Trump's brownshirts hold rally in DC, do Nazi salute, say Nazi things


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
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So this isn't Richard Spencer writing articles for well-known conservative websites?

Rush to Judgment

Articles: Richard L. Spencer Archives

Taki's Magazine - Contributors
:francis: Are you serious??...Only one of those has a small following.American thinker ...obscure blogs with no following like Taki mag?? According to alexa most of their traffic comes from being confused with a brand of popular spicy corn chips.

And he wrote ONE article for them in 2007...Not exactly a regular contributor is he?

Youre trying to get pedantic to avoid the overall truth in my statement...when people say Alt right they think Alex jones,Glen beck....not this idiot and David duke..but the liberal media plans to change that using dumbass headlines like this.

Its a free keep being their sucker :hubie:


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
he's the president of the national policy institute, which has a relationship with steve bannon

you should do your research, breh
:manny: First time ive heard of them...

The group was based in Augusta, Georgia at its founding, but by 2013 had relocated to Montana.[5] (In some reports, the group is listed as being based in Arlington, Virginia.[8] Spencer divides his time between Montana and Virginia.[9])

James B. Taylor was vice president of the NPI for a time, and was listed as such in the group's 2012 tax return. Taylor's involvement with NPI attracted some attention because Taylor is also involved in more mainstream conservative groups, such as the Young America's Foundation, of which Taylor is a former executive director and a current board member.[5]

:skip: I could be wrong but NPI looks like a "suitcase" non profit...meaning it has only one real member/chairman/CEO who travels with the entire organisation in one suitcase soliciting funds from sympathizers...they have zero presence other than Mister spencer.


May 8, 2012
:francis: Are you serious??...Only one of those has a small following.American thinker ...obscure blogs with no following like Taki mag?? According to alexa most of their traffic comes from being confused with a brand of popular spicy corn chips.

And he wrote ONE article for them in 2007...Not exactly a regular contributor is he?

Youre trying to get pedantic to avoid the overall truth in my statement...when people say Alt right they think Alex jones,Glen beck....not this idiot and David duke..but the liberal media plans to change that using dumbass headlines like this.

Its a free keep being their sucker :hubie:

:yawn: is a fairly popular website. Its founder is Pat Buchanan. Taki Mag is more known among libertarians and such, but they definitely have a following. And they regularly publish well-known figures like Gavin McInnes. Whether or not "the liberal media" is credible is completely irrelevant to my point, which is that guys like Spencer really aren't that uncommon in the conservative media. And many of the things they say are consistent with stuff that appears on the sites I mentioned, as well as VDARE, and the Center for Immigration Studies. Also, Glenn Beck hates the alt-right (for now), so I have no idea why you even brought up his name.

You can't just respond to everything with "BUT MUH LIBRUL MEDIUHHHHHH." That's not how this works.

EDIT: And speaking of Gavin McInnes, he interviewed Richard Spencer on his show (or podcast, or whatever).


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
:yawn: is a fairly popular website. Its founder is Pat Buchanan. Taki Mag is more known among libertarians and such, but they definitely have a following. And they regularly publish well-known figures like Gavin McInnes. Whether or not "the liberal media" is credible is completely irrelevant to my point, which is that guys like Spencer really aren't that uncommon in the conservative media. And many of the things they say are consistent with stuff that appears on the sites I mentioned, as well as VDARE, and the Center for Immigration Studies. Also, Glenn Beck hates the alt-right (for now), so I have no idea why you even brought up his name.

You can't just respond to everything with "BUT MUH LIBRUL MEDIUHHHHHH." That's not how this works.

EDIT: And speaking of Gavin McInnes, he interviewed Richard Spencer on his show (or podcast, or whatever).


:lolbron:Look at the level youve sunk to in your battle against common sense...a smattering of published letters or opinion pieces is like a guest appearance on a TV show..David duke has been featured on every major news channel..does that mean they endorse his views?

If you cant show one popular conservative website or movement where this guy is a REGULAR and or PAID STAFFER with a sizable following youre just wasting bandwidth.

Nobody is denying there are white nationalists with blogs that see a few thousand hits but to say that they embody most of the spectrum or even form a significant minority is just plain dishonest.


May 8, 2012
Look at the level youve sunk to in your battle against common sense...a smattering of published letters or opinion pieces is like a guest appearance on a TV show.

And . . . why is that the standard again? Because you just made it up a second ago?

