What do you esteemed detectives think abut this tweet from nic (creator/writer)? He links an article.
What do you think about what the article says and Nic's endorsing(?) of it?
A summary of what the article goes into detail on:
I tried to tell people a long ass time ago "The King In Yellow" has no clues regarding this show. That's why I was
about the book suddenly flying up Amazon's best seller's list. Aside from the name itself and referencing Cassila's Song this show has zero ties to the play.
The King In Yellow, Carcosa, "black stars" etc. are great material for a creepy cult but the less we know about it the better. There is only vague references to it in the original fiction, anyway. I don't suspect "True Detective" will give it any kind of connective mythology.
But Pizzolatto needs to stop fronting. Acting like
"I had no idea people would over analyze the show and look for clues". Breh you name dropped Bierce, Chambers, Lovecraft and cosmic horror several times in various interviews. Don't sit there and act surprised when people read too much into it.