True Vice City Stories

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Eventually she made it back to my car. From there we examined the nights events.

1. Fake Cuban falls down stairs and loses a tooth.
2. I get accused of attempted murder and her boyfriend gets bodied because of it.
3. Proposal gone wrong.
4. Lori gets a facial with beer.
5. I run into the fakkit from 3 years ago who tried me. He gets his revenge punch.
6. I mistakenly knock out my homegirl with a backhand.
7. I get thrown down stairs.
8. I catch a kick to the nuts and then am kicked out the club.

I am done I say. :beli: My body can take no more. Happy New Year.

I stay in Miami one more day and then drive back home to Jax. Lori had already planned to come up to Jax that weekend. She was on vacay and was going to spend some time with friends. Hit me up on Sat and asks what I am doing. . .And the rest yall already know.

I of course told yall the story about Earthquake sonning me. The first part of the story was lost when :hamster: got gunned up and clapped quick. So here is Part 1 of the fukkery.

All of this started because of my home girl Lori.:francis: Lori was a home girl in every sense of the word. She is like one of the fellas. She can out drink and party anyone. And I am including me. Many times we have partied and I have been done dealing by 6am. Only to keep going out of spite because she was just getting started. We have been friends for a long time and our relationship was circled around vodka, clubs, and . . well vodka and clubs. :yeshrug:
Lori and I never had a romantic relationship. I was never interested in her sexually at all. For one, I have seen the riff raff she usually hooked up with.:scust: and they looked very scruffy. Secondly there was something about her that turned me off on a sexual level. Maybe it was her agnostic beliefs, or the fact that the decades of wearing flip flops have turned her feet into Flintstone replicas.


We never hooked up or even kissed. But she has on occasion cock blocked me inadvertently. . .And this time she cock blocked me good.:leostare:

I was hanging out with Lori on a Saturday night. We were talking about going out to a club in Jacksonville but neither of us were eager to visit Jax's meager clubs. We had just came back from Miami and literally partied all night on Ocean Drive then hit Club Space for afterhours. We had a crazy fukkery filled night to say the least. :facepalm: I took one day to recuperate. . Then drove back to Jacksonville. She was on vacation and drove up to Jax to hang with friends. Now it is a Saturday night. What is there to do I said? She was studying the Folio ( Jax Events Paper ) and said excitedly..

"EARTHQUAKE IS HERE! LETS GO! WE CAN CATCH THE 10:00 SHOW AT THE COMEDY ZONE!":gladbron::gladbron::gladbron:

I would soon see Earthquake live for the first time. . Sadly for me it was not to be the last. :mjcry: