Trump just put in a rush order to execute 4 more Black folk before inauguration day


Jun 22, 2014
Like who the fukk was asking for firing squads to come back?

Seriously though - the state and federal injunctions on executions that don't meet standards can be circumvented with simpler methods of execution - and firing squads are one of them. Death penalty advocates have been pushing for it for years.


Oct 3, 2014
That's literally the exact thing White Supremacists say about black men getting shot by police and the entire prison-industrial complex.

You're simply ignoring that many of these people were just kids, or mentally disabled, or grew up in seriously abusive situations (one was even abandoned by his drug-addict mother). Their ability to make the right decisions at 18 isn't equivalent to yours. But beyond that, the question is about what decisions WE will make, about what makes us a civilized society.

We can do better.

There have been roughly 200 or so fatal shootings of black men by police in 2020 (you can look it up) .There's millions of us here. It's not as much of a pandemic as the media would have you believe.

And of those 200, how many of those situations were nuanced as opposed to just overt racist acts? How many were law abiding citizens of upstanding, stellar character who were just unfortunate to run into a white supremacist cop who wanted to take his life just because of the color of his skin and nothing else? How many were life and death situations?

Now are there KKK and white supremacists who infiltrate police precincts with the sole intention of afflicting black men? Sure. There's no denying that. Are police shootings the number one issue plaguing the black community when it comes to black bodies, per capita? Not even close. For every police shooting that occurs, there are probably a hundred that occur amongst ourselves. That needs to be the focus if you're sincere with your assertions of saving black lives. Not the cops.

I'm not ignoring anything. A lot of these kids, as you put it are products (victims) of broken homes and broken communities. Which by the way, is intrinsically linked to my previous statements. Still doesn't change the fact that they are capable of heinous acts. There has to be accountability. It's not the white man's job to sympathize. He wants you in the prison industrial complex as a legal slave (per the 13th amendment) and a stock option. It's all big business.

I agree, we do have to do better. Culture is the key.


All Star
Sep 29, 2014
BRANDON BERNARD does not deserve to die on Thursday!
-he was 18 and viewed as an accomplice!
-he was not there for the abduction and had no idea that a murder was going to take place. He simply made a wrong choice of following the wrong crowd. He should not have to pay for this with his life.
-The judge that sentenced him has since expressed regret for decision and even made a video statement to support a petition to save his life.
-Obama had a chance to look into this because the case came across his desk, but even HE didn't act on it. p*ssy!

"In 2015, however, McClung got a call from Bernard’s legal team, which was contacting jurors as part of a post-conviction investigation. By then McClung had moved his family to Tennessee, where he was working as a welder. In 2016, two investigators came and interviewed him on tape at his workplace. “I have for a long time wanted, wished for an opportunity like this,” McClung said. He expressed sorrow for the Bagley family. “I can’t imagine what they’ve gone through. I just would not want to see Mr. Bernard, who I don’t believe had any intention of killing anyone, have to die for this.”

McClung’s video statement was accompanied by a declaration that would become part of a clemency petition for Bernard. In 2016, his legal team submitted the petition to the Obama administration. But Obama never acted on it. "
Brandon Bernard Awaits Execution Amid Calls for Clemency (

He will be the youngest person that will be executed in 70 years. What does the Platinum plan say about ppl like Trump.


All Star
Sep 29, 2014
Mind you, Bernard and Christopher were both 18 and part of a case that was six years after Bill Clinton’s 1994 crime bill (that Biden and other BLACK legislator's supported) that expanded the federal death penalty, and new death sentences were climbing everyday. Then the cases get to Obama's desk and he simply shrugs his shoulder's.. now Trump is juelzing with Cube about plans for our community that includes prison reform, while he press forward to kill Bernard about less than a few weeks for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It's really some both-siders shyt, but at the very least Biden is seemingly putting forth an effort to make amends. I say let the mf try..

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

Let me ask you, did you expect trump to win? :patrice:
I didn't expect Trump to win but knew it was possible. White boomers still dominate our voting population. Why?

