Trump might be right about these Latinos fam

Kyle C. Barker

Migos VERZUZ Mahalia Jackson
Feb 5, 2015
Get our women to love their own hair. That would push the asians out.

Asian dominance in that market is predicated upon Black self-hate.

The market wouldn't exist if Black women loved themselves.

Yup. That's why I'm down with the natural wave and compliment every black woman that I come across that's doing it


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Where America’s undocumented immigrants work

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By Philip Bump March 27
Undocumented immigrants were more likely to work in white-collar jobs in 2012 than they were in 2007, according to new analysis from Pew Research Center. Overall, though, the occupations held by those who immigrated illegally and the rest of the population differ dramatically.

The chart below compares the undocumented population with all workers in the United States. Fields in blue are those in which undocumented workers are more likely to be occupied than the total population; those in red, less likely.


While the number of undocumented immigrants working in construction and production dropped 5 percentage points, 29 percent of the undocumented immigrant population still works in those fields. The percentage working in management and professional jobs increased from 10 to 13 percent over the five-year period.

As a percentage of industries, far more undocumented immigrants work in agriculture, construction and leisure than would be expected if considering only their density in the entire workforce.


The most common industry varied by state. In the South, it's mostly construction; in the West, leisure and hospitality.


Despite the shifts in where they're occupied, the total number of undocumented immigrants in the workforce didn't change much between 2007 and 2012.

ALL of these are jobs filled by non-Americans...and could be done by blacks seeking work


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
USA Commission on Civil Rights Report from 2008:

"The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers: A Briefing Before The United States Commission on Civil Rights Held in Washington, DC"

The Commission selected balanced panels that included Harry Holzer, professor of public policy at Georgetown University; Gordon H. Hanson, professor of economics at the University of California, San Diego; Julie Hotchkiss, research economist and policy advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta; Vernon Briggs, professor emeritus of labor economics at Cornell University; Gerald Jaynes, professor of economics and African American Studies at Yale University; Richard Nadler, president of Americas Majority Foundation; Carol Swain, professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University; and Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington, DC.



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Illegal (not in this case) and unskilled? Hell no. Not at the expense of the Black Community.

Refugees should be permitted...up to a point.

Let Europe and the Gulf States have them.

The US has taken in more illegal immigrants than damn near every other nation in Europe.

Illegal Immigration around the World: 13 Countries Compared to the United States - Illegal Immigration Solutions -


And the USA is in the top 10 of illegal immigrant countries around the fukking world:

The top 10 home countries of those illegal immigrants were the People's Republic of China, Vietnam, Thailand, The Philippines, Mongolia, Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, The United States of America, respectively.

Illegal immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



The Dude
Jan 29, 2016
And that's because we're both at the bottom of the barrel you fukking idiot. We both are the low class. We are the scum, the trash of America.

you fukking idiot, the white man doesn't give a shyt about Hispanics As much as they don't give a fukk about blacks.

We are the same to them.

Not white

And all you fukking idiots is spew this hate shyt, this divisive shyt. Exactly what your white daddy wants you to do. fukking idiot
Beaner stfu


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Cubans are rushing to the US border before an immigration loophole is closed

Cubans are rushing to the US border before an immigration loophole is closed

started detaining migrants at its southeastern border after police broke a human-trafficking ring that was smuggling Cubans through the country. Officials later backed away from the measure, granting some 1,000 Cuban immigrants humanitarian visas to continue their journey after they blocked a highway in protest. Nicaragua, the next country on their way to the US, responded by closing its border on Nov. 15, leaving hundreds of Cubans trapped in Costa Rica.

The Cuban Adjustment Act, the law that allows Cubans to stay in the US even if they arrive without a visa, was enacted in 1966 to manage an exodus from the island after the Cuban Revolution. President Bill Clinton later modified it to only include Cubans who touched dry land, not those intercepted in US waters, a policy known as “wet-foot, dry-foot.” Some half a million Cubans, including the father of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz, have become legal residents through the act.

