated time and time again that you have pathetically short memories, I am *holds up European and Cruiserweight belts* the first and ONLY Double Crown winner in the history of TSC, and the only faction that owns belts is the esteemed and venerable TSCCM. You own nothing. You have a claim to nothing, We claim all, we take all, because we are the ones who can and have backed our claims up by FORCE.

Let me bolster your pathetic memory again @The Push Man. The last time you got involved with the TSCCM originals, I seem to remember you being on the losing end, leading that nobody @DaylitoJames to slaughter by yours truly. Do you think that will be any different this time? Do you truly believe that you could ever hope to back up your silly little claim in the face of TSCCM Originals like myself and @3Rivers? Ask fireman about what I did to him to win my, MY, MY Double Crown, and ask him about what I was going to do to him to win the TSC Tag Team Championships and secure the Triple Crown before you stupidly stuck your nose where it didn't belong.

I will not be denied again. @3Rivers will not be denied again. TSCCM WILL NOT BE DENIED AGAIN. You want to stick your nose in our business, you will be treated just like everyone else that decides that they want glory for themselves at our expense. You will be beaten, maimed, and thrown to the side like the garbage that you are. That goes for you, fireman, or anyone else that feels like they want to be heroes.

No. No More Heroes for TSC. @3Rivers and myself? We will be TSC Tag Team Champions, just as we should be. And I will claim my rightful place as TSC's first and only Triple Crown champion. And there is nothing that you can do about it.

CM Punk

The TSC World Heavyweight Champion
Aug 1, 2012

So, here we are. Mr. KG brings an entire army out and guess what happened? You still could not defeat the Best In The World. Now that the champions series is scrapped and replace by Out For blood there is only one thing to truly announce.

Out For Blood will be held in................


And KG as much as you tried and you did try. You can't fire me. You can't defeat me. You are exactly what I said, a smokescreen. Your conglomerate is a smokescreen for Krack and the TSC Heavyweight Championship. And now, in the main event of Out For Blood in my hometown of Chicago you will witness Krack go down in a blaze of glory and see me rise up as the new TSC Heavyweight Champion. And then, I will leave TSC with the title. The last day of my contract is the main event of Out for Blood and you will kiss the TSC Championship and CM Punk goodbye.



The Manslayer
May 2, 2012
I know @Kostibros & I are considered the underdogs. Perhaps, that's because we're a brand new team that isn't fully in synch. Perhaps, it's due to an admitted lack of trust on my end because of Kostibros' affiliation with #TSCCanada (and personally, @3Rivers & @TrueEpic08, you might want to think abvout where @YoungCJ's heart truly lies as well :usure:).
All that being said I absolutely refuse to let #TSCCM walk away with another set of titles. It will not happen.

Now, as for @The Push Man, it'll be interesting to see who he teams up with. Anybody that might be giving some thought into teaming with this whiny, pathetic, loser should think long and hard about that choice. Realize, that you'll be putting yourself on the TSC and TSCCM hit list from here on out. Are you really ready to deal with that? Push Man took one beating from TSC and couldn't handle it. I wonder if his partner will be so weak?


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
TSC: Out For Blood

Card in progress:

Main Event : @krackdagawd vs. @CM Punk for the TSC Heavyweight Title (with @Keith Harrow , Mr. KG, @The Undertaker , @Scotch Hall and @Corporate Rock at ringside for fairness purposes)

@TrueEpic08 & @3Rivers vs. @firemanBk & @Kostibros vs. @The Push Man and a mystery partner vs. The TSC Playaz @Doominess & @Evil Genius Swizzy for the TSC Tag Team Titles

@StatUS vs. @Hoss for the newly created vacant TSC Interstate Title

@StarClout vs. @Beautiful Bobby Eatin in a Hell in a Cell match

@The Great One vs. SwiggyCabrera24 in a Cage Match

@jdashmaj & @DirtyD @We Ready vs. @YoungCJ & @g-ice @Twitter
Last edited:

CM Punk

The TSC World Heavyweight Champion
Aug 1, 2012

I see you're stacking the deck against me, KG. It's pretty obvious that you, are deathly afraid and have no faith in Krack. You bring out these fossils of the past like Corporate Rock who the last time he was even relevant Mick Foley was too. You have a deadman in your stable that uses parlor tricks, bad eye shadow and thinks having a MoHawk at fifty years old is fashionable. You are toting around a drug abusing alcoholic who won't even make it to the arena because he's to focused on where he is going to get his next fix.

