Trump's brownshirts hold rally in DC, do Nazi salute, say Nazi things

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
Just a (((media))) hoax, huh @King Kreole
Yes. 200 pathetic mouthbreathing neo-nazis is now cause for national media panic? Give me a fukking break. There were more people on my subway train this morning. The media is blowing this up, just like they blew up David Duke. Do you really believe that events like this weren't taking place last year, or the year before? I have yet to see a single iota of evidence that these groups are increasing in size or power, and no, the media choosing to cover them now that it is financially expedient to conflate these groups with the Trump administration is not evidence. 62 million people voted for Trump and all you have is 200 retards in a a half full Days Inn conference room.

If Trump shuts down private media who will you blame?

Move on to minorities? Foreigners? "The Bankers"?


Shuts down private media? I don't even know what that means.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
You Are Still Crying Wolf

A rundown of some contrary talking points:

1. Is Trump getting a lot of his support from white supremacist organizations?

No, because there are not enough organized white supremacists to make up “a lot” of anyone’s support.

According to Wikipedia on KKK membership:

As of 2016, the Anti-Defamation League puts total Klan membership nationwide at around 3,000, while the Southern Poverty Law Center puts it at 6,000 members total

The KKK is really small. They could all stay in the same hotel with a bunch of free rooms left over. Or put another way: the entire membership of the KKK is less than the daily readership of this blog.

If you Google “trump KKK”, you get 14.8 million results. I know that Google’s list of results numbers isn’t very accurate. Yet even if they’re inflating the numbers by 1000x, and there were only about 14,000 news articles about the supposed Trump-KKK connection this election, there are still two to three articles about a Trump-KKK connection for every single Klansman in the world.

I don’t see any sign that there are other official white supremacy movements that are larger than the Klan, or even enough other small ones to substantially raise the estimate of people involved. David Duke called a big pan-white-supremacist meeting in New Orleans in 2005, and despite getting groups from across North America and Europe he was only able to muster 300 attendees (by comparison, NAACP conventions routinely get 10,000).

My guess is that the number of organized white supremacists in the country is in the very low five digits.

2. Is Trump getting a lot of his support from online white nationalists and the alt-right?

No, for the same reason.

The alt-right is mostly an online movement, which makes it hard to measure. The three main alt-right hubs I know of are /r/altright, st0rmfr0nt, and *****’s politics board.

The only one that displays clear user statistics is /r/altright, which says that there are about 5,000 registered accounts. The real number is probably less – some people change accounts, some people post once and disappear, and some non-white-nationalists probably go there to argue. But sure, let’s say that community has 5,000 members.

st0rmfr0nt’s user statistics say it gets about 30,000 visits/day, of which 60% are American. My own blog gets about 8,000 visits/day , and the measurable communities associated with it (the subreddit, people who follow my social media accounts) have between 2000 – 8000 followers. If this kind of thing scales, then it suggests about 10,000 people active in the st0rmfr0nt community.

***** boasts about 1 million visits/day. About half seem to be American. Unclear how many go to the politics board and how many are just there for the anime and video games, but Wikipedia says that /b/ is the largest board with 30% of *****’s traffic, so /pol/ must be less than that. If we assume /pol/ gets 20% of ***** traffic, and that 50% of the people on /pol/ are serious alt-rightists and not dissenters or trolls, the same scaling factors give us about 25,000 – 50,000 American alt-rightists on *****.

Taking into account the existence of some kind of long tail of alt-right websites, I still think the population of the online US alt-right is somewhere in the mid five-digits, maybe 50,000 or so.

50,000 is more than the 5,000 Klansmen. But it’s still 0.02% of the US population. It’s still about the same order of magnitude as the Nation of Islam, which has about 30,000 – 60,000 members, or the Church of Satan, which has about 20,000. It’s not quite at the level of the Hare Krishnas, who boast 100,000 US members. This is not a “voting bloc” in the sense of somebody it’s important to appeal to. It isn’t a “political force” (especially when it’s mostly, as per the ***** stereotype, unemployed teenagers in their parents’ basements.)

So the mainstream narrative is that Trump is okay with alienating minorities (= 118 million people), whites who abhor racism and would never vote for a racist (if even 20% of whites, = 40 million people), most of the media, most business, and most foreign countries – in order to win the support of about 50,000 poorly organized and generally dysfunctional people, many of whom are too young to vote anyway.

Caring about who the KKK or the alt-right supports is a lot like caring about who Satanists support. It’s not something you would do if you wanted to understand real political forces. It’s only something you would do if you want to connect an opposing candidate to the most outrageous caricature of evil you can find on short notice.

@Hollywood Hogan @88m3


KPJ Gonna Save Us
Mar 31, 2015
The time for Cynicism is over. No longer can people say "They say that but what's really gonna happen".

Things like this must be taken seriously and responded to accordingly. This is not trolling, a gimmick, a charade, none of that. These Alt-Racists are in the public conscious now, and with Steve Bannon in a prominent cabinet position they have a firm seat at the table to push their agenda.

If you don't know what these three acts are, read up on them. They deal with Presidential power and the government's ability to encroach on your freedoms.

