Trump called racism a HOAX. Says, RIP to Tangibles.

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016

There's no audience to persuade


Surely the people you're arguing with will never lose enough IQ points to agree with you...

Yet YOU are making YOUR case on here..

Why? If there's no one but you and the other poster you're arguing with reading this

Because this is a discussion forum and people talk shyt to each other. That's how it works. It's the reason you typed this foolish post to me. When someone says something stupid or calls me out, I get the urge to correct them. Consider yourself corrected.

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
Man, you looking funny in the light. Peep it, you're in a thread that's titled, "Trump called racism a hoax. Says, RIP to tangilbles". And your posts in here is attacking Democrats and Joe Biden.


You forgot to highlight the "RIP to Tangibles" Part. Why was that in the title? That and the numerous posts on the front page telling us to come on in. The thread title and a few posts on the front page was a call out to people that want tangibles for their vote, and so they showed up. What is it that you aren't getting about that?

If two cars don't have a/c, and someone calls out one car that doesn't have a/c, I'm gonna call out the other car that doesn't have a/c. No one's attacking the democrats, we're comparing what the democrats are offering with the Republicans. That's how a competition works. You compare both sides. This narrative of people attacking the democrats is dead on arrival. We would criticize Trump more if people on here were begging us to vote for him.

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
Pay her no attention bruh...she's their attack dog for whenever the rest of the anti-voters feel things are getting out of hand for them in threads so they send her as backup to “bark” everybody down.

Only recently a month ago she's jumped on the anti-vote/anti-biden campaign while ignoring everything Trump says and does.

If people were begging us to vote for Trump, we would be shytting all over him. Not everything is a conspiracy.


Apr 14, 2015
Getting real sick and tired of George soros and these elite trying so hard to basically turn this country out with their bullshyt. I wont be voting for Trump or Biden. I'll be voting for Sonic the hedgehog if I feel like voting.
So your ok with Trump winning then:francis::francis::francis: you do realize Trump is against homesexuality

Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
It's pretty telling that these both siders, tangibles morons, and internet provocateurs see a thread quoting Donald Trump in his own words, and their first thought is to accuse people who merely acknowledge the obvious and point out how dangerous, bigoted, criminal, and incompetent that Orange demon is as shilling for the Democratic Party.

Or my favorite, when they try and justify their 100% to 0% ratio of smoke they have for Democrats vs. Republicans with weak ass shyt like "We already know Trump or Republican X is a racist cac, there's no need for us to point that out". I think some of them are actually stupid enough to believe that people will really fall for that frail ass excuse of a rebuttal. :russ:

Not voting as an eligible voter is by definition an act of acquiescence to the current political climate. Which means you're either content with the state of affairs in the country, or too much of a bytch to advocate for a change in a different direction.

So which one is it? :sas1:

Not voting is actually a rejection of the status quo. Tangibles crowd put reparations in the mainstream. You and people like you have not moved black people forward at all. One side is making a hell of a lot more progress in a much shorter time. Now you tell me who's down with the status quo.

And you people keep saying we're secretly voting for Trump. Our whole message is reparations and tangibles that neither party is offering. If I'm criticizing and pressuring the Dems for not offering tangibles, how is that secretly supporting the Republicans? They're not offering tangibles either. Oh because this message makes some black people not want to vote? Who's fault is that? We're going to have a party for us to vote for next election, don't even worry about it. And then what will you be able to say? Nothing. We won't be wasting anymore time on the Dems or Republicans. You guys are fast running out of conspiracy theories.

You guys are misunderstanding attacking for pressure. We're pressuring the Democrats to give black people something tangible in return for our vote and threatening them with our loss of support if they don't comply. We can't do that with the republicans, because they don't need us, because we never vote for them in large numbers. Black people that hate themselves vote Republican, and that's a small minority of black people. But keep the conspiracy going though,

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
Man, you looking funny in the light. Peep it, you're in a thread that's titled, "Trump called racism a hoax. Says, RIP to tangilbles". And your posts in here is attacking Democrats and Joe Biden.

Gotta be an agent hence the reason I have them on ignore.

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
This EXACTLY what you DNC shills are doing when you’re begging us to support politicians who do absolutely nothing beneficial for us. You’re all nothing but a bunch of bullshytting ass hypocrites that look to Democrats as our masters and saviors.

“Vote for Biden, or you’re a c00n”

”If you don’t support Democrats, you’re a MAGA”

“The Dems are the only ones that can save us!”

“Youze better be happy with the crumbs that Massa Democrats gives us!”

“Even though that haven’t done shyt and have been more detrimental to us, you better support Democrats!”

“Even though they’ve done more harm than good, It’s tradition for Black People to vote Democrat! Just keep blindly supporting them, c00n!
Bro, I think you're a good poster, but this is so avoidant of the reality of the situation it actually can be considered offensive and disrespectful towards high information black voters as if we just aren't capable of seeing the issues and candidates for what and who they are.

I don't have anything else to say to that, cause you're entitled to your opinion. But if you can't see the anti-black racism progressively getting worse with Trump's embrace of fascism, authoritarianism, white grievances, and outright castigation of black people that want justice...then what is there really to say?