Whatever it is you call your little group this week, will not be enough to stop me. I've had one goal and one goal only since I showed up in TSC and more specifically, TSC Heatwave. That is to win the TSC Heavyweight Title. A Title that has not been in the spotlight in this verse. A Title that should be but has not and you know why? Because you have an inferior talent holding down the championship.

Krack, I don't blame you for holding on to the TSC title for however long you've had. You have been afforded opportunity after opportunity and who could blame you? I wouldn't. I would have done the same thing. You are the golden boy for KG and the rest of these zombies that worship the heartbreak kid, the king of kings, the razors, the diesels and that's fine. But it's over now.

You may have this conglomerate. You may have Mr. KG in your back pocket or is it KG has you in his back pocket? You may have the TSC title for now. At Out for Blood, in my hometown of Chicago, with over Twenty Thousand of my people behind me, your run is over.

When it's all over, I will have the TSC World title. I will, leap over that guardrail with that title in my hands and blow you all a kiss. That will be the lasting image of TSC : Out For Blood. When it's all said and done. TSCCM or whatever it's called this weak will suffer the worst defeat of their existence. TSC will have its greatest victory and then I will walk out with the TSC World heavyweight Title slung over my shoulder and I will be TSC World Heavyweight Champion.


Legalize us.
Jul 8, 2012
The North
Well I ain't never been about championship belts, but this brand new Interstate Title gotta find a home, and it makes a good match for a shiny crowbar, ya think?

I been watchin' you @StatUS, and you do talk a good game. But you ain't part of the solution, you're just another part of the problem here in TSC. A problem that gotta be solved with the quickness.

When I'm done, you're gonna be just another STATistic.

Better yet, you're gonna be Retirement @StatUS ...

You ain't playin' checkers no more, bruh. It's chess now. Welcome to the game.

See you on the freeway.


Apr 30, 2012
Well I ain't never been about championship belts, but this brand new Interstate Title gotta find a home, and it makes a good match for a shiny crowbar, ya think?

I been watchin' you @StatUS, and you do talk a good game. But you ain't part of the solution, you're just another part of the problem here in TSC. A problem that gotta be solved with the quickness.

When I'm done, you're gonna be just another STATistic.

Better yet, you're gonna be Retirement @StatUS ...

You ain't playin' checkers no more, bruh. It's chess now. Welcome to the game.

See you on the freeway.
STATistic, cute.

But this match here I can get with.

You see Hoss or shall I say "Loss," you're one of the biggest problems with TSC these days. You play the big hero swinging around your crowbar for justice against TSCCM but it's all bullshyt. At the end of the day you want what what everyone else in this world wants. Fame, Fortune, and fukking. The 3 Fs that keep lesser men from reaching their true potential.

Me? I just want what's rightfully mine. Out For Blood is apropos for what I'm gonna do to you at the PPV my nikka. After I take out TSC's vengeful hero and leave him in a pool of his own koolaid, I get one step closer to my goal.


May 2, 2012
Eagles, Canes, Kliq, Sixers
Breaking News: Liggins has been pulled from the card, also Liggins stormed into MR. KG's office and told him that "TSCCM is no longer my way....Urine Nation will rise". Reports say two demented voices laughed in the hall way as the lights went out when Liggins turned around and left Mr. KG's office. Security will be beefed up for the PPV.



Apr 30, 2012
Breaking News: Liggins has been pulled from the card, also Liggins stormed into MR. KG's office and told him that "TSCCM is no longer my way....Urine Nation will rise". Reports say two demented voices laughed in the hall way as the lights went out when Liggins turned around and left Mr. KG's office. Security will be beefed up for the PPV.
