Trump Media & Technology Group Corp. (DJT) - March to penny stock watch party


Oct 29, 2014

The fact that he still has time to put on his orange makeup is crazy


All Star
May 24, 2022

**What a boondoggle

Trump stock tanks after announcing massive share sale​

Trump Media & Technology Group’s stock is tumbling again after the company announced a potentially massive new influx of shares. The struggling company is rapidly losing money, and a new stock offering could help it stay afloat.

But there’s a downside to going back to the market with more shares: The addition of 21.5 million shares for sale announced Monday would add more than 15% more stock to the publicly available shares of the Truth Social owner. That would substantially devalue existing shareholders’ stakes — including that of former President Donald Trump. And it means that millions of shares could be sold off.

This filing seeks to register all shares related to the merger that took Trump Media public, including those that are tied to warrants. Warrants give the holder the right to buy shares of a company’s stock at a set price.
The belief is that they’re going to exchange the warrant for a share of stock and then immediately sell that stock,” said John Rekenthaler, vice president of research at Morningstar.

Matthew Tuttle, chief executive of Tuttle Capital Management, says that management would be “stupid” not to sell more stock, even though the move will upset shareholders.

Shares of TMTG (DJT) fell roughly 17% mid-day Monday. The stock had rocketed higher in recent months in anticipation of merging a blank-check acquisition company with Trump’s media business. But it has lost more than 60% of its value from its peak on March 26, the day after the merger was completed and it started trading publicly as TMTG.

“Whenever you see a stock jump, like you saw this jump, a secondary offering is always a risk,” said Tuttle. “I think a lot of investors in this don’t know that. … You’ve got a lot of probably Trump fans sitting there saying, what the heck?”

Still, the stock’s move lower based on this latest update will likely be temporary, he said.

“This is going to piss some people off. Other people might look at it and try to buy the dip,” said Tuttle. “As long as Trump is in the news in some way, shape or form, this is going to be a meme stock. People are going to trade it.”

Shareholders, including Trump, have already seen their holdings dwindle in value since the company went public.

Anyone who bought Trump Media at the closing high of $66.22 on March 27 has now lost more than half of their money. The steep declines have put a dent in Trump’s net worth. The former president’s stake was valued at $5.2 billion at the closing high for Trump Media’s stock price. As of Monday morning, it had plummeted to about $2.3 billion. Trump’s net worth fell about $400,000 Monday from the stock’s plunge.

This filing also seeks to register more than 146 million shares held by some stockholders for resale — including all 114.8 million of Trump’s 78.8 million current and 36 million potential shares that could be granted if the stock price holds above a certain level.

Although they won’t be able to sell those shares right away, this move means they’re one step closer to being able to once the rest of the prohibitions are cleared including a six-month lock up period, says Michael Ohlrogge, associate professor at NYU School of Law.


May 7, 2012

Making a post to really the troops to buy, only to see the stock take a 10% hit. :dead:

Insisting that the issue is some grand conspiratorial play instead of the market realizing that the main product lost the company money last year, and doesn't have the userbase to suggest that it ever will be. :dead:


All Star
May 24, 2022
Can you copy/paste the article. I’m getting a paywall.

Small-time investors in Trump’s Truth Social reckon with stock collapse​

Some Trump supporters who invested in his social media company have seen their share values plunge -— and see it as a test of faith​

Jerry Dean McLain first bet on former president Donald Trump’s Truth Social two years ago, buying into the Trump company’s planned merger partner, Digital World Acquisition, at $90 a share. Over time, as the price changed, he kept buying, amassing hundreds of shares for $25,000 — pretty much his “whole nest egg,” he said.

That nest egg has lost more than half its value in the past two weeks as Trump Media & Technology Group’s share price dropped from $66 after its public debut last month to $26 on Monday. But McLain, 71, who owns a tree-removal service outside Oklahoma City, said he’s not worried. If anything, he wants to buy more.
“I know good and well it’s in Trump’s hands, and he’s got plans,” he said. “I have no doubt it’s going to explode sometime.”

