And a Pull it Surprise. Believe me.Maybe Trump will bring about a utopia?
Did you guys even consider the fact that Trump is a stable genius who should have won a Nobel Peace Prize?
I feel the same. Just something tells me he won't do it. If mid terms go really bad for dems and it's looking like Kamala will be the candidate in '24, Trump might not pass up on that kind of lay up.but i still say he's too p*ssy to run again. he'll never leave his right wing safe spaces where he can pretend he won in 2020
If Americans elect a guy who tried to overthrow government once again, then Americans deserve whatever it gets.
You read the article?
Then there were economic anomalies. Over the previous decade, one in four violent extremists arrested by the FBI had been unemployed. But only 7 percent of the January 6 insurgents were jobless, and more than half of the group had a white-collar job or owned their own business. There were doctors, architects, a Google field-operations specialist, the CEO of a marketing firm, a State Department official. “The last time America saw middle-class whites involved in violence was the expansion of the second KKK in the 1920s,” Pape told me.
Economic Anxiety…The researchers tried a hypothesis: Insurgents might be more likely to come from counties where white household income was dropping. Not so. Household income made no difference at all.
Only one meaningful correlation emerged. Other things being equal, insurgents were much more likely to come from a county where the white share of the population was in decline. For every one-point drop in a county’s percentage of non-Hispanic whites from 2015 to 2019, the likelihood of an insurgent hailing from that county increased by 25 percent. This was a strong link, and it held up in every state.
I'm glad to see my economic anxiety bros coming around to accept that these people are just racists acting out.
That’s the hidden secret about trump supporters; the heart of it aint poor white people. That’s why that campaign is frighten over the suburbs because suburban whites were why Trump won.
Poor white people dont even vote that heavy and I don’t think they’ve done a good job with outreach to them, despite trying.
poor white people--like many poor people--don't vote because they correctly realized the system doesn't work for them.
The MAGA whites you see on cameras are mostly middle class.
And those affluent whites live in New York, Pennsylvania, DC, Maryland, California and many other blue states. Its no different than what the right wing thinks.