So far as us having a millennial president, the 2024 election will be the first one where millennial-and-younger voters will outnumber boomer-and-older voters. By 2028 and 2032, the % of voters who are millennial or younger will DWARF the % who are boomer or older. And the voters in-between (Generation X) are if anything moving more towards millennial views than boomer views. Within 10 years the Democratic primaries are going to be dominated by young and mostly non-white voters, and there will be so few old white people left to support Trumpian-style policy that the Republicans will have nothing but voter suppression and corruption left to support their bids, unless the party dramatically transforms in the next two elections.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
There have been roughly 200 or so fatal shootings of black men by police in 2020 (you can look it up) .There's millions of us here. It's not as much of a pandemic as the media would have you believe.

And of those 200, how many of those situations were nuanced as opposed to just overt racist acts? How many were law abiding citizens of upstanding, stellar character who were just unfortunate to run into a white supremacist cop who wanted to take his life just because of the color of his skin and nothing else? How many were life and death situations?

Now are there KKK and white supremacists who infiltrate police precincts with the sole intention of afflicting black men? Sure. There's no denying that. Are police shootings the number one issue plaguing the black community when it comes to black bodies, per capita? Not even close. For every police shooting that occurs, there are probably a hundred that occur amongst ourselves. That needs to be the focus if you're sincere with your assertions of saving black lives. Not the cops.

I'm not ignoring anything. A lot of these kids, as you put it are products (victims) of broken homes and broken communities. Which by the way, is intrinsically linked to my previous statements. Still doesn't change the fact that they are capable of heinous acts. There has to be accountability. It's not the white man's job to sympathize. He wants you in the prison industrial complex as a legal slave (per the 13th amendment) and a stock option. It's all big business.

I agree, we do have to do better. Culture is the key.
Oh, we got one of the, "American police and racism ain't as bad as it's made out to be" contrarians in here. :mjlol:

Since 2014, over 1700 Black men and women have been killed by American police. I have no idea what media you get your information from, but that number is insane, and I've never seen any outlet give it even close to the attention it deserves.

For comparison, in the same time frame German police have killed just 84 people TOTAL, of all races. British police are even better - they have killed 25 people, total, since 2014. I could go down the list of developed nations - every one of them has a police force that uses deadly force just a fraction as often as American police do.

If our police killing rate was just 50% higher than other similar countries, that would be cause for concern. Can you not see that the fact that American police kill Black men at a rate over 2000% higher than other similar police forces is a national catastrophe?\

And trying to cloak it in the same White Supremacist bullshyt "The problem is Black folk, not the police" misses the whole point. There is violence, drugs, mental illness, criminality, and brutality in EVERY nation. None of those things are unique to America. So why is America's methods of dealing with them so much worse? Why do we have by far the most incarceration, executions, police killings, and gun deaths of any developed nation and it's not even close.

Your answer is apparently "Black culture". :mjlol:


Lord have mercy!
Apr 30, 2014
Since September damn near everyone Trump has had executed or planned for execution has been Black. Gonna list them here:

Christopher Vialva: Convicted of murdering a couple in Texas in 1999 when he was just a teenager. During the trial prosecutors called him the leader of a "Black street gang" and emphasized his race as opposed to the race of his White victims. Documents the prosecutors failed to disclose showed he was actually seven levels away from the top of the gang hierarchy. Admitted to and repented of the murder in prison. In 2005 the Supreme Court outlawed the use of the death penalty for crimes committed before the age of 18 (the USA was literally the last developed country to still execute in such cases), but Vialva was 19 when he committed the crimes. Was 40 years old when he was executed on September 24.

Orlando Hall: A marijuana distributor who got stiffed by two of his dealers, went to their home to get them and only their sister was there. She was killed by a group of five men. Hall was convicted by an all-white jury in Texas in 1994, he is the only one of the five men on death row. He repented of the murder while in prison and expressed remorse, turning his life around. Executed on November 19th.

