Trump's brownshirts hold rally in DC, do Nazi salute, say Nazi things


May 8, 2012
:lolbron: Dear gawd...I see your facing a deficit in logic but comprehension as well...if you could kindly peruse the article you proudly posted youll find it actually contradicts you

and agrees with what i was saying...

:mjgrin:good day sir...thank you for the article

I see you've completely abandoned addressing the whole point of this argument, which is Robert Spencer's influence in conservative media. :mjpls:

Is Robert Spencer out here making memes for fun? :mjpls:

Does the fact that "many" people from /pol/ would rather the 1488ers didn't exist mean that they are not a significant minority at all, which is what you were trying to argue earlier in this thread? :mjpls:

The fact that /pol/ people want to pretend the 1488ers don't exist means that they do exist, and that they're hard to ignore. :mjpls:

Also, I'm not buying the slick white supremacy/white nationalism dichotomy that everyone from the alt-right tries to sell. "Yeah, we want to build our ethnically homogeneous communities! But violence? Perish the thought! We just want everyone in their happy little country surrounded by happy little people like themselves! Surely if everyone lives in a country of people who look and think exactly as they do, that will bring about world peace! :mjpls:

Goalpost moving, once again. You lost. :camby:


All Star
Nov 20, 2016
I have some issues with Spencer and the New York Times.

whom he called the “children of the sun,”

Scientifically false:

The Protective Role of Melanin Against UV Damage in Human Skin

"Human skin is repeatedly exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) that influences the function and survival of many cell types and is regarded as the main causative factor in the induction of skin cancer. It has been traditionally believed that skin pigmentation is the most important photoprotective factor, since melanin, besides functioning as a broadband UV absorbent, has antioxidant and radical scavenging properties. Besides, many epidemiological studies have shown a lower incidence for skin cancer in individuals with darker skin compared to those with fair skin. Skin pigmentation is of great cultural and cosmetic importance, yet the role of melanin in photoprotection is still controversial. This article outlines the major acute and chronic effects of UV radiation on human skin, the properties of melanin, the regulation of pigmentation and its effect on skin cancer prevention."

And: How Ultraviolet Light Reacts in Cells | SciBytes | Learn Science at Scitable

"Ultraviolet rays can also damage DNA indirectly. How? The story starts with melanin, a class of compounds which organisms produce that give their skin color. The large system of freely-moving (delocalized) electrons that gives melanin its color is also what allows it to absorb UV light. Melanin isn't the only light-absorbing compound in living things; chlorophylls and other bright pigments in plants also absorb light, acting in photosynthesis because of the large number of delocalized electrons in each molecule. When melanin is hit by a photon of UV light, it goes into an excited state, where an electron has increased in energy. In chlorophylls, this excited state starts the chain of reactions that results in photosynthesis. Melanin is different. Instead of becoming very reactive when hit by UV light, melanin releases the extra energy as heat; it reacts less than 1 out of every 1000 times it becomes excited. This allows melanin to protect more sensitive molecules, like DNA, from UV exposure

If anyone are "children of the sun" it would be the darkest people. If you have lots of melanin, you are environmentally favored to say the least.

The problem I have with the New York Times and liberals in general is when it comes to white people they like to sanitize their criticisms. Instead of calling a spade a spade, they like to make up terms or phrases like, "White privilege", or "implicit bias (I absolutely hate this damn term)". And, now the "Alternative Right". But here is the New York Times, a liberal outlet, once again doing a bang-up job:

"the alt-right has been difficult to define. Is it a name for right-wing political provocateurs in the internet era? Or is it a political movement defined by xenophobia and a dislike for political correctness?"

You literally have the leader of this movement talking about white nationalism to which you have stated within this damn article! Whoever wrote this article is a ridiculous journalist. Hard to define? He just told you he was a damn white nationalist. He is quoting German phrases like Luggenpresse and talking about how this country should be a white nation, and minorities aren't needed.

Here is some more from Spencer:

The United States today, Mr. Spencer said, had been turned into “a sick, corrupted society.” But it was not supposed to be that way.

The inception of America was based on genocide, rape, pillaging, and chattel slavery. What was not corrupt about any of that? Throughout these 100 or so years, people were attempting to rectify that. But then again, this is the same guy that believes in dominance, and whom thinks fairness is an incorrect value. Fairness is based on rationality or reason, a society that basis itself on reason (this encapsulates fairness) moves away from corruption. But this guy's ideology is filled with haphazard reasoning.

