In my experience, the limited access I had did nothing for me.
that's unfortunate.
The only thing that mattered was being in the room with ppl that matter or whatever. And it took 20 years for that to happen.
that's not good either
The only thing that college did was give me access to computer labs that gave me access to this and other things, that's the only thing that mattered.
No organizations or anything? Only the computer lab?
College has never been more than high school ya pay for.
100% disagree fam. 100%
The only thing you get out of high school is the ability to resist the urge to knock yo classmates teeth out.
You ppl can keep coming at me and imma keep saying College ain't shyt.
Yo where did you goto school? What kind of bozos were there?
If you a math wizard, college ain't help with that.
It can make those skills better and teach you to take those skills to think at a higher level.
If you got connections and a degree is a Fait accompli, college ain't help with that.
Again, 100% disagree.
Both me and my wife are EXTREME supporters of higher education. That is paramount in my home. But in addition to that, it's other skills and letting both of my sons know that networking and having other skills only enhance your profile with a college education if you go that route. It's 3 choices in my home; college, trade school, or military. All are viable options to further yourself. College definitely isn't the end all be all, but when taken advantage of appropriately, it opens doors.
When I was choosing schools, I was looking at places where I knew both the name and alumni network would give me a leg up in the workforce especially being a black man. I couldn't take the chance of going to Goonie Goo Goo State for thousands of dollars and no one taking it seriously. Or majoring in some bullshyt for the same high price that gets you nowhere when you get out. You can't be out here choosing BS degrees, can't be out there not networking or using the college's resources to get you where you wanna try be in life. Every single of my close friends and associates from school are doing well. Every single one. Even those who didn't even finish there but got degrees elsewhere.
Just like the military, you have to make college work for you. Just because you didn't have a good experience with it doesn't mean that many haven't. But you gotta be smart with the choices you make regarding what college you choose to invest your money. Choosing the right college and putting in the work there is critical.