Brandon Bernard: Convicted for the same crime that Christopher Vialva was executed for. Was only 18 at the time of the murders and was not involved in planning them, was not even present when they were kidnapped, and did not kill either of the victims. His only involvement was driving the car afterwards and burning the car with the dead bodies inside. Convicted by a Texas jury of 11 White folk and 1 Black man. Documents the prosecutors failed to share at trial showed he was literally at the very bottom of the gang hierarchy. Five of the jurors who sentenced him to death have since changed their minds and said he should not be executed, citing falsehoods they were told by the prosecutor during the trial (the false claim that the couple was still alive when he set the fire and the false claim that he was likely to be violent in prison). One of the prosecutors on that team has now broken ranks and is fighting to stop the execution. He has been described as a model prisoner and stabilizing presence, and helped start a youth advocacy project. He is set to be executed on December 10th.

Alfred Bourgeois: Yet another Texas man, convicted for the 2002 abuse and killing of his own two-year-old daughter, shortly after a paternity test had shown he was the father. In the trial prosecutors stated that he killed the girl in a fit of rage after she accidentally overturned her toilet inside of the big rig he was driving. IQ tests have shown that he is mentally disabled, with an IQ of only 70-75, but this evidence was not presented at trial. He is set to be executed on December 11th.

Cory Johnson: Virginia crack dealer who was convicted of a series of drug-related murders in 1992. The victims were rival dealers, "snitches", and people who had "disrespected" the gang. Johnson was the son of a drug-addicted mother, subjected to physical and emotional abuse and neglect, and was abandoned by her at the age of 13 due to her inability to cope with his severe learning disabilities. He was then raised in a special home for children with intellectual and emotional impairments. At 18 he was released to the streets, where he became a dealer. Nothing regarding his disabilities was presented to the judge or jury during the trial. He is set to be executed on January 14th.

Dustin Higgs: Convicted in Maryland in 1996 of the homicide of a group of three women who had threatened to set him and his friends up after a date gone wrong. All witnesses agreed that Higgs did not kill any of the victims. Prosecutors argued that he had "bullied" the gunman into committing the crimes, but the gunman himself submitted a signed affidavit stating that was bullshyt and he had carried out the murders of his own accord, testimony supported by several other inmates who had shared a cell with the gunman but which was not allowed at Higgs's trial. Higgs was sitting in the driver's seat of the car while the gunman shot the women with Higgs's gun. The gunman, paradoxically, was only sentenced to life in prison. Higgs is scheduled to be executed on January 15th, MLK Jr. Day.

This post ruined my night, particularly the parapragp on Brandon Bernard.
Don't really know why, I'm not even american, but that shyt definitely hit.


Live as if BLM
Nov 15, 2017
Well then, if you are happy to be on the "short list" of China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, North Korean, Egypt, Pakistan, and Somalia, then don't be surprised that similar policies end up with similar results. The same mentality that leads us to be one of the few nations still ordering state-sponsored executions in large numbers is the mentality that leads us to be one of the few nations where police kill hundreds of their fellow citizens, is the mentality that leads us to lock up our own populace at a rate far higher than any developed nation, is the mentality that leads us to have far more gun deaths than any other developed nation, is the mentality that leads us to send our soldiers to bomb and kill black and brown people across the entire planet. It's not a coincidence that we're "special" in all those ways - it's all the same connected mentality.
Stop it.
Well then, if you are happy to be on the "short list" of China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, North Korean, Egypt, Pakistan, and Somalia, then don't be surprised that similar policies end up with similar results. The same mentality that leads us to be one of the few nations still ordering state-sponsored executions in large numbers is the mentality that leads us to be one of the few nations where police kill hundreds of their fellow citizens, is the mentality that leads us to lock up our own populace at a rate far higher than any developed nation, is the mentality that leads us to have far more gun deaths than any other developed nation, is the mentality that leads us to send our soldiers to bomb and kill black and brown people across the entire planet. It's not a coincidence that we're "special" in all those ways - it's all the same connected mentality.
I what you did there - you turned the list of countries that execute into a group that kills black and brown people.
Stay on point - the subject of our discourse is the willingness to execute convicted prisoners. I support capital punishment, at least in extreme circumstances, and I believe that at least some of these cases warrant fulfillment - race, birthdays, COVID, age and mental capacity notwithstanding.