Like you don't have to call us "c00ns" and "slaves" cause we see that trump is turning up the racism to Nazi, Germany levels. When is it gonna be real to y'all who act like this "both sides" thing is true? Is it gonna be real when we're hauled off to gas chambers and ovens and have numbers on our backs? We don't want it to get to that point cause history has a nice way of repacking itself for modern audiences.


and this is Life As Tha Mac
Jul 24, 2014
You forgot to highlight the "RIP to Tangibles" Part. Why was that in the title? That and the numerous posts on the front page telling us to come on in. The thread title and a few posts on the front page was a call out to people that want tangibles for their vote, and so they showed up. What is it that you aren't getting about that?

If two cars don't have a/c, and someone calls out one car that doesn't have a/c, I'm gonna call out the other car that doesn't have a/c. No one's attacking the democrats, we're comparing what the democrats are offering with the Republicans. That's how a competition works. You compare both sides. This narrative of people attacking the democrats is dead on arrival. We would criticize Trump more if people on here were begging us to vote for him.

So people calling you out for not voting means you got to attack Democrats? And your tunnel vision is so narrow that you just miss the highlighted part of Trump calling racism a hoax? Your tunnel vision is so narrow you don't see Trump trying to overturn black people's Civil Rights with his dialing back on discrimination training? Your tunnel vision is so narrow that you would willingly sit by and let the most powerful white nationalist in the world remain in office?

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Cobalt Sire

All Star
Nov 22, 2016
So people calling you out for not voting means you got to attack Democrats? And you tunnel vision is so narrow that you just miss the highlighted part of Trump calling racism a hoax? Your tunnel vision is so narrow you don't see Trump trying to overturn black people's Civil Rights with his dialing back on discrimination training? Your tunnel vision is so narrow that you would willing sit by and let the most powerful white nationalist in the world remain in office?


We're being critical of the democrats in an effort to get tangible things for black people. We can't pressure the republicans because we don't historically vote for them. I'm not saying it's the perfect plan, but that's the whole goal. Trump is probably the worst president ever, and yeah it's going to suck if he gets another term, but we gotta keep the pressure on democrats to get us something. That's just our stance. Not everyone has to follow it.


Jun 11, 2012
So your ok with Trump winning then:francis::francis::francis: you do realize Trump is against homesexuality

It doesnt matter. We are fukked either way. I'm not going out without making a mark though. Rather be a revolutionary creating a new lane than the same bullshyt. Somebody has to do it. We wouldnt be here if those that came before us weren't cowards. If anything, Trumps presidency is showing how complacent we were since the damn 60s into the 70s. By the 80s and 90s... we all the way fukked up. It's not that society changed. It's that we fell asleep. Now we are seeing the consequences of that and the reality of what being too comfortable looks like. 20 years ago, you wouldnt even see this shyt. Its crazy.

And in terms of gay rights... I said this way back after the supreme court decision in 2015 I think.. folks cant get comfortable or even think for a minute that shyt is all sweet and it's a post homophobic or transphobic society or that those rights cant be stripped away in a heart beat. That's how folks get caught slipping. Hell, if anybody's rights is threatened or isnt protected or isnt being treated fairly, that should be a concern for EVERYBODY. Because anybody is fair game.

The thing that surprised me is how quiet folks have been towards the number of transgender rights being scaled back and anti transgender laws being pushed on the low. I dont even think I've heard or seen any transgender rights group say anything about it. If I can recall, Idaho did some ban this year.

Idaho governor signs two bills that limit the rights of transgender people - CNN

We have way too many people that want change but scared to change the system they are living in even if it means resisting by doing some shyt like getting entire towns or people to organize to weaponize their vote. Hold that vote hostage. Biden wants that vote. He better start those reparation for black american ados and black America period. You got that Delaware money Joe. We know.
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and this is Life As Tha Mac
Jul 24, 2014
We're being critical of the democrats in an effort to get tangible things for black people. We can't pressure the republicans because we don't historically vote for them. I'm not saying it's the perfect plan, but that's the whole goal. Trump is probably the worst president ever, and yeah it's going to suck if he gets another term, but we gotta keep the pressure on democrats to get us something. That's just our stance. Not everyone has to follow it.

All that holding Democrats accountable was good in 2016. But in 2020 after seeing what Trump is about should make you put your pride aside, realize the threat at hand, eliminate the threat by voting it out then hold the Democrats in office accountable for tangibles. What good does it do to be demanding tangibles of a party that doesn't even hold the executive office?


NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
I don’t care about you idiots obsession with politics, a majority of you folks will be dead within three years anyway so I laugh at the energy invested in this shyt.

I do like parity and non bias...unfortunately, that’s lacking. If there’s a circle jerk to be had, it’s between posters like you and @G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman.

You seem to be a fairly well connected guy in various circles. Is there any specific doomsday scenario you are implying with the death claim or does it just stem from general disdain about what opinions you are coming across from some posters?

G.O.A.T Squad Spokesman

Logic Is Absent Wherever Hate Is Present
May 12, 2012
im sick of you fakkits disrespecting black people's intelligence. this is a tired and old white supremacist type of reply to get black people to keep voting and getting nothing in return.
Yo bytch ass telling black folk not to vote so Trump and the racist Republicans can stay in power and you want to talk about disrespecting black folk intelligence? :camby:
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