You think the mainstream media is shyt, and yet you consider appearances in the mainstream media to be a hallmark of respectability, which doesn't really make too much sense. But okay.

David duke has been featured on every major news channel..does that mean they endorse his views?

David Duke's most recent appearances on TV did, in fact, spark conversation about whether news channels were giving him (and Trump) too much airtime. So in a way, yes.

f you cant show one popular conservative website or movement where this guy is a REGULAR and or PAID STAFFER with a sizable following youre just wasting bandwidth.

What an arbitrary standard. So unless this guy is literally David French or Byron York, nothing else counts? :heh:

Nobody is denying there are white nationalists with blogs that see a few thousand hits but to say that they embody most of the spectrum or even form a significant minority is just plain dishonest.

I never said they "embodied most of the spectrum," mostly because that's a retarded combination of metaphors. But for you to deny that people like Spencer are even a sizeable minority shows exactly which one of us is being dishonest. If people like Spencer were at that low of a level, Steve Bannon would not be moving to DC come January.


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
@Aelyas en passant

Explain your avi choice. :francis:

And why are you always so slow to condemn bigots and bigotry?:upsetfavre:

As if I didn't already know the answer.:mjpls:
:rudy: Thats His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.

One of the greatest African despots who ever can you be "pro black" and not know this

oh wait

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
:rudy: Thats His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular.

One of the greatest African despots who ever can you be "pro black" and not know this

oh wait
If this response doesn't let you know good and for all how @Aelyas en passant rolls then I don't know what will. These dudes just love exposing themselves.

Notice how he glossed over my question about his support and, let's face it, love of bigotry. Why oh why would anyone do that? :mjpls:

Nice attempt to bait with that 'pro black' bit.:bryan: That's Forest Whitaker playing Idi Amin by the way.:ufdup:


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
And . . . why is that the standard again? Because you just made it up a second ago?
Theres this secret method called common should try it sometime

See ...A publication can accept a letter or opinion from anyone but to hire or make someone a regular they get vetted

You think the mainstream media is shyt, and yet you consider appearances in the mainstream media to be a hallmark of respectability, which doesn't really make too much sense. But okay.
When did i say theyre respectable????..i just said theyre obviously not gonna endorse a white supremacist....Lets leave the straw in the field for the horses brah

David Duke's most recent appearances on TV did, in fact, spark conversation about whether news channels were giving him (and Trump) too much airtime. So in a way, yes.
:ufdup: But nobody accused CNN or MSNBC of being platforms for nazis...because "common sense" tells viewers that they brought david duke on to defend his position...not that they like it or him

What an arbitrary standard. So unless this guy is literally David French or Byron York, nothing else counts? :heh:

:sas2: It would appear arbitrary to the people who are blinded by an agenda

I never said they "embodied most of the spectrum," mostly because that's a retarded combination of metaphors. But for you to deny that people like Spencer are even a sizeable minority shows exactly which one of us is being dishonest. If people like Spencer were at that low of a level, Steve Bannon would not be moving to DC come January.
:bryan: Like youve actually tried to be intellectually rigorous about this...stop pretending...You have no idea what numbers youre talking about..if you did we wouldnt be having this conversation...youre a emotion driven lemming relying on a corrupt media to misinform you.

Ive actually looked into the numbers of actual white supremacists out have a few other organisations
Into the Abyss: White Supremacist Groups/Gangs
Only about 25,000 Americans are hardcore ideological activists for the white supremacist movement, a tiny fraction of the white population. They are organized into approximately 300 different organizations. No two groups are exactly alike. They ranging from seemingly innocuous religious sects or tax protesters to openly militant, even violent, neo-Nazi skinheads and Ku Klux Klan Klaverns. The basic underpinnings of these organizations is they are rooted in religion, which is combined with a paramilitary, survivalists, or anarchists operational approach. Currently, Klan groups are on the decline while more Hitler-inspired groups, like the National Alliance and the Church of the Creator, are growing in numbers and influence. Swastikas and Uzis are replacing hoods and crosses.

Some 150,000 to 200,000 people subscribe to racist publications, attend their marches and rallies, and donate money. Approximately 100 hatelines are in operation, with recorded messages that propagandize the caller with hate-motivated speeches and publicize upcoming meetings and rallies. Because of their increasingly sophisticated use of the media and electronic technology, there are 150 independent racist radio and television shows that air weekly and reach hundreds of thousands of sympathizers.

Youre talking about roughly 200k people...thats why David duke took only 5% of the vote in his home state
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