Oct 3, 2014
Oh, we got one of the, "American police and racism ain't as bad as it's made out to be" contrarians in here. :mjlol:

Since 2014, over 1700 Black men and women have been killed by American police. I have no idea what media you get your information from, but that number is insane, and I've never seen any outlet give it even close to the attention it deserves.

For comparison, in the same time frame German police have killed just 84 people TOTAL, of all races. British police are even better - they have killed 25 people, total, since 2014. I could go down the list of developed nations - every one of them has a police force that uses deadly force just a fraction as often as American police do.

If our police killing rate was just 50% higher than other similar countries, that would be cause for concern. Can you not see that the fact that American police kill Black men at a rate over 2000% higher than other similar police forces is a national catastrophe?\

And trying to cloak it in the same White Supremacist bullshyt "The problem is Black folk, not the police" misses the whole point. There is violence, drugs, mental illness, criminality, and brutality in EVERY nation. None of those things are unique to America. So why is America's methods of dealing with them so much worse? Why do we have by far the most incarceration, executions, police killings, and gun deaths of any developed nation and it's not even close.

Your answer is apparently "Black culture". :mjlol:

That number sounds about right.
People shot to death by U.S. police, by race 2020 | Statista

Emote, downplay and exaggerate in your favor all you want. Doesn't change facts. And again, you're speaking as if every incident was racial and unjustified. Every incident is nuanced. Not binary and based on your partisan perspective.

You could multiple that 1700 a dozen times over and you still wouldn't come close to approaching the numbers I'm speaking about. You're only dismissive and disregarding because it's easier to play that game.

Murder in the U.S.: victims by race/ethnicity and gender 2019 | Statista

You can't compare America to fukkin Germany or Britain, dumbass :russ:. The Second Amendment alone kills that whole argument. The multitude of other factors need not even be mentioned. Nice reach.

And not to digress but, the lack of a strong foundational culture is why we're at the very bottom now. Culture is family and communal values. Spiritual belief. Understanding of Heritage, lineage and customs. It's a healthy understanding of commerce. It's wanting to elevate your people through the accumulation of power. nikkas always talking about Black Wallstreet and Wakanda while having buying power that exceeds 1 trillion dollars but will be the first one to let Zhang and Muhammad into your communities and give him your money when they wouldn't for you. Those communities were successful due to an adherence to strong culture. The fact that that's comical to you is why our people have a long way to go.

But back to the point, I'm not saying police shootings are not occurring or isn't an issue. I'm saying as far as black bodies is concerned, police shootings just isn't the biggest contributor.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Stop it.

I what you did there - you turned the list of countries that execute into a group that kills black and brown people.
Stay on point - the subject of our discourse is the willingness to execute convicted prisoners. I support capital punishment, at least in extreme circumstances, and I believe that at least some of these cases warrant fulfillment - race, birthdays, COVID, age and mental capacity notwithstanding.
I didn't "turn" one thing into another. I'm pointing out an entire web of shyt that's obviously connected. You don't think that our propensity for government-sanctioned state violence against our own Black and Brown communities is related to the government-sanctioned state violence that we commit against Black and Brown communities across the rest of the world? You think it's a coincidence that those nations which are most prone to executing their own citizens just happen to be the same nations that trample on human rights and spread violence in every other way as well?

Police killings
Mass incarceration
Mass homicide
Acts of war and terror

We're at the top of the developed world in all of them. That ain't NO coincidence.

Emote, downplay and exaggerate in your favor all you want. Doesn't change facts. And again, you're speaking as if every incident was racial and unjustified. Every incident is nuanced. Not binary and based on your partisan perspective.

You could multiple that 1700 a dozen times over and you still wouldn't come close to approaching the numbers I'm speaking about. You're only dismissive and disregarding because it's easier to play that game.

Murder in the U.S.: victims by race/ethnicity and gender 2019 | Statista

You can't compare America to fukkin Germany or Britain, dumbass :russ:. The Second Amendment alone kills that whole argument. The multitude of other factors need not even be mentioned. Nice reach.
You obviously aren't interested in an informed discussion - you've got your "culture" hill that you want to die on and feel justified ignoring literally everything else. Those "arguments" don't even deal with any of the issues I've put out there - you're just tossing out red herrings and straw men as an excuse to not engage.