For shareholders like McLain, investing in Truth Social is less a business calculation than a statement of faith in the former president and the business traded under his initials, DJT.
Even the company’s plunging stock price — and the chance their investments could get mostly wiped out — doesn’t seem to have shaken that faith. The stock plunged 18 percent on Monday, and the company has lost more than $4 billion in value since its public debut last month.
As a business, Trump Media has largely underwhelmed: The company lost $58 million last year on $4 million in revenue, less than the average Chick-fil-A franchise, even as it paid out millions in executive salaries, bonuses and stock.
And in two years, Truth Social has attracted a tiny fraction of the traffic other platforms see, according to estimates from the analytics firm Similarweb — one of the only ways to measure its performance, given that the company says it “does not currently, and may never, collect, monitor or report certain key operating metrics used by companies in similar industries.”
But for some Trump investors, the stock is a badge of honor — a way to show their devotion beyond buying Trump merchandise, visiting Trump golf courses or donating to Trump’s presidential campaign.

Trump Media spokeswoman Shannon Devine said in a statement that “Truth Social has created a free-speech beachhead against Big Tech for a fraction of the start-up and operating costs that the legacy tech corporations incurred, while having no debt, more than $200 million in the bank, and the support of hundreds of thousands of retail investors who fervently believe in our mission.”
Trump Media has boasted that it has benefited from a flood of “retail investors” — small-time and amateur shareholders betting their personal cash. Its merger partner, Digital World Acquisition, said its shares were bought by nearly 400,000 retail investors, and Trump Media’s chief executive, Devin Nunes, told Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that the company had added over 200,000 new ones in the past couple of weeks.

“There’s not another company out there that has retail investors like this,” said Nunes, who this year will receive a $1 million salary, a $600,000 retention bonus and a stock package currently worth more than $3 million.
In an interview last month with conservative commentator Sean Hannity, the former Republican congressman recounted a recent discussion with Trump where the men celebrated having “opened up the internet and kept it open for the American people.”
“I’ll never forget the conversation we had,” Nunes said. “He said, ‘You know, once we’re all dead and gone, this will last forever.’”

Many of Truth Social’s investors say they’re in it for the long haul. Todd Schlanger, an interior designer at a furniture store in West Palm Beach who said Trump had been one of his customers, said he’s invested about $20,000 in total and is buying new shares every week.
Schlanger said he now watches his stock performance every day hoping for positive signs. In a Truth Social post last week, he encouraged “everyone who supports Donald Trump and Truth [Social to] buy a share everyday” and asked, “Do you think we have hit bottom?” (The stock has slid about 25 percent since that post.)
He suspects the recent drops in share price have been the result of “stock manipulation” from an “organized effort” to make the company look bad. There’s no proof of such a campaign, but Schlanger is convinced. “It’s got to be political,” he said, from all the “liberals that are trying to knock it down.”

That range of emotions is on full display on Truth Social, where thousands of mostly anonymous accounts have flocked to meme-filled investor groups, one of which is emblazoned with a computer-generated image showing Trump pumping his fist on a Wall Street trading floor.


All Star
May 24, 2022

After the billionaire media mogul Barry Diller called Trump Media a “scam” stock bought by “dopes,” one account, @Handbag72, claimed to have bought more shares, arguing Diller didn’t “get it” or was “at risk of [losing] $$$$.” The next day, the account shared a 2021 blog post from the investing forum Seeking Alpha saying Truth Social could be worth $1 trillion in the next 10 years.

But there are also flickers of uncertainty and disenchantment, with some saying they faced thousands of dollars in losses or had “risked [literally] everything.” One user who had posted “Tired of WINNING yet?” earlier this year when the stock spiked posted that the recent losses were “painful to stomach.”

“Come on DJT, every time I buy more, the price drops more,” the user @bill7718 wrote. “When will it be the BOTTOM!!” (He posted a chart Thursday showing the stock rising slightly alongside the caption, “moving!!” The price has since gone back down.)

The user @manofpeace123, who said they bought shares at $65 and that 71 percent of their portfolio was DJT stock, said on Wednesday that investing was a way of telling Trump, “I believe in you and I stand with you through good times and bad.” But a day later, the user added: “can’t help but feel sad. … feel like I’m trying to catch a falling knife.”

Another account, @realJaneBLONDE, posted on Sunday that she was “NOT panicked NOT worried” before, two days later, posting a message to Trump and congressional Republicans urging them to make it “illegal” to bet against or short-sell stocks.

“Sick of MY investment money being stolen!!” she wrote. “They’re stealing peoples money and you’re allowing it!!”

Some users said they were “baffled” by the stock’s ups and downs, and one asked for advice on how to tell her husband she didn’t want to sell. One user posted a meme image saying, “If you’re worried about your Money, Remember This, DJT stock is about FREE SPEECH & Without FREE SPEECH Money won’t mean much.”