While US officials have said they have no intention of changing that law as they revamp relations with Cuba, there is growing pressure to repeal it. Paul Gosar, a Republican congressman who represents Arizona, last month filed a bill to end the “wet-foot, dry-foot” policy. “If President Obama has normalized relations with Cuba, why would we treat illegal immigrants from that nation any different than those from other countries?” he said in a statement.

Support for the law is faltering even in Miami, the US’s Cuban-American stronghold. Speaking on a local talk show, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, a Republican congresswoman who fled Cuba when she was eight years old after Fidel Castro took power, said, “it wouldn’t break my heart if it’s done away with.”



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

The Liberal Case Against Illegal Immigration


Michal Czerwonka

Doug McIntyre

11.25.145:45 AM ET
The Liberal Case Against Illegal Immigration

Yes, we need to do something to help the undocumented immigrants already here—but not in a way that drives down workers’ wages.
As a kid growing up in New York I didn’t know anything about Mexicans. I knew Cubans and Puerto Ricans, but Mexicans? We might as well be talking about Martians. I couldn’t tell a burrito from a sombrero.

That changed when I moved to Los Angeles. Suddenly, Carvel was out and Chili Verde was in.

Los Angeles was wonderfully exotic; a polyglot mix of Aztec, Incan, Mayan and New World scents and sounds. Mariachis provided the soundtrack as the City went mad with Fernando-mania. Blonde kids named Kyle and Zack cheered on Los Doyers while wearing jerseys with “Valenzuela” on the back.

I vaguely remembered reading something about friction in the 40s, “The Zoot Suit riots,” and of course bigger trouble a hundred years before that, which is how we ended up with California in the first place. But to my untrained eye all seemed right between the USA and our neighbors to the south.

But all wasn’t right. Since the passage of Ted Kennedy’s Immigration Reform Act of 1965, America has wrestled with a massive influx of illegal immigrants principally, but not exclusively, from Mexico and Central America. The South West felt it first. Now it’s everyone’s problem.

Last week President Obama made good on his long-anticipated threat to “act if Congress won’t.”

Fresh off a Midterm Election disaster, President Obama got off the mat and threw a haymaker at his political enemies and the American public who overwhelmingly rejected his policies and brand of leadership.

By issuing an Executive Order expanding the concept of “prosecutorial discretion” to allow millions of illegal immigrants to stay and work in this country, the President has thrown down the gauntlet to opponents of amnesty.

“Pass a bill,” said the President. And that’s just what the Republicans should do.

The first order of business for the new Congress in January should be a border security bill that hits the ball back over the net and forces the President and his pro-amnesty party to put up or shut up; Either they believe in a secure border or they don’t.

The only way we’ll ever know is with a border security bill unencumbered by residual issues like H1B visas, the Dream Act, family reunification or amnesty.

By insisting on “comprehensive immigration reform”, a euphemism for amnesty, both Democrats and the corporatist wing of the GOP have offered bills that create the illusion of border security while simply replicating the same un-kept promises of the infamous Reagan Amnesty of 1986.

The Simpson-Mazzoli Act promised a “one time only” amnesty for 3 million people. Along with amnesty, our borders were to be secured once and for all. The undocumented got their documents and we got at least 11 million more illegal immigrants. The number could be much higher.

Former Wyoming Senator Alan Simpson-- the Simpson half of Simpson-Mazzoli-- blames the Right along with the Left.

“Grover Norquist killed the National ID Card provision and the Democrats killed the border fence”, said Simpson in a phone interview this week.

The Chamber-of-Commerce Wing of the GOP is still willing to punt away America’s sovereignty to ensure the steady supply of cheap labor their corporate string-pullers demand.

Meanwhile, Democratic leaders blubber about racism while cynically scheming for a permanent demographic majority. They apparently don’t care how much damage they’re doing to the poor and working class of this country by insisting on the very policies that hurt the poor the most.

According to the non-partisan Public Policy Institute, California has the highest poverty rate in the nation. California also has the largest illegal population.


In 2006 then-Senator Barack Obama understood how damaging illegal immigration is for the working people of this country.