First off, stating "we'll ignore 1700 state-sanctioned killings over 6 years just because there have been other killings too" is horrible logic. So if a factory poisons and kills 1000 black people, we should ignore that because smoking killed 20,000? If the KKK lynches 50 Black folk, we'll ignore it cause the Crips caught more bodies that year? State-sanctioned killing and the web of intimidation and violence it creates has FAR-reaching effects that go beyond those dead folk alone. You can't separate it from police intimidation, mass incarceration, and a host of other issues that plague our communities. Claiming that such a terrible body count can be ignored because you found another body count that's worse is ignorant as fukk.

Second, of course you can compare America to other developed nations. Throwing out "but 2nd Amendment!" does nothing to diminish that when you look at the actual numbers. Less than half of the Americans killed by police did not have firearms - so you have 500-600 a year who are not carrying a gun who are still killed. Compared to just 8 or so a year in Germany and 3 a year in the UK. And don't give the excuse "But the police might think they had a gun!" German and UK police always have to be prepared to assume that a criminal in their country might have a gun - there are millions of guns in circulation even there, and its always possible that a criminal could acquire one. But American police, hundreds of times a year, shoot and kill people who they KNOW don't have a gun, while in the rest of the developed world it hardly ever happens.

Again, if American police were 10% more likely to kill us, or even 30% more likely, then maybe you could argue about other factors at play. But it's not 10% or 30%, it's 2000%!!! Everyone who has ever studied these shootings and knows anything whatsoever about policing in other countries KNOWS that American police are far more trigger-happy than anyone else.

But I guess you're so focused on your "culture" agenda that you feel obligated to derail any white supremacy thread because only "culture" matters. :francis:

How da fukk does what you're doing here help us improve the culture anyway? :usure:


Jul 15, 2012
Detroit You bytch Ass nikka
I already listed 6 Black inmates who are being executed. 2 of them were teenagers when they did the crime, 2 were mentally disabled, and 2 were only accomplices who didn't commit the actual murder, whose prosecutors lied during the trial.

The Supreme Court decisions that said we can't sentence minors and mentally disabled inmates to death came AFTER these men were convicted. So we take more shyt into account now than we used to.

Read the thread before speaking ignorantly. These people were convicted in the 1990s in a different era. Since then the Federal Government put a hiatus on the death penalty and most states have stopped using it, realizing it's a relic of a barbaric age. 90% of the developed world doesn't use it anymore, and the ones that do only use it for the most heinous crimes, usually mass terrorism or similar.

There hadn't been a single federal execution in 17 years before Trump ramped them up this year. We were getting past that. Now he wants to put us back to the "Good Old Days", as with all his other policies .
I'm sorry for this........... But.............

I think pre meditated first degree murder that wasn't caused by serious emotional stress on the killer should be automatic death penalty :yeshrug:.

I hate to say this fukk shyt, but bro bro around the corner will think twice before he kills dawg with all the money who always stuntin.

shyt like this would fix hood murder rates, but it wouldn't help get rid of white mass shooters cause they all want to die at the end anyways.


Oct 3, 2014
You obviously aren't interested in an informed discussion - you've got your "culture" hill that you want to die on and feel justified ignoring literally everything else. Those "arguments" don't even deal with any of the issues I've put out there - you're just tossing out red herrings and straw men as an excuse to not engage.

First off, stating "we'll ignore 1700 state-sanctioned killings over 6 years just because there have been other killings too" is horrible logic. So if a factory poisons and kills 1000 black people, we should ignore that because smoking killed 20,000? If the KKK lynches 50 Black folk, we'll ignore it cause the Crips caught more bodies that year? State-sanctioned killing and the web of intimidation and violence it creates has FAR-reaching effects that go beyond those dead folk alone. You can't separate it from police intimidation, mass incarceration, and a host of other issues that plague our communities. Claiming that such a terrible body count can be ignored because you found another body count that's worse is ignorant as fukk.