Another thing to consider is what is known as Miles's Law. The premise of Miles's law is that a bureaucrat will behave distinctively different depending on their position and their leadership. This is not democrat vs. republican different, this is subconscious confirming of individual bureaucrats to management influence/group dynamics. Because many people decided to not vote down ballot, we now have a full Republican congress and nearly a supermajority of Republican state governments as well. If THIS is the type of platform that is being pushed from the top (Bannon), then the lower levels will gradually fall in line.
Miles’ Law and Six Other Maxims of Management
Rufus E. Miles, Jr. (1910-1996) was an assistant secretary under Presidents Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson and six H.E.W. secretaries. He developed from “memorable encounters with reality,” Miles’ Law and Six Other Maxims of Management. The law states: Where you stand depends on where you sit. He codified that which we should know intuitively. We see things and form judgments of things from our own perspective. We need to discipline ourselves to see things from other’s vantage point. To his law he added six maxims:

• Maxim 1: The responsibility of every manager exceeds his authority, and if he tries to increase his authority to equal his responsibility, he is likely to diminish both.

• Maxim 2: Managers at any level think they can make better decisions than either their superiors or their subordinates; most managers therefore seek maximum delegations from their superiors and make minimum delegations to their subordinates.

• Maxim 3: Serving more than one master is neither improper nor unusually difficult if the servant can get a prompt resolution when the masters disagree.

• Maxim 4: Since managers are usually better talkers than listeners, subordinates need courage and tenacity to make their bosses hear what they do not want to hear.

• Maxim 5: Being two-faced—one face for superiors and one for subordinates—is not a vice but a virtue for a program manager if he or she presents his or her two faces open and candidly.

• Maxim 6: Dissatisfaction with services tends to rise rapidly when the provider of the services becomes bureaucratically bigger, more remote, and less flexible, even if costs are somewhat lower.

These laws were originally published in September 1978. "The Origin and Meaning of Miles' Law," Public Administration Review, September – October 1978.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
Look at any alt right account on twitter this is par for the course with them. They aren't being unfairly misrepresented
You don't have to be a KKK member to be racist ass cac :francis:

Yep. Case in point.

I know a guy that claimed a couple years ago that he affiliated himself somewhere in the alt-right spectrum (I believe there are a few branches?) Guy had a solid job and lived in a liberal area.

Anyways, he used some coded language now and then, but overall seemed like a normal and reasonable dude.

One Monday I go into work and he must have hit "reply all" to someone in a group email instead of hitting reply, because his email went to a bunch of people, but it was basically a drunk email that said stuff in it like, "I don't know why I have so much hate in my heart for n---ers and jews. I wish I didn't but I just do. I don't get it. I have jewish people on my family. I just think the white race is pure and blah blah blah". The email probably went to a good half dozen people.

It was very illuminating. I always figured he held some prejudice in his heart and probably believed some negative stereotypes, but he exposed himself as an all around :demonic:and he has gone totally radar silent since then. No social media, etc.


Sep 16, 2012
Yep. Case in point.

I know a guy that claimed a couple years ago that he affiliated himself somewhere in the alt-right spectrum (I believe there are a few branches?) Guy had a solid job and lived in a liberal area.

Anyways, he used some coded language now and then, but overall seemed like a normal and reasonable dude.

One Monday I go into work and he must have hit "reply all" to someone in a group email instead of hitting reply, because his email went to a bunch of people, but it was basically a drunk email that said stuff in it like, "I don't know why I have so much hate in my heart for n---ers and jews. I wish I didn't but I just do. I don't get it. I have jewish people on my family. I just think the white race is pure and blah blah blah". The email probably went to a good half dozen people.

It was very illuminating. I always figured he held some prejudice in his heart and probably believed some negative stereotypes, but he exposed himself as an all around :demonic:and he has gone totally radar silent since then. No social media, etc.

This dudes a perfect example of alt right and he's a piece of garbage

John Rivers (@JohnRiversX2) on Twitter


Jun 20, 2013

You're an idiot, while kkk and white nationalists have a lot in common ideologically, white nationalism is more detailed and a bigger movement globally. The kkk been dying and white nationalism has always been the more "intellectual version of it" and deeper history with systemic racism. One doesn't have to be a known kkk member to be considered a white nationalist / nazi.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
You're an idiot, while kkk and white nationalists have a lot in common ideologically, white nationalism is more detailed and a bigger movement globally. The kkk been dying and white nationalism has always been the more "intellectual version of it" and deeper history with systemic racism. One doesn't have to be a known kkk member to be considered a white nationalist / nazi.
:dahell: I am aware of the difference between White Nationalism and the Klu Klux Klan. It is the mainstream media and butthurt Hillary supporters who are conflating the two. One thing the two "groups" have in common is that neither are meaningfully relevant outside of their use as liberal boogeymen. The Klan is, for all intents and purposes, dead, and if this pathetic showing is any indication, "White Nationalism" in the form of these distinct organizations is impotent. Please show me the vast power that these groups are wielding that makes you so scared.

And for the love of God, I'm not here on some "Racism is dead" bullshyt. Just the opposite. Racism is so ubiquitous that I find it absurd to focus on these groups, miniscule in both size and power, as some vindication of American racism. White Nationalists (at least overt White Nationalists like these organizations) are no more powerful than they were last month or last year. It's a fiction being pumped out by the media to sell views and clicks.
