Did you qualify for Legal Immigration?

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The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
People speak English from all over the world, including a majority of Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Jamaica, Belize, basically all of the Lesser Antilles plus sizable minorities in a whole bunch of other African countries.

If anything, this may cause a pivot from Central and South America to Africa, India, the Caribbean and the Philippines as far as who gets to immigrate here.

I specifically said this is a three part qualification. Speaking English just lops off a few places. Now also add in the skills part. Probably having to do with higher education and degrees and such from accredited schools. Then also throw in you have to be financially stable BEFORE you get accepted

Again. I did not say no black people will get in. I said it will benefits Europeans more than anyone. Asians coming in second


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Tampa, FL
I specifically said this is a three part qualification. Speaking English just lops off a few places. Now also add in the skills part. Probably having to do with higher education and degrees and such from accredited schools. Then also throw in you have to be financially stable BEFORE you get accepted

Again. I did not say no black people will get in. I said it will benefits Europeans more than anyone. Asians coming in second

This law doesn't seem to affect educational visas. So anyone could still come here to go to college, temporarily at least.


Jul 17, 2012
I don't know and I don't think anybody knows, the only group it hurts for sure are hispanics

The English thing may end up helping black people because most Caribbean and African countries speak English and it would give Indians an advantage over Chinese

It will increase Canadians, Australians and Europeans but it's not like there is wave of them tryna come to the us

In the long term people will react to a change in the "market rules", that is the real reason you can't predict what will happen
theres alotta black europeans tryna get to us


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
millions of americans live in poverty, competing for resources. what the fukk do i care if ONE more person emigrates here until those people, OUR people are better off?

the best youve been able to muster is "a few doctors come over"? "this is how rome died off"? gimme a fukkin break :russ::russ::russ:
Why the fukk should we have to explain shyt to you?

"Oh fukk, CacMamba is a soulless retard who doesn't understand that our Country is directly responsible for ruining countless countries economic and political infrastructures, so when their citizens flee from the warzones we create in Latin America, South East Asia, and the Middle East we're partially responsible for their safety."

Any reason anyone gives to you, you just laugh off. As if that's a reasonable counter-argument. Asking how immigration benefits you is some white-male privilege shyt. You act like doing something that doesn't benefit you is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you.


May 20, 2012
Fun fact, family unification immigration is a white supremacist policy, the idea was that it would be used by the white majority in America

But it backfired because Europeans stopped coming and "people of color" started using it

Skill based immigration is the actual color blind policy

This is a stupid idea.

Most Africans that come here are not skilled. They come here on student visas for the most part and some as lottery winners. Skill requirements would devastate African immigration as the only reason most immigrants (including Africans) come here is for economic and educational opportunities.

With the growth of African Economies, Skilled Africans in 2017 are not looking to migrate to US in large numbers. In fact US educatedAfricans are starting to go back.
Apr 30, 2012
Yep. Rome was probably the most cosmopolitan empires of all time, largely because in comparison to other empires Rome would grant to conquered people or people who allied with the Roman state. For instance Caesars most crack units were made up of Gallic people's who he extended citizenship when he invaded Gaul (modern France)

The Romans argued about immigration just like we did.

In 48 AD, a discussion took place in the Roman Senate concerning the admittance of members of the Gallic aristocracy to the venerable body.

According to the Roman senator and historian Tacitus, there was opposition to the move; some senators said that Italy was perfectly capable of providing its own members, and that it was enough that northern Italians had been admitted without having to resort to foreigners who had been, until recently, their enemies in war.

But as Tacitus reports it, the then-emperor Claudius championed the move:

My ancestors … encourage me to govern by the same policy of transferring to this city all conspicuous merit, wherever found. And indeed I know, as facts, that the Julii came from Alba, the Coruncanii from Camerium, the Porcii from Tusculum, and not to inquire too minutely into the past, that new members have been brought into the Senate from Etruria and Lucania and the whole of Italy, that Italy itself was at last extended to the Alps, to the end that not only single persons but entire countries and tribes might be united under our name.

We had unshaken peace at home; we prospered in all our foreign relations, in the days when Italy beyond the Po was admitted to share our citizenship…. Are we sorry that the Balbi came to us from Spain, and other men not less illustrious from Narbon Gaul? Their descendants are still among us, and do not yield to us in patriotism.

Everything, Senators, which we now hold to be of the highest antiquity, was once new.

What the Romans can teach us on immigration and integration

The difference between Sparta and Rome was Sparta never changed. They fought the same, used the same equipment, had the same style of government no matter who they fought. Persians, Athenians, Thebans, Macedonians whatever they fought the same and expected their training to win the day. Until they were figured out, started losing fights, their population started to decline because of low birth rates, they were stuck in cultural stagnation which is death for any society.

The Romans used a Spanish sword (gladius), their shield and battle formation a Samnite design. When they were getting beaten by Carthage at sea they copied Carthagenian ship design. The Romans didn't like cavalry all that much so they hired Numidians and Gauls who were good at it.

