Very easy 8 for me. He was my favorite ECW wrestler, and I was really hype when he came to the WWE. He was one of the undeniably popular guys from a non-WWE fed that couldn't get buried (initially) when he came over. I don't remember notable promos from him in the WWE nor ECW, but I can't say he sucked either. He was pretty basic, and definitely restricted in the WWE. I remember him cutting some really silly promos in his latter WWE run, and I remember him having a shoot interview in maybe 2013 where he was talking about they never knew what directly to take him promos, and that's exactly the feeling I got. As far as actual wrestling, he was very exciting, and an innovator, and put on a lot of very good matches. You can call him a spot-monkey years later, but during his run, all he was was a very standout wrestler to me. He put on good matches with a host of people, and held a bunch of titles, even the WWE title in a great atmosphere at ONS 2006. Shouldn't have won the TNA World title after barely being there, but nothing made sense in TNA at that point in time anyway. Even though he had better matches, my favorite match of his is with Jeff Hardy at Invasion. IDK, just something about it, everything who wanted to see from the both of them. He was pretty washed in his last WWE run, looking bloated, and practically going through the motions with his spots, but I think that's all you were gonna get from a 42 year old RVD who never changed/adjusted his high flying style over time. All the weed/drugs took off years of productive wrestling as well. Negatives aside, RVD was one of my favorite wrestling between 97-2004, and my biggest reason for interest in ECW.