“The number of immigrants added to the labor force every year is of a magnitude not seen in this country for over a century,” Obama wrote in The Audacity of Hope. “If this huge influx of mostly low-skill workers provides some benefits to the economy as a whole… it also threatens to depress further the wages of blue-collar Americans and put strains on an already overburdened safety net.”

Barack Obama was not the first Liberal to make this observation. Legendary Texas Democratic Congresswoman Barbara Jordan understood how millions of cheap laborers pouring across our southern border lowered the wages of all working men and women, especially African-Americans. Sxities icon Eugene McCarthy spent his final years warning about the negative impact of unfettered immigration. Perhaps the greatest irony remains that civil rights titan Caesar Chavez was a lifelong opponent of illegal immigration.

On August 4th, 1977, President Jimmy Carter issued a Presidential paper on immigration saying, among other things:

“In the last several years, millions of undocumented aliens have illegally immigrated to the United States. They have breached our nation’s immigration laws, displaced many American citizens from jobs, and placed an increased financial burden on many states and local governments.”

Carter went on to propose a series of reforms, focusing first on enforcement of our laws and establishing penalties for employers who knowingly hire illegal labor.

The Democratic-held Congress did nothing.

In 1979, then Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl Gates issued “Special Order 40”, an internal police directive, prohibiting LAPD officers from initiating a stop based on the suspicion a suspect may be in the country illegally. Special Order 40 is the granddaddy of sanctuary city policies that have been replicated in nearly every major city in America, encouraging millions to move north of the border.

The result has been catastrophic for the poor and working poor.

I learned the ugly side of illegal immigration from Black construction workers who, for whatever local anomaly, once dominated the drywall trade in Los Angeles. They complained their $18 dollar an hour jobs had fallen to $13 an hour before vanishing entirely as the industry was taken over by a largely illegal workforce.

Even with my B.A. in English I can understand the economics involved: lots of cheap labor cheapens labor. It’s supply and demand 101.

While local Democratic politicians exploited this new underclass to increase social service budgets and solidify power within their personal fiefdoms -- city councils, school boards and county boards of supervisors -- Corporate America lobbied for lax border security because they couldn’t outsource everything; hotel chambermaids have to be where the beds are. Same for driveway pavers and meat and poultry plant workers. It’s called “insourceing.”

What voters of both parties want is something so commonsensical you’d think even politicians would be able to grasp it -- first secure the border to stop the next 11 million from pouring in. Then deal with the host of significant residual issues starting with the Dream Act kids.

Unfortunately that’s not what President Obama has chosen to do.

With his Executive Order he’s hoping to bait the Republicans into a fight they can’t win: another government shutdown or maybe even a futile bid for impeachment, two roads the country clearly doesn’t want to travel.

But the country also rejects the road the President wants us to go down. On the eve of last week’s speech only 38-percent approved of his executive order plan.

Still, polls fluctuate. He’s undertaken a splashy Presidential tour to whip up support. And he has a news media eagerly cheerleading him on by saturating the airwaves with sympathetic stories showing the hardships faced by illegal immigrants without a peep about the human and financial toll that comes in their wake. So those poll numbers will likely improve.

What won’t improve is the plight of the poor who have to compete with even poorer people to maintain a toehold on the first rung of the ladder of success.

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
Holy shyt. I dont think I've ever encountered a group with a more toxic, and unbearably negative attitude than coli bruhs. If you guys arent bitterly attacking other races, genders, sexual orientations, etc with your poisonous bullshyt, you're taking a story like this, which has nothing to do with black people, and transforming it into a 'the black race is dying' fatalistic whine fest.

All this story is outlining is a moderately positive projection for others, and somehow it sends y'all off on the deep end. Its like you guys are a bunch of jealousy-minded, awful, bratty, children who are unmanageable and throw ridiculous tantrums every second. No way any of you guys spittin' this crazy shyt will go out to live productive lives, with a peace of mind with these childish ways.

Its truly some sad shyt to read. You're condemning yourself to misery.

Oh word? Got a solution?