Gotta be honest. Got no fukking clue what's going on
From what I understand:
Vince's plan was to buy some land to get this high speed rail going
He had the city manager of Vinci that was gonna make that happen
City manager ends up dead without making the land transactions
Vince is fukked because all of his money is probably with whoever killed the city manager and his old mob ties had something riding on this deal and they're gonna want answers
Vince going back to his old ways, bringing the goons out to find out what happened
The city of Vinci had some type of agreement where they keep 75% of their tax revenues instead of giving it to the county
Of course, the state doesn't like that agreement, so they're using the city manager's death to investigate Vinci, which will result in a bunch of findings of corruption, bribery, etc.
The city manager loved prostitutes, so they're looking at any hos or escort services he may have used
City officials told Colin to make sure they don't get too close to finding out the fukkery involved in the city
Rachel's people told her Colin was dirty and he might try to play her
Riggins just wants his job back