Second, of course you can compare America to other developed nations. Throwing out "but 2nd Amendment!" does nothing to diminish that when you look at the actual numbers. Less than half of the Americans killed by police did not have firearms - so you have 500-600 a year who are not carrying a gun who are still killed. Compared to just 8 or so a year in Germany and 3 a year in the UK. And don't give the excuse "But the police might think they had a gun!" German and UK police always have to be prepared to assume that a criminal in their country might have a gun - there are millions of guns in circulation even there, and its always possible that a criminal could acquire one. But American police, hundreds of times a year, shoot and kill people who they KNOW don't have a gun, while in the rest of the developed world it hardly ever happens.

Again, if American police were 10% more likely to kill us, or even 30% more likely, then maybe you could argue about other factors at play. But it's not 10% or 30%, it's 2000%!!! Everyone who has ever studied these shootings and knows anything whatsoever about policing in other countries KNOWS that American police are far more trigger-happy than anyone else.

But I guess you're so focused on your "culture" agenda that you feel obligated to derail any white supremacy thread because only "culture" matters. :francis:

How da fukk does what you're doing here help us improve the culture anyway? :usure:

Yeah, I don't got time for this. It's clear to me now that you just want play the this perpetual victim angle. You're intentionally misquoting, deflecting, misconstruing, everything i say.

For example, I never once said to ignore the fact that it's happening. You got off track. We were talking about what is the main cause of black deaths in America. The problem is you're not willing to self scrutinize in order to self improve. You just want to blame the white man for all your problems. They're going to do what they do. It's what we do in response that matters.

State-sanctioned killings? Okay bro, how about you empower yourself and demand that legislation be passed in order to fix it?

You clearly don't understand how America works or the conditions the black man has within it. At all.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Yeah, I don't got time for this. It's clear to me now that you just want play the this perpetual victim angle. You're intentionally misquoting, deflecting, misconstruing, everything i say.

For example, I never once said to ignore the fact that it's happening. You got off track. We were talking about what is the main cause of black deaths in America. The problem is you're not willing to self scrutinize in order to self improve. You just want to blame the white man for all your problems.
No, we WEREN'T talking about the "main cause of black deaths in America". I never claimed that this thread was about that. We were talking about the state-sponsored executions of Black men promoted by White Supremacists. Which is part of a web of state-sponsored violence that helps make America a shytty place to be.

But for some reason you refused to talk about that. You jumped in saying, "Who cares?", and, "fake outrage", and "Y'all just trying to hate on Trump", and "I don't care if Trump does it or not."

THAT is the weak-ass deflection I was talking about. You came in and your first 3-4 messages were solely running cover for Trump's bullshyt. Now you want to change the tune and say, "Bu bu but the real issue is culture!" Well then start your own thread about how you want to change the culture. The fact that you ran in to an entirely unrelated thread doing everything you could to deflect from Trump's bullshyt exposes you as either an agent or an idiot. What the fukk you think the Black community gonna gain from that?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I'm sorry for this........... But.............

I think pre meditated first degree murder that wasn't caused by serious emotional stress on the killer should be automatic death penalty :yeshrug:.

I hate to say this fukk shyt, but bro bro around the corner will think twice before he kills dawg with all the money who always stuntin.

shyt like this would fix hood murder rates, but it wouldn't help get rid of white mass shooters cause they all want to die at the end anyways.

I get the idea but in reality it don't work cause murder ain't rational. No one rationally throws away their life to be in a prison just because they know there won't be an execution in it. Murderers do it either because they're caught up and irrational in the moment, or because they don't give a shyt what happens to them, or because they think they'll get away with it. If they were rational enough in the moment to weigh the consequences and "think twice" like you say, then they're be rational enough not to murder in the first place. That's why such a high % of murderers are young people, drug-influenced people or mentally disabled people - the ones whose brains ain't fully developed to think through the shyt.

Every study out there shows that death penalty has never worked as a deterrent. Being reckless with the death penalty has never dissuaded crime. Just look at that list of countries I gave where they still execute people in numbers, or look at which states still execute people, and you'll see that.

Not to mention all the innocent men who are convicted of murders they didn't commit, which you know happens way to much with our current police/justice system and is always going to happen far more to Black men than to White.