Point being Rome integrated other cultures and people into their system and made them Roman, without that openness to societal change Rome wouldn't have lasted. They would've been a flash in the pan like the Spartans.

Hell, their emperors were coming from Africa after awhile

Septimius Severus - Wikipedia
Stop with the romanticizing of Rome's immigration policy, while completely ignoring how the very policy helped to destroy it from within

The Fall of the Western Roman Empire (also called Fall of the Roman Empire or Fall of Rome) was the process of decline in the Western Roman Empire in which it failed to enforce its rule, and its vast territory was divided into several successor polities. The Roman Empire lost the strengths that had allowed it to exercise effective control; modern historians mention factors including the effectiveness and numbers of the army, the health and numbers of the Roman population, the strength of the economy, the competence of the Emperor, the religious changes of the period, and the efficiency of the civil administration. Increasing pressure from barbarians outside Roman culture also contributed greatly to the collapse.
Fall of the Western Roman Empire - Wikipedia

7) Christianity and the loss of traditional values

The decline of Rome dovetailed with the spread of Christianity, and some have argued that the rise of a new faith helped contribute to the empire’s fall. The Edict of Milan legalized Christianity in 313, and it later became the state religion in 380. These decrees ended centuries of persecution, but they may have also eroded the traditional Roman values system. Christianity displaced the polytheistic Roman religion, which viewed the emperor as having a divine status, and also shifted focus away from the glory of the state and onto a sole deity. Meanwhile, popes and other church leaders took an increased role in political affairs, further complicating governance. The 18th-century historian Edward Gibbon was the most famous proponent of this theory, but his take has since been widely criticized. While the spread of Christianity may have played a small role in curbing Roman civic virtue, most scholars now argue that its influence paled in comparison to military, economic and administrative factors.

8)Weakening of the Roman legions

For most of its history, Rome’s military was the envy of the ancient world. But during the decline, the makeup of the once mighty legions began to change. Unable to recruit enough soldiers from the Roman citizenry, emperors like Diocletian and Constantine began hiring foreign mercenaries to prop up their armies. The ranks of the legions eventually swelled with Germanic Goths and other barbarians, so much so that Romans began using the Latin word “barbarus” in place of “soldier.” While these Germanic soldiers of fortune proved to be fierce warriors, they also had little or no loyalty to the empire, and their power-hungry officers often turned against their Roman employers. In fact, many of the barbarians who sacked the city of Rome and brought down the Western Empire had earned their military stripes while serving in the Roman legions.

8 Reasons Why Rome Fell - History Lists

The phrase "the Fall of Rome" suggests some cataclysmic event that ended the empire that stretched from the British Isles to Egypt and Iraq. But there was no straining at the gates, no barbarian horde that dispatched the Roman Empire in one fell swoop. Rather, the Roman Empire was challenged from within and without, changing over the course of hundreds of years until its form was unrecognizable. Historians have put the end of the empire at many points on this continuum; the Fall of Rome is rather an idea, a syndrome of various maladies that changed a large swath of human habitation over many hundreds of years.

By the time Rome had become an empire, the territory covered by the term "Rome" looked completely different. It reached its greatest extent in the second century A.D. Some of the theories on the Fall of Rome focus on the geographic diversity and the territorial expanse that Roman emperors and their legions had to control.

The extensive empire put such a strain on Roman coffers Emperor Honorius sent letters to the Roman cities in England to tell them they'd have to fend for themselves. [This marks the end of the period of Roman Britain.]

By the third century, it was sometimes hard to tell Roman from barbarian. In addition, Romans regularly employed "barbarians," -- the Huns and Vandals -- sometimes in double crosses
What Factors Caused the Fall of the Roman Empire?


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
This is a stupid idea.

Most Africans that come here are not skilled. They come here on student visas for the most part and some as lottery winners. Skill requirements would devastate African immigration as the only reason most immigrants (including Africans) come here is for economic and educational opportunities.

With the growth of African Economies, Skilled Africans in 2017 are not looking to migrate to US in large numbers. In fact US educatedAfricans are starting to go back.

i guess you are responding to another post cuz you arent disputing anything i said in that post, the fact is family unification was originally a white supremacist policy

a skill based visa system is a color blind policy #facts

but i dont know what will happen to black immigration, changing the rules will change people's behavior so its a mistake to extrapolate from current patterns

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Why the fukk should we have to explain shyt to you?

"Oh fukk, CacMamba is a soulless retard who doesn't understand that our Country is directly responsible for ruining countless countries economic and political infrastructures, so when their citizens flee from the warzones we create in Latin America, South East Asia, and the Middle East we're partially responsible for their safety."