The Good, the Bad, and the Just: Justice Sensitivity Predicts Neural Response during Moral Evaluation of Actions Performed by Others | Journal of Neuroscience

"Morality is a fundamental component of human cultures and has been defined as prescriptive norms regarding how people should treat one another, including concepts such as justice, fairness, and rights. Using fMRI, the current study examined the extent to which dispositions in justice sensitivity (i.e., how individuals react to experiences of injustice and unfairness) predict behavioral ratings of praise and blame and how they modulate the online neural response and functional connectivity when participants evaluate morally laden (good and bad) everyday actions. Justice sensitivity did not impact the neuro-hemodynamic response in the action-observation network but instead influenced higher-order computational nodes in the right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ), right dorsolateral and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (rdlPFC, dmPFC) that process mental states understanding and maintain goal representations. Activity in these regions predicted praise and blame ratings. Further, the hemodynamic response in rTPJ showed a differentiation between good and bad actions 2 s before the response in rdlPFC. Evaluation of good actions was specifically associated with enhanced activity in dorsal striatum and increased the functional coupling between the rTPJ and the anterior cingulate cortex. Together, this study provides important knowledge in how individual differences in justice sensitivity impact neural computations that support psychological processes involved in moral judgment and mental-state reasoning."

In other words, those that showed high justice sensitivity are more likely to have high cognitive skills since they based their sense of justice on reason and not necessarily emotion.

"Mr. Spencer said: “We don’t exploit other groups, we don’t gain anything from their presence. They need us, and not the other way around.”

Historically false.

Big Oil’s sleazy Africa secrets: How American companies and super-rich exploit natural resources

and: The African Genome Variation Project shapes medical genetics in Africa : Nature : Nature Research

"Given the importance of Africa to studies of human origins and disease susceptibility, detailed characterization of African genetic diversity is needed. The African Genome Variation Project provides a resource with which to design, implement and interpret genomic studies in sub-Saharan Africa and worldwide. The African Genome Variation Project represents dense genotypes from 1,481 individuals and whole-genome sequences from 320 individuals across sub-Saharan Africa. Using this resource, we find novel evidence of complex, regionally distinct hunter-gatherer and Eurasian admixture across sub-Saharan Africa. We identify new loci under selection, including loci related to malaria susceptibility and hypertension. We show that modern imputation panels (sets of reference genotypes from which unobserved or missing genotypes in study sets can be inferred) can identify association signals at highly differentiated loci across populations in sub-Saharan Africa. Using whole-genome sequencing, we demonstrate further improvements in imputation accuracy, strengthening the case for large-scale sequencing efforts of diverse African haplotypes. Finally, we present an efficient genotype array design capturing common genetic variation in Africa"

Spencer can also read up on:

Henrietta Lacks - Wikipedia

Tuskegee syphilis experiment - Wikipedia

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015


Why the hell are they trying to normalize this shyt? The media is worthless.


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
Sad to see this happening..

But this is a the end result of 16 years of ever increasing PC clamp-downs, purple-haired authoritarians, and demeaning of white people.

What did you expect them to do? Just take it?

Why should they apologize for having ancestors that literally defeated everyone on the battlefield. The Japanese were the only real-threat to their power and they took them out and turned them into wimps.

Now the world is changing, and white people are losing their firm grip on the world, but they still are told that they are responsible for ills of the entire world.

Whites have tried to atone for their 1000 year winning streak by inviting millions of non-whites into their native homeland, and yet, they are still demonized. They have setup their own schools to teach white-privilage classes, yet, they are still demonized. Maybe some of them just thought, if we're devils..let's just be devils?

White nationalism scares people, unlike nationalist movements from other races. I think this is because most people are scared white people including white people. They are a dangerous race. If they ever mobilize, no other race could defeat them. Even in their relatively small modern numbers.


