I’m not saying Tez can’t succeed. I love dude, and I think he’ll do great things in timeSince when did in ring matter when you’re talking about a headlining superstar? 8 years ago there were a bunch of guys all around the same age (Roman, Seth, Dean, Big E) all going for the spot of John Cena’s successor and Roman got the spot when he was the worst wrestler and talker of the bunch at the time. Why can’t they throw Montez in the ocean and let him swim and prove it? I think Marlon Wayans is an incredible actor too, easily the best in his family.
I think my point is he’s still learning this wrestling thing and is very rough around the edges (he’s the reason Orton is injured by the way)
But some of you are not only ready to fast track him into the main event of mania, but literally screaming racism and “tripLe Kkkh hATes BLacK pEople” because he’s not undisputed champion..
Like calm down brehs.. enjoy the ride. Stop upsetting yourself trying to fantasy book shyt. We all know homies career trajectory, and he’ll get there. You ain’t gotta throw a fit because he isn’t a triple crown grand slam champion 3 years in. It’s not that serious
When he starts chasing R Truth around, and not a appearing on tv for months at a time, then we can have that conversation