Any reason anyone gives to you, you just laugh off. As if that's a reasonable counter-argument. Asking how immigration benefits you is some white-male privilege shyt. You act like doing something that doesn't benefit you is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you.
This is exactly how donald trump won. He realized that for all the lip service people give, at the end of the day, they only care about themselves

If people really cared as much as they say they do, this country and world wouldn't be in this position. But we don't. We want to know one question....

"How is this going to benefit me"

If what you talking about isn't benefiting me somehow, then I may give a few bucks. I may raise a stink. I may act hurt. But really, we don't care.

If Americans (and I am one) can get 10k more a year, fukk the refugees, immigrants, poor, sick, dying, and whoever else. Give me my job and my tax break.

Look at any policy that helps millions yet raises taxes a dollar, and we'll start bytching about it. Then in the same breath TALK about how we should be ending poverty. If tomorrow someone came out and said we are going to cap all wages in America to 40k but there will be nobody ever poor again, we'd vote that shyt down in 3 seconds

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Why the fukk should we have to explain shyt to you?

"Oh fukk, CacMamba is a soulless retard who doesn't understand that our Country is directly responsible for ruining countless countries economic and political infrastructures, so when their citizens flee from the warzones we create in Latin America, South East Asia, and the Middle East we're partially responsible for their safety."

Any reason anyone gives to you, you just laugh off. As if that's a reasonable counter-argument. Asking how immigration benefits you is some white-male privilege shyt. You act like doing something that doesn't benefit you is the worst thing that could possibly happen to you.
i acknowledge this all the time, because it's true

and i dont ask how immigration benefits me, because i know the answer; it doesnt :mjlol: im just indifferent to it. i couldnt care less if immigrants come here; that means BOTH that they're welcome to come, and i dont give a fukk if this law passes

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
This is exactly how donald trump won. He realized that for all the lip service people give, at the end of the day, they only care about themselves

If people really cared as much as they say they do, this country and world wouldn't be in this position. But we don't. We want to know one question....

"How is this going to benefit me"

If what you talking about isn't benefiting me somehow, then I may give a few bucks. I may raise a stink. I may act hurt. But really, we don't care.

If Americans (and I am one) can get 10k more a year, fukk the refugees, immigrants, poor, sick, dying, and whoever else. Give me my job and my tax break.

Look at any policy that helps millions yet raises taxes a dollar, and we'll start bytching about it. Then in the same breath TALK about how we should be ending poverty. If tomorrow someone came out and said we are going to cap all wages in America to 40k but there will be nobody ever poor again, we'd vote that shyt down in 3 seconds
what if im not thinking of myself, im thinking of the americans who are already here?

napoleon posts data and articles all the time about how immigration HURTS poorer americans. the fact that i agree with that makes me what, exactly?


May 20, 2012
i guess you are responding to another post cuz you arent disputing anything i said in that post, the fact is family unification was originally a white supremacist policy

a skill based visa system is a color blind policy #facts

but i dont know what will happen to black immigration, changing the rules will change people's behavior so its a mistake to extrapolate from current patterns

I was referring to the effects of this claim you made.

"Skill based immigration is the actual color blind policy"

It will negatively impact African immigration to the US as I explained. Which is the goal of White supremacists like Bannon.

Actually Bannon doesn't care about skilled vs Non Skilled immigrants. He publicly told Trump he doesn't even like the number of Asian CEOs in Silicon Valley. Whether you recognize it or want to admit it, this is about making this country as white as possible.

The policy advanced is just a pretense for the ultimate goal of ridding non-whites from so-called "white" countries.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
I was referring to the effects of this claim you made.

"Skill based immigration is the actual color blind policy"

It will negatively impact African immigration to the US as I explained. Which is the goal of White supremacists like Bannon.

Actually Bannon doesn't care about skilled vs Non Skilled immigrants. He publicly told Trump he doesn't even like the number of Asian CEOs in Silicon Valley. Whether you recognize it or want to admit it, this is about making this country as white as possible.

The policy advanced is just a pretense for the ultimate goal of ridding non-whites from so-called "white" countries.

skill based being a color blind policy is not an opinion its a fact.

family unification being intended for europeans to bring family members in to keep america white is also a fact, but white supremacists made the same analytical error you are making and you are trying to make me make, which is extrapolating from current patterns of behavior

you dont know how it will impact african and caribbean immigration and neither do i, we know that it will end the current pattern, we dont know whether it will increase or decrease black immigration and we dont know what patterns will form in the future

its better to have a color blind skill based system and then plan from that IMO

as far as the white supremacist, i agree that they want to reduce non white immigration and the skill based system is a cover for that, but guess what? as @Call Me James 's sig says, in this particular issue they are correct, the best chess move for black people is to stay neutral or go along with it due to the fact that under the current system, black immigration is minimal compared to other parts of the world so even with black immigration black people went from the biggest minority group to second, in a couple of decades AA were to headed to native american status in america, hillary losing and trump stopping the wave and hordes of people from my girls part of the world gives black people some time to come back up and continue plans for black domination
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