
May 5, 2012
North Jersey
let's discuss the below comment...we're not going to even take into account the fact we have no idea how these characters are going to develop.

from what you know about the 3 main cops of this season, i want you to name a Television cop who's story mirrors one of theirs. with a mix of and
But thats not my issue, most shows pull of the same 3 cop tropes. The problem is when you have 3 of the 4 main characters are tonally the same, folks start to lose interest.


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons
I'm a fan of exposition, but think it was a little bit over done this episode. Vaughn's opening scene was glaringly bad, but I felt that Ray and Antigone's convo in the car wasn't all that necessary. Antigone watching porn told me more about her character than her talking about herself in detail. That's my only gripe so far though. I had a pretty good feeling that this season would be harder for many to get into once I heard about the general plot summary. Season 1 was very straight forward and was much more of a generic cop show than people are claiming this season is. It was a whodunit but people fell in love with it because of the occult backdrop and intriguing lead characters. You give people this mythical Yellow King to obsess over and they'll eat it up, word to the smoke monster from LOST. This season we're being hit over the head with corrupt politics, business deals, industrial towns and all the jargon that comes with that. It's been an extremely dense two episodes as far as what's being digested. A guy with a bird head letting his shotty blast is more interesting than a dude talking about double mortgages. The Yellow King gave people something to latch onto, something to theorize about. A lot more attention has to be paid to what's going on thus far this season than last. For those that find it boring, this season is akin to season 2 of The Wire. Drugs and gang warfare is more interesting than ports and unions. Yellow Kings and cults are more interesting than the transit system, city managers, and land deals. As the story opens up I'm sure it'll become a little more accessible to people. I'm enjoying it though:manny:


May 25, 2015
Im less concerned about Ray's gunshot wounds than what that sick fukk in the bird head costume is gonna do to him ... :merchant:

Why everyone is ignoring this and is more concerned about Paul being gay amazes me.

At this point, I want to know more about the bird gang. There was a bird head in the car with Caspere and his forehead looked like a bird was pecking at it. Not to mention, in the psychotherpist's office there was a painting of the same bird the man that shot Ray was wearing.

I'm going to re-watch the episode later but I remember Frank mentioning something of a secret society in a throwaway line that might come back. I don't like theorizing, especially with this show but I think there's a secret society that have some real power that we're glossing over. Think Eyes Wide Shut, Hot Fuzz, Stonecutters sh!t.

masters of sex had a booty juice second season

Ooooh lawd that season was bad.

I loved last season and thought the first episode of this season was really solid. That said, last night's episode was the weakest of all of all of them. The writing and direction were both off.

Let the show unravel brehs.

The Vince Vaughn beginning was awkward, but it added depth to his character. I think he did a good job later in the episode establishing himself as a gangster. Boardwalk Empire taught me that you cannot go into TV shows/movies thinking a certain actor can't pull something off.

Vince has been given the weakest lines next to Taylor. There's so much you can work with. This season doubled it's lead stars and each have complicated backstories. It's gonna take time, just hang on or bounce. It's that simple. Go wait another six weeks before the finale so you can binge watch it. Nick Pizzolatto upped the anti and made it more difficult, salute that man. He really doesn't give a fukk what his critics say. Think it's a coincidence that that reporter got beaten up by Ray in the first episode? :usure:

If you watched Boardwalk Empire week to week then you know what a slow burn feels like. This is a slow burn show, this isn't Law & Order SVU one case a week.

I'm just saying - the same things people are complaining about this season were there in season 1 too. I really don't understand how anyone can hate on this season if they enjoyed season 1 so much. Just let it play out...


Well, what do we know. We know Casper was involved in some weird shyt. We know girls are missing. We know there's at least one dude running around in a mask, maybe more. Sounds like some possible underground secret society sex ring shyt which may or may not be related to season one though it'd be dope if it was. Casper flew too close to the sun. The city is under investigation and with that some heads are gonna roll, Casper was the first because I'm guessing if the state police arrived at his home first they would have uncovered some crazy shyt that could be pinned on very important people.

See.. I don't think the plot is an issue at all. Two episodes in and I'm liking where it's headed. The last 10 minutes sold me on the plot.

The writing, however, needs to be cleaned up a bit. Nick is trying to be TOO slick with it which would work fine for a grade A actor but Vince Vaughn is not that. He's okay. He's doing well but honestly I think the role of detective would have suited him much more than midlevel crime boss. Colin Farrell and Rachel McAddams are killing their roles tho. They'll be fine.

Paul is the worst character so far and not because of Taylor's performance. He's been okay too. It's just that now we are being beat over the head with the gay shyt. They've been very subtle about Black Mountain and I'm interested in that but the faq story, the Viagra, the male prostitutes... nah...

Also, Rachel's dad. I think he's a red herring. Maybe he's a real a$$hole but I don't think he's involved in the missing girl or Casper's death. I think he's just a loon. :manny:

:salute: you for actually watching the show.


Sinister is a system
May 3, 2012
Was The skeleton in the blue veil at the porno house also in season one? I remember seeing it somewhere and would love if its connected to season 1 somehow. Like season 3 with different detectives tied to the same yellow king shyt then season 4 bring everybody to wrap it up.

Oh Colin got shot in the Dyck like casper so if he lives after that he aint a happy pappy


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Rewatching the ep its a good season but such a fallback from last :scust: the writing aint seein season 1 im sorry :scust: the acting too.................Woody and Matthew were on they GOAT shyt now we got Vince Vaughn opening monologues u tryin not to change the channel for :scust: this biker dude is an interesting character but the actor cant pull it off IMO he should be much better portrayed than he is so far. Rachel just there so far, Colins killin it fa sho doe but some of those lines :pachaha:

cinematography is still :smugdraper: status doe

BTW spoiler here dont click the link if u aint wanna know what happens to Colin :mjcry:



Aug 23, 2014
No Whammies!!
Well, what do we know. We know Casper was involved in some weird shyt. We know girls are missing. We know there's at least one dude running around in a mask, maybe more. Sounds like some possible underground secret society sex ring shyt which may or may not be related to season one though it'd be dope if it was. Casper flew too close to the sun. The city is under investigation and with that some heads are gonna roll, Casper was the first because I'm guessing if the state police arrived at his home first they would have uncovered some crazy shyt that could be pinned on very important people.

See.. I don't think the plot is an issue at all. Two episodes in and I'm liking where it's headed. The last 10 minutes sold me on the plot.

The writing, however, needs to be cleaned up a bit. Nick is trying to be TOO slick with it which would work fine for a grade A actor but Vince Vaughn is not that. He's okay. He's doing well but honestly I think the role of detective would have suited him much more than midlevel crime boss. Colin Farrell and Rachel McAddams are killing their roles tho. They'll be fine.

Paul is the worst character so far and not because of Taylor's performance. He's been okay too. It's just that now we are being beat over the head with the gay shyt. They've been very subtle about Black Mountain and I'm interested in that but the faq story, the Viagra, the male prostitutes... nah...

Also, Rachel's dad. I think he's a red herring. Maybe he's a real a$$hole but I don't think he's involved in the missing girl or Casper's death. I think he's just a loon. :manny:

I don't think he's a red herring. Casper's psychologist mentioned him by name, and HE's definitely involved. He's got a crow-man on his wall.
