Well, what do we know. We know Casper was involved in some weird shyt. We know girls are missing. We know there's at least one dude running around in a mask, maybe more. Sounds like some possible underground secret society sex ring shyt which may or may not be related to season one though it'd be dope if it was. Casper flew too close to the sun. The city is under investigation and with that some heads are gonna roll, Casper was the first because I'm guessing if the state police arrived at his home first they would have uncovered some crazy shyt that could be pinned on very important people.
See.. I don't think the plot is an issue at all. Two episodes in and I'm liking where it's headed. The last 10 minutes sold me on the plot.
The writing, however, needs to be cleaned up a bit. Nick is trying to be TOO slick with it which would work fine for a grade A actor but Vince Vaughn is not that. He's okay. He's doing well but honestly I think the role of detective would have suited him much more than midlevel crime boss. Colin Farrell and Rachel McAddams are killing their roles tho. They'll be fine.
Paul is the worst character so far and not because of Taylor's performance. He's been okay too. It's just that now we are being beat over the head with the gay shyt. They've been very subtle about Black Mountain and I'm interested in that but the faq story, the Viagra, the male prostitutes... nah...
Also, Rachel's dad. I think he's a red herring. Maybe he's a real a$$hole but I don't think he's involved in the missing girl or Casper's death. I think he's just a loon.