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
I see you've completely abandoned addressing the whole point of this argument, which is Robert Spencer's influence in conservative media. :mjpls:

Is Robert Spencer out here making memes for fun? :mjpls:

Does the fact that "many" people from /pol/ would rather the 1488ers didn't exist mean that they are not a significant minority at all, which is what you were trying to argue earlier in this thread? :mjpls:

The fact that /pol/ people want to pretend the 1488ers don't exist means that they do exist, and that they're hard to ignore. :mjpls:

Also, I'm not buying the slick white supremacy/white nationalism dichotomy that everyone from the alt-right tries to sell. "Yeah, we want to build our ethnically homogeneous communities! But violence? Perish the thought! We just want everyone in their happy little country surrounded by happy little people like themselves! Surely if everyone lives in a country of people who look and think exactly as they do, that will bring about world peace! :mjpls:

Goalpost moving, once again. You lost. :camby:

:russ: You sound like a petulant retarded child " I WIN " " I WINNN"......Of course little your class everyone gets a medal


:stopitslime: But in reality you failed

see THIS was my point...all along
:russell: Retarded article...Never heard of this guy before ..hes not a contributor or part of any popular conservative movement...hes a bona fide neo nazi being propped up by the liberal media as the face of the "alt right movement"

The New york times should give up printing words since most are lies and just accept their new role as fish wrap

Posting one article he did for some obscure blog in 2007 doesnt change the essence of my argument.....He has No platform..No following and his .Org seems to consist entirely of one person...No wonder he could pack it and move it to DC so quick.

The NY times loves hyping up idiots like this and David duke so borderline retarded liberals can get their confirmation bias fix.."see we told u they wuz all racists"...even had Duke feeling himself to the point of running for office..but when push comes to shove he only got 50,000 votes in his own home state with 2 MILLION votes counted.

:mjgrin:Like i said its not your fault...It takes intelligence to see through the bullshyt the media serves up and most people just dont have it...keep trying tho...youll get there i believe in you


May 17, 2012
the internet
What does this have to do w/ anything?

Is Trump there speaking?
Did he create this group?

Are you shocked these people exist?

There's nothing to defend...and this doesnt prove that Trump is racist.


Sep 16, 2012
:russell: Retarded article...Never heard of this guy before ..hes not a contributor or part of any popular conservative movement...hes a bona fide neo nazi being propped up by the liberal media as the face of the "alt right movement"

The New york times should give up printing words since most are lies and just accept their new role as fish wrap

Look at any alt right account on twitter this is par for the course with them. They aren't being unfairly misrepresented


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
Look at any alt right account on twitter this is par for the course with them. They aren't being unfairly misrepresented

I agree.. my point was they are being seems like every other election cycle the liberal media brushes the mothballs of people like David duke and tries to attach them to any conservative candidate they like.
Ive been seeing more of these articles lately..probably an attempt to discredit Trumps administration....people are being played

Its odd that most people dont notice the outlets that publicise neo nazis the most are usually the left leaning ones..they want to promote this Spencer guy, they want to promote the KKK...i wouldnt be suprised if some liberal backer was or ends up funding his movement.


All Star
Nov 20, 2016
I agree.. my point was they are being seems like every other election cycle the liberal media brushes the mothballs of people like David duke and tries to attach them to any conservative candidate they like.
Ive been seeing more of these articles lately..probably an attempt to discredit Trumps administration....people are being played

Its odd that most people dont notice the outlets that publicise neo nazis the most are usually the left leaning ones..they want to promote this Spencer guy, they want to promote the KKK...i wouldnt be suprised if some liberal backer was or ends up funding his movement.

David Duke isn't trotted every other election cycle. He sure wasn't trotted out in 2000, 2004, 2008, and the 2012 election cycles, but he was in the 2016 cycle.

Also, Trump discredits his own administration, not the media. And the only people that are being played are those that think he is going to be a "good"--, "half-way decent"--, "not so bad"--, "did the best he could"--, "well... he has some issues but he's good at heart" -- type of president. He's already trying to commit fraudulent activities and he hasn't been inaugurated yet! Trump is a disaster and those true believing, south will rise, good southern redneck, b*stards will come to realize that their little childish beliefs won't mean much to Trump.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I've never 'loved' the country, because I was simply born here, it's coincidence, had nothing to do with me....This is truly disgraceful though, and as disgraceful it is, it's also horrifyingly ominous, about what lies ahead. Because NO ONE has really stepped up to confront this, you have hate groups openly walking the streets endorsing the president elect. I would have preferred Obama stage a military coup, and seized power then this. Cleanse the bloodline like they do in Juarez, some Henry the 8th type shyt.
Last edited:


May 20, 2012
I've never 'loved' the country, because I was simply born here, it's coincidence, had nothing to do with me....This is truly disgraceful though, and as disgraceful it is, it's also horrifyingly ominous, about what lies ahead. Because NO ONE has really stepped up to confront this, you have hate groups openly walking the streets endorsing the president elect. I would have preferred Obama stage a military coup, and seized power then this.

The parties are all the same. There is absolutely no difference between Hillary and Trump.