But other users saw such questions as displays of unacceptable doubt. When the user @seneca1950 asked whether anyone was concerned that the company’s upcoming plans to issue tens of millions more shares would sink the stock price, two accounts criticized the account for spreading “FUD” — fear, uncertainty and doubt.

“Are you a Fudster,” wrote a user named “Jesus Revolution 2024.” Wrote another, called Rabristol: “You must be short with no way out!”

In moments of apparent despair, some users work to lift one another up by arguing that they are enduring the same kinds of “deep state” attacks that had long shadowed Trump himself. When user @BingBlangBlaow said they were embarrassed to be so “deep in the red” and questioned why “everyone [was] acting like everything is fine,” Chad Nedohin, a Canadian investor and prominent cheerleader of the stock on Truth Social and the video site Rumble, responded, “No [one’s] fine with it, but we are DJT now. The deep state is making their run at Trump … and us.”

The user, however, posted afterward that the argument left him unconvinced. “I’m tired of blaming the deep state,” he said. Later, he added, “You would think that the ‘biggest political movement of all time’ would want to support the man leading it and get much better numbers than” this. (The accounts did not respond to messages and offered no way to contact them.)

Carol Swain, a prominent conservative commentator in Nashville who previously taught political science at Vanderbilt University, said she invested $1,000 in Trump Media stock earlier this month, at $48 a share, over the objections of her financial adviser, who predicted the stock would dive.

“If I lose it, fine. If I make a profit, wonderful. But at the end of the day, I wanted to show my support,” she said. “There’s such an effort to destroy him and strip his wealth away, and so much glee about it. I would like to see him be a winner.”

She, too, suspects stock manipulation, arguing that “the people who hate Donald Trump would do anything to try to hurt him.” As for Truth Social itself, she said she posts there only sparingly and prefers X, where she has 35 times as many followers. “I have always wanted not to just preach to the choir,” she said.

McLain, the tree service owner in Oklahoma, said he believes the stock could “go to $1,000 a share, easy,” once the media stops writing so negatively about it and the company works through its growing pains. The company’s leaders, he said, are being “too silent right now” amid questions about the falling share price, but he suspects it’s because they’re working on something amazing and new.

McLain is an amateur trader — he invested only once before and “lost [his] butt” — and said he hasn’t talked to his family about his investment, saying, “You know how that is.” But he believes the Trump Media deal is a sign he is “supposed to invest,” he said.

“This isn’t just another stock to me. … I feel like it was God Almighty that put it in my lap,” he said. “I’ve just got to hold on and let them do their job. If you go on emotion, you’ll get out of this thing the first time it goes down.”

Razzan Nakhlawi contributed to this report.

Charlie Hustle

Light Bringer
Dec 4, 2015
Sin City


All Star
May 24, 2022
Close of day, this garbage is crashing faster than even I imagined





Rap Guerilla
May 1, 2012
The Chi (South Side)
that company has a multi billion dollar valuation which is crazy given in 1Q 2024, their revenue was ONLY 770K. the entire company is just another grift by trump.

outside of trump, NO ONE uses that bullshyt.

it says that trumps equity position in the company is at 59%, but he's NOT allowed to sell shares until september 20th. but his position is still worth over $2B.

u best believe he will start dumping shares the minute he's allowed to, and hopefully it continues to go into the tank up until that date.


All Star
May 24, 2022

Top Truth Social execs—including the CEO—are shedding stock before Trump even can​



“Truth Social is tanking because it is essentially a meme stock,” Robert R. Johnson, a finance professor at Creighton University and author of The Tools and Techniques Of Investment Planning, Strategic Value Investing and Investment Banking for Dummies, told Fortune. “The stock price of Truth Social is unconnected to the reality of the financials of the firm. In the first quarter of 2024, the firm lost $327 million on revenues of only $770,500. These aren't numbers that remotely support the current stock price, much less the atmospheric values—nearly $80—that the stock hit in late March.”


Redemption is Coming
May 4, 2012

Top Truth Social execs—including the CEO—are shedding stock before Trump even can​



“Truth Social is tanking because it is essentially a meme stock,” Robert R. Johnson, a finance professor at Creighton University and author of The Tools and Techniques Of Investment Planning, Strategic Value Investing and Investment Banking for Dummies, told Fortune. “The stock price of Truth Social is unconnected to the reality of the financials of the firm. In the first quarter of 2024, the firm lost $327 million on revenues of only $770,500. These aren't numbers that remotely support the current stock price, much less the atmospheric values—nearly $80—that the stock hit in late March.”

We warned them but they ain